Easy Slide Bed pads?


Staff member
Here is my problem.
Does anyone know if there are washable protective bed pads that are made in a satin top?

I have trouble turning in bed with the 2 kinds of washable ones I have.
I get the best sleep on my stomach and always have. I start out lying on my left side, when that becomes uncomfortable I turn to my right side and then when I am in the zone to sleep I turn to my stomach. And then I don't move until morning.

I have both Osteo and Psoriatic arthritis, which means I am in a lot of pain most of the time. Now that I am having to use washable bed pads to protect my mattress. The w/bedpads are now causing me a lot of time energy and added pain to move comfortably in bed. Satin sheets have always been my best solution for helping me turn with less friction and effort.
By the time I get to my stomach to sleep the w/bedpad is now crumpled up under my hips.
idk maybe I need to make some washable over pads of satin material to go over the w/bedpads? Before I go to all that trouble. (I am a sewist with all sorts of sewing machines) I wanted to know if anyone else has this problem and what they do about it.
Hi Ryon,

I would recommend a bed pad that is big enough to cover your entire body to sleep on. One that is the size of a twin size bed should be sufficient. That way, it will not slide or move; and if you do move you will always be protected in case you are not wearing protection or want to wear protection.

It helped me when I did not want to wear absorbant products.

I hope this helps. :)

I have the same issues turning on the Cotton top bed pads

It wouldn't be difficult to see up some satiny slip covers but how does satin wash?

Or would you attach to the bed pad so it won't scrunch up on the pad?
At the recommendation of another NAFC member, I’m now using these reusable bedpads, which go all the way across the bed and have self-gripping dots on the back of them. They stay in place very well. I have always put my bedpads under my fitted sheet. I highly recommend that you use diapers as your primary form of protection, rather than bedpads. If you use diapers, you will hardly ever need to use bedpads, but you should always also have bedpads there in case of a leaking emergency.

They also make these disposable bedpads that have adhesive tape on the back of them:

I also put the bed pad (washable in my case) under the fitted sheet. This looks better and works better. Also, you can use two regular bed pads for a twin bed.

Also, it's just like Snow says: the bed pad should be the lifesaver and not get wet every night. If it does, then there is something wrong with the diaper you are using

Two bed pads can also be washed better than one large, because the one causes in the washing machine quite an imbalance and also dries better if you wash two individual.
Bummer, I wish they came in all white, because my bedding, and in fact, almost everything in my home, is all white. So a green and blue bed pad would look stupid with my bed.

It thank you for the tip!
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