Experience with Poise Impressa bladder supports for owmen?


Staff member
Hi, all. I've been testing Impressa bladder supports, which are tampon-like inserts (that cause the vaginal wall to press against the urethra, or some such thing). There's a sizing kit available for trying each size: 1, 2, or 3. They give you one support of each size, but packaging also says it can take weeks to determine the best size. I had good luck with size 1 the first time I tried it, but now I'm getting leaking. Leaked with sizes 2 and 3. They're not cheap and can't be worn for more than 12 hours/day. I was hoping the product would allow me to wear a bladder support with a less huge pad when I'm out and about, but now I wonder. Nothing else my primary care person has suggested is working.

Also trying to reduce anxiety. Anyone had experience with Dr. Bri Grogan's pelvic floor videos? A PhD phys. therapist, she emphasizes strengthening not just pelvic floor muscles alone through Kegels but working on muscles throughout the body that connect to the pelvic floor (via fascia -- connective tissues -- or something?). Also stresses relaxation as well as strengthening and suggests tools for reducing anxiety. Thoughts? Thanks!
Hi Rabbit well thank you for the impress up date.

It sounds like you don't feel the leaks were smaller quantities although obviously one wants zero leaks.

Have you tried CBD oil for anxiety? I have not and yet I know it is very helpful to some people. I don't know if you get in a capsule form or what!!
@Maymay941 THC/CBD tends to make anxiety and depression worse for those who are anxious or depressed to begin with, including me. Ask any psychiatrist and they’ll confirm it.

Plain CBD without the THC is as much of a hoax as anything good ole Mr. Kellogg used to pander. If anyone uses plain CBD without THC and thinks it works, it’s purely a placebo effect. There’s no science behind the efficacy of plain CBD. On the other hand, there is plenty of evidence that THC can make a difference in pain for people. I’ve never had pain relief from neither THC nor CBD of any sort. I’ve tried all kinds of ways of applying/taking it creams, oils, pills, gummies, vaping, and smoking) because I had a lot of hope in the beginning. I experimented with all kinds of doses. The only benefit I get from it is that in small doses, like 1/8 of a gummy (2.5 mg), it can sometimes help me fall asleep but the trade-off is I always wake up incredibly grouchy and feel depressed and extra anxious until about 7:00 p.m. - muted - the next day. So I don’t take it very often because it’s not worth the side effects, nor is it worth the cost. The price of THC in Utah is regulated by the state of Utah, and we have the highest prices in the nation ($40 for 10 gummies of 10 mg each, which in CA and NV the same would cost only $17 - which is still expensive, more expensive than getting properly dosed and LEGAL psych meds for symptoms like anxiety, ADHD, pain, and insomnia). So I’d say try it 1-5 times but be prepared that it may not help you at all and may even make you feel worse. Make sure you read up about local law enforcement where you live treats those who have a medical card.

Even though I’ve had a medical card for several years for THC and it’s legal, I live in the most conservative state in the nation (the only state with a DUI limit of 0.05), and cops here THRIVE on all kinds of ways to ruin the lives of those who take THC for medical reasons. You can’t legally drive with the product in your vehicle, even when it’s unopened, so how are you supposed to get it home from the store to your house?! You just better make sure you don’t get pulled over or in an accident when you’re moving it, or you’ll get a DUI with a possession charge.

Also, it’s illegal - and really stupid - to drive while you’re high. Fine. However, if you got pulled over, and they thought you’d done something really stupid and they wanted to do a blood test on you which you can’t refuse, you would test positive for THC a minimum of three to four weeks even if you hadn’t just used the THC. Sometimes, your body stores THC in your fat reserves and then if you lose weight 15 years later, the THC gets released, and then you test positive AGAIN, even if it’s been a decade+ since you last used it. So I really don’t think it’s worth using. It’s still way too dangerous in the eyes of the law. To give you a comparison, heroin, cocaine, mass, etc. are all out of your blood within 72 hours and cannot be found during drug tests. But THC can last forever in your body so it’s a pretty serious thing to commit to doing before you do it, contrary to what teenagers and some adults would you have think.

@rabbitb3 My cause of OAB is Neurogenic Bladder, meaning the nerves between my bladder and my spinal cord are severed, which cannot be repaired. Impressa is only for those with mild stress incontinence only - those who only experience light leaks (think of the quantity a light pad could catch) when coughing, sneezing, exercising, and laughing, typically as a result of having had all your tissues stretched out irrevocably by pregnancy. Impressa would never fix my problem as my problem is that my bladder nerves are no longer connected to my brain. I’ve never been pregnant so I don’t experience stress incontinence.

Also, remember the warnings on menstrual tampon packages? “Don’t wear for more than four hours or you may get toxic shock syndrome, which can be fatal.” Then why does Impressa think it’s okay to have something foreign inside your body for an entire 12 hours at a time? I don’t think that’s safe. I would never leave one tampon in for that long. I would follow the four-hour rule of menstrual tampons, with which women have had 92 years of experience as they were invented in in 1931. Impressa is brand new, so I wouldn’t trust that 12-hour rule.

My body couldn’t handle the irritation from having the same tampon in for 12 hours, especially as the string would become quickly soaked with urine. I wouldn’t want that festering in my private parts for very long. But I have odd latex, etc. allergies as a result of Oral Allergy Syndrome. But pads are far more irritating than tampons. I’m so glad I never have to use either again! Pads definitely don’t cut it for my urine loss; I need a pull-up.

Sorry to hear it didn’t work out for you. Men have soooooooooo many more options than we do, yet more than half of women experience incontinence of some sort by age 55 and 82% of all the humans who experience incontinence are WOMEN. So why aren’t we the ones who have the most options?!?!?!?!!!!!!! Oh, that’s right, because men are the inventors and the business owners and control what gets made, and the only thing they think women are good for is sex. They don’t care about which incontinence options we do or do not have at our disposal; they only care about which products they have at their own disposal, and they rule the world, especially our country.

I hope you can find something that works for you in the ways you’d like it to. Thanks for sharing your Impressa experience with us. I wish this topic had been posted in the private women’s group.
Thank you both so much for all this information! And @snow, for your personal story as well. There's a private women's group? Yikes, sorry about that! Hmmm, with so many women living with incontinence, you'd think there'd be a ton of money to be made on effective products -- so men, join us in thinking about new and useful meds and equipment!

I'm having a very hard time dealing with this condition. I appreciate and did try the great ideas from you all about what to bring along for a long day out or for traveling, but on a brief trip, I actually needed to change pants and undies several times in less than a full day. One of the public bathrooms was pretty scuzzy, too, and it took forever. I never felt the leaking. Why do I do so much better at home, when I'm not doing much at all, but then it gets so bad away from home? That makes me pretty sure this is mostly psychological (and some physical) stress. And having had a couple of big babies. I REALLY don't want to be confined to home; there has to be a way to fix this. Right?
Rabbit have you asked your doctor about a pessary??

I don't think they have many solutions especially for women.
Personally I would not want painful Botox injections or interstim an implant but they seem to be working with others.
@rabbitb3 Bladder Botox, which you get from your urologist, reduces my OAB by 95%! I can’t recommend it enough!

I think it’s probably more likely that the reason you’re experiencing more leaks when you’re out and about rather than at home is that you’re probably more active when you’re out and about, correct? For instance, the amount of walking you would do within your home is nothing compared to the amount of walking you do in a grocery store, right? Sounds more about exercise rather than anxiety, necessarily.

I agree that a pessary is worth looking into. There are hundreds of kinds of those. They’re similar to Impressa, but they’re not a tampon and you keep them forever. Google them and you’ll see some ideas of what they look like. You can either use them every day, or you can just use them when you’re going to do something active or exercise, or go to a party where you know you’ll be laughing a lot.

I hate scuzzy bathrooms! :)
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