Drinking carbonated and caffeinated drinks


Staff member
I would like to get other people's experiences. I have an overactive bladder and plan to start percutaneous tibial nerve stimulation treatment soon. Everything I have read and been told says stay away from caffeine and carbonation. Have others found that drinking moderate amounts of caffeinated coffee or soda causes increased frequency and urgency symptoms? Does quantity make a significant difference? Thank you for your thoughts!
For me it’s mostly quantity of liquid. If I drink 8 or 12 oz of soda a couple times a day and nothing else im mostly ok but if I drink nothing but water at the recomended levels, 64 to 100 oz/day depending on physical activity and heat/hydration needs, i have issues.
My issues are from RP, so different circumstances...

At first, I only drank water, but as my symptoms have improved, I now drink 1 or 2 cups of coffee in the morning and soda, as I like. I do also try to drink as much water as possible...

Not sure if that helps at all.

In my experience it makes a BIG difference.
I also had to swear off lemonade or citric drinks and sweet ice tea a southern drink uses high fructose corn syrup)

May of us here do not want to give up our morning coffee or beloved soda and love with the consequences.
I used to limit what and how much I drank. Now I just don't give a shit. I'm going to have what I want. Although for regular health reasons I don't over do sodas. I never drank coffee. Hot tea sometimes. I lost my taste for alcohol. But I wear protection 24/7. If people don't like it that is their problem. Mine is from. Rp too
I am 17 months out from my prostatectomy and have had issues with bladder and urethral irritation and urgency which have diminished over time but not gone away. I eliminated carbonated beverages and heavily acidic food and drink and it has made a noticeably positive difference. I also make it a point to drink more plain water in addition to the green tea I sip throughout the day. I drink a lot of decaf coffee which is acidic on weekends and the irritation increases but I accept that. Balance quality of life with the cost.
I believe that leakage after RP is mostly about physical changes to the plumbing that make it difficult to retain fluid in the bladder. However, caffeine in any form can exacerbate the issue. My PT simply says that the effect varies from person to person, but does not forbid coffee or soda - just know that you might have more leakage for a few hours after consumption. If you have OAB not related to RP, avoiding caffeine and acidic foods is a good idea.
I usually drink a lot of soda and coffee, but I gave it up for lent, and together with fasting I've filled the void with water, and I've been having more difficulties since. What about Gatorade or Powerade? Anyone have any experience with that instead of water since it's supposed to hydrate you more?
I never take any caffeine, just Rooiboos tea. I don't take alcohol or any fizzy drink. There are other bladder irritants too such as very spicy food, chocolate and some citrus fruits. I try to minimise these too. I don't find that a big deal. Your palate can easily be retrained and there are still many foods and drinks to be enjoyed.
bold textI struggle to drink my half-gallon of water. Mornings, green tea, and some mornings I drink 1/2 cup of coffee. With an evening snack of peanut butter and/or cheese and crackers, a bit of coke. No guzzling of caffeine products.
Luhalauren said:
I usually drink a lot of soda and coffee, but I gave it up for lent, and together with fasting I've filled the void with water, and I've been having more difficulties since. What about Gatorade or Powerade? Anyone have any experience with that instead of water since it's supposed to hydrate you more?

I gave up cream in my coffee for lent, so just black coffee now until at least Easter, but may just stay with it! I also gave up dinner for lent (fasting)!

I have not noticed any difference, either way.

I drink alcohol (occasionally), sodas, Gatorade, etc... those don't seem to bother me, either.

I am not 100% dry...mainly stress incontinence now...about 6 months out from RP, so hope by 12 mos to be totally dry! We'll see!

+God+bless+ and have a great LENT!!!
I saw a physical therapist the other day. She had a list of things I should not be drinking. Anything with sugar, caffeine, or carbonation. She said water is fine. I gave up morning 24oz's of coffee most of this week and it seemed to help on the hour drive to work. Didn't have to pee right away when I got there and could better control the leak getting out of my truck.
@rdelauro I have Neurogenic Bladder so nothing I drink is going to repair or disrepair the nerves between my bladder and spine. I don’t notice any difference with carbonated drinks even if they have sugar. But I definitely notice a difference with coffee - which I noticed before I fell down the cliff. Coffee definitely makes me have to pee more. I don’t drink it much anymore and if I do, it’s only one cup as soon as I wake up. Ditto with tea.
I just posted this on another thread. I've tried no coffee/coffee and no soda/soda. I found the days I just drank water were as bad or worse. Some days I'm dry as a desert no matter what I drink and other days I'm grateful for pull-ups. I don't drink beer or booze so im not sure what effect that would have.
I have cut out all caffeine, fizzy drinks and alcohol. I don't find that a challenge. I don't drink a lot of cold water either and prefer a tea that has no caffeine. The advice that is so prevalent on drinking lots of water would also suggest sipping regularly rather than simply downing a full glass at a time
Adam's Ale (water) is still the drink of choice. Half a gallon a day, sipped all day 'till gone. One small sip each of coffee, tea, or coke is not going to do you in and may have enough positive effects to convince you that you are still on planet Earth. One sip each. (If you want to cheat, pick out one of them for a half-cup.

WE MUST BE CAREFUL ABOUT FORMING KIDNEY STONES FROM LACK OF WATER! I had a big stone crushed and removed a year ago. My urologist-surgeon didn't fuss at me but he looked me straight in the eye in seven languages, that said: "Did you learn anything?" I looked back at him in seven languages that said: "YES SIR! Two quarts a day."
I would like to cut down on these things but it’s so hard. I work over 12 hours a day I need caffeine. I also have acid reflux and I find the only thing that helps my tongue not feel pasty as soda. It’s definitely a challenge.
DGL LICORICE - chewable tablets were recommended to me by a friend who has acid reflux. They help me. Go to YouTube and type in: "acid reflux" and see what you get. Also www.nlm.gov and see what you can find on "acid reflux". Acid Reflux is not fun. Caffeine and acid reflux do not mix.
I am a coffee addict. I had Hiwian coffee, and Arbuckle's Cowboy coffee in the fridge along with a few others. I went with Decaf a few years back and I just could not see clear to throw those out. I just recently pulled out the grinder and finished off all of those old fully leaded verities. I did pay a bit for it with acid reflux. Back to plain old Folgers decaf. I make a pot and turn it off so it doesn't burn setting there. And then just pour a cup and microwave whenever I want. Last cup is automatic make a new pot. I do the powdered flavored water stuff along with the coffee. Pop is kind of a treat maybe one or twice a week. I have the head of my bed elevated to help at night. I actually had a beer today when I went out to eat with my son. I cannot remember the last time I had a beer. And it has been over a year since I had an alcoholic beverage. My last drink would have been bourbon as that is what I buy when I get something for home. I surely do like pop, and leaded coffee, and bourbon. But I like it more when I don't drink them.
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