Facebook post by Anonymous

Those dang pee dreams get me just about every time. Wake up wet. Ugh!!!!

Anyone else having them pee dreams?

For me it usually is where I am desperate to pee and either make it just in time to pee in a toilet or bush, or I don't make it and wet myself I the dream. Either way 80% of the time I'd say I end up waking up wet.
Back in my younger days, after a long night at the Disco Club, I stumbled home.
Thinking I had better Piss before passing out, I staggered blind-drunk into the restroom.
........And Pissed into the clothes hamper. Well, the clothes hamper was white, had a lid on it, and was about the same height as the toilet.
Back then, I could get hard as a rock, F**k all night and up into the wee hours of the morning;
go up on the roof, stand 3 or 4 feet from the edge, and Piss a solid stream all the way over the edge of the roof and onto the sidewalk below. Those were the days. Now, after radical prostatectomy without sparing either nerve bundle, my poor Pecker will never get hard again spontaneously; and I am totally incontinent. Damn I wish I was 18 again.
Well Will im sure im glad Im not a pedestrian and youre not 18.
Hopefully youve learned to clean a laundry hamper by now too...
All kidding and bluster aside sounds like you're grieving. As Kalil Gibrajan said, "the moving finger writes, and having writ moves on. And all thy piety nor thy wit can cancel half a line."
So, listen to music old or new until you feel something stirring in your head some rush of memory in your heart. Know that its uncomfortable to be privileged to be here, now, feeling those feelings having those memories but we are fortunate to have lived back then.
As i said to my brother when he was in boot camp, "keep yer pecker up".
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