

Staff member
Hi everyone, My problem is not incontinence. It's having to urinate a lot during the day, but at night, it's a nightmare. I'm up almost every hour to urinate. It's ruining my sleep. It seems to be worse at night.
I know I have to limit my drinking and all that, but sometimes, it does not seem to matter.
I went to a urogynecologist in New York City by the name of Dr. Kavener. She did not recommend medicine, but told me to needs to train my bladder. No luck!
I went to another urogynocolgist in New Jersey & he prescribed I think it's called Mytrobec, something like that, but after paying $150.00 for the prescription, I rad the contraindications and it's dangerous.
I am so confused and upset.
Anyone out there with any information please reach out to me.
So sorry you are dealing with this and have gotten such opposite views on this. My incotinenece started the same way after an accident I had years ago and has gotten progressively worse, but we are all different how we're affected. Do your research online and don't stop with one Dr or one medicine if that is the route you want to take. I took the same route for years and have decided that the mess are horrrible and have not ever worked for me and training is a joke for many of us. I truly don't believe Dr.'s don't have all the answers and allot of times are just shooting in the dark. Talk to others in this forum and do your research online and through your Dr. and I'm sure you will find what works for you, it's a trial by error kind of thing. Just don't rule out protection(pads,diapers,etc). Good luck and stay intouch
Sorry you having this issue. I had the same problem and found a doctor here in Maine who worked with me to try various medications. Sometimes when you read the labels, the contraindications can be scary but they are there to warn people and avoid lawsuits.
I had good response with medications for several years. (To clarify, only one at a time.) After few years, he told me about aa medical implant for over active bladder. I had my first one for seven years and it worked great! No meds needed! Then I had nerve damage from a severe back problem and then surgery. By then the Interstim battery was weak and he implanted another one in a different location. I actually did very well. The battery is supposed to last five years, mine went seven!
Try the meds that the doctor prescribes for you. They are working from experience. By the way, I hate to get up at night and I don't have to.
Keep us posted on your progress. I think you will conquer this!
Hello Debra!
It sounds terrible what you are going through. But you are doing the right thing in researching, connecting with other and ultimately you'll define your own treatment path. Hang in there.
I tried Myrbetriq a few years back. I had no side effects. But ultimately I discontinued it because it didn't alleviate my symptoms enough. I encourage you, however, to try it.
I also went to Dr. Kavaler. She prescribed Myrbetriq, which I have taken for a year now with no side effects, and Kegel exercises. Although they do not make my symptoms go away completely, they help a lot. I also use protection (pantiliners if I'm going out for more than a few minutes, pads for longer trips and while sleeping.) Have you tried keeping a "diary" for a month or so? I have found that my symptoms are worse if I have eaten some foods or had alcohol. Some foods, as well as alcohol and caffeine, have diuretic properties, which is something we definitely do not need!
Thank you for your input. I have no problem as of yet that I have to wear any kind of pads. I might consider taking the Mybetric. I'm just a little nervous as some people complained of dizziness and other side effects.
You are so right about the caffeine. I have limited myself to 1 cup a day. The alcohol could be a problem for me since I enjoy a cocktail with dinner. Again, thanks for your comments

If you go online there are coupons for Myrobetriq,my pharmacy looks for me, so I don't have to any longer, as I said to them if you don't want me to get the best price, then I need to look for another pharmacy,,, They got on the team after that!
Trospium 20mg twice daily got me through eight weeks of being bedridden. I restarted it a week ago being somewhat discouraged by at least two wettings a day. Two wettings in a day and I put on a diaper. That's my line in the sand. It has worked for me again. I'm so pleased. Please try it if you have not.
Acupuncture helped for my Nocturia. I was up all night and exhausted. It helped with going to the bathroom and sleep. None of the medication worked for me. Acupuncture did, and then when I tried "traditional" medicine it was the Tibial Nerve stimulation, which has not worked for anyone else that replied to me on the board
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