FedUP with Fedex!!!


Staff member
Well like most people I am sitting around waiting to see if my order will come or not. Ended up having to chat with Northshore because FedEx has no clue what happened. Good thing I have a bunch of extras. Now I am just questioning if I should order more so I don't have to have stuff shipped to Florida during Thanksgiving.

Ugg why don't we have a medical supply-only shipping company???
I have issues with UPS in Mn, fed ex is actually on the ball here. But shipping anything is disastrous now a days!!

I have 75 betterdry already and have 40 magamax on the way. But Likely going to order another case of one or the other. My issue is that I need the megamax for my trip to Florida so I ordered them really early. But, My disability payments don't come in until the 18th of each month so I have enough to buy more this month but have then will be in Florida during the time I get my next deposit. So I am likely just going to order more now so I can just travel with them rather than have them shipped and then have to deal with shipping issues.

I am only going to be in Florida for six days max so no point on shipping stuff there.
We live in a suburb of the Kansas City Metropolitan Area. Our neighborhood has some unique problems with deliveries because of the way the developers named and numbered our addresses. In this subdivision everything is named Meadowlark plus something else: Meadowlark Dr., Meadowlark Cir., Meadowlark Pl., etc.. To make it more confusing for the delivery drivers some of our house numbers are duplicated, like: 123 Meadowlark Dr., 123 Meadowlark Cir., 123 Meadowlark Pl.. If the driver isn't familiar with our problem they often deliver to the wrong house. We understand why that happens, but recently:

Our next door neighbor received 2 boxes by FedEx. They were addressed to someone in Texas! No part of that name or address was correct! That took a lot of mistakes to have it delivered to Missouri! It had to pass through lots of points in their system with nobody noticing the error.

I'm guessing that the error is in the point of entry to their system where the written address gets converted to a barcode; after that, no one looks at the address again.
I have had much better results recently. Placed an order with Northshore last Thursday got them on Sunday while in the hospital (neighbor brought it in). Getting a case of wipes delivered today and was shipped yesterday from North Carolina. Ups is delivering booster pads that I ordered on Tuesday today. I also had meds delivered via FedEx office and they arrived next day. Things seem to be sorting themselves out here.
I had a bad FedEx experience recently. My new company sent me a ton of computer hardware for overnight delivery (can you imagine the cost?!?!?!!??? it was supposed to be delivered on Friday. Somebody had checked off that it was a residential address when actually it’s a commercial address. So even though it was FedEx express, they insisted that only ground will deliver on the weekends. They told me I wouldn’t get it until sometime this week on a weekday. Yet it showed up on Sunday after all! I only had a couple of hours to get it together and get to know the system.
Does FedEx use the same system as the Post Office? When Zip odes came in, they were ignored and the usual mistakes continued, maybe increased. "AK" is the abbreviation for Alaska. Our Zips start with 99---. But, lo and behold, the post office continued to send letters to Arkansas. AR has zips from 71--- to about 729--.
Now, they use the those "barcodes". But someone has to use eyes and hands to enter that.
Do you remember a few months ago when the Postmaster General got rid of those auto-sorter machines?
So does FedEx use bar codes?
Anyone can purchase software that takes your zip (and the rest of the address?) and produces either a bar code or compares it to the name of the state. [as long as your state isn't "meadowlark". And the person who is doing the address, originally, even puts in the Pl, Dr, Cir, etc. Heel. How long would it take the FedEx driver go to each of those places to find the one it's addressed to? And who was the idiot that named Meadowlark?]
Hi FlGuy and others of us who have supplies delivered. Even if you have the slightest thought that you will need something do order it as you as you even entertain such a thought!!
The supply chain system in this country has gone straight to hell and there's no telling when things will finally straighten out. People who usually work in shipping things have quit, or taken early retirement or just don't want to work. And it's showing!
But you had a good idea of having a shipping company that only ships medical supplies. Not being a business major or even a business maven, I don't know how practical something like that would be and whether or not it can make it. But a company like that should be able to know how important it is to get medical supplies delivered in a timely fashion. That would be their Number One priority!
Should be getting my order tomorrow. Stuff was sitting on a FedEx truck for two days and was not even scanned in yet except the receved scan. The amazing people at Northshorecare got to the bottom of it quick and are even sending me some extra stuff. Yeah I think I know where I will be ordering from in the future.
We've come to a time of absolutely impersonal and unhelpful service in all arenas of commerce but North shore goes above and beyond to create assistance and personlized service with dignity and compassion.

I didn't expect them to be as good as they were. I really like the Magamax so figured I would order a case. Well Northshorecare is sending me two extra packs because of FedEx. That means a lot.
Well, I think North Shore totally gets it!!!!😊😊😊😊😊
All of these outfits that do customer service should take lessons from North Shore!!
I remember when FedEx used to actually care about customer service. Do you remember: "when it absolutely, positvely has to be there overnight?" Business is so good for them that they just don't care. Customer Service are foreign words to Fed Ex. Too bad!
@justej yeppers. Got the whole order plus the extra packs that they sent me. Yeah never had better customer service than with Northshorecare.
This does not relate to our issues here, but FedEx is the only service that will ship firearms. (At least that was the way it was about 7 years ago.) Also, they must be shipped to the address of a federally licensed firearms dealer - not to an individual consumer. That adds to the cost of the shipment, because the dealer will require a fee to be part of the transaction.
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