Down There Care


Staff member
I'm just thinking to myself out loud, but how many people besides me keep themselves cleanly shaven in the diaper area? You don't have to respond; just thinking out loud. I feel better clean shaven so it is easier and less mess to clean up myself. Also, I feel I don't get diaper rash as much.
I use a small Braun battery powered electric foil head shaver. I only have to use it for about 5 minutes every other day. Keeps things nice and smooth and there's no problem at all with nicks. Adding a bit of baby powder beforehand helps the shaver to move smoothly.
I do trim work and that helps a lot. I have shaved in the past and that makes keeping clean, clean smellin much better.
I started shaving earlier this year. It definitely helps with cleanliness, smelling fresh, and application of skin cream.
Shaved here as well. Keeps it clean and limits smells. Also can be an visual enhancer if wielded correctly!
When my bedwetting was a once or twice a year thing, I didn't shave "down there.." But when it got to be several times a month, and I started wearing diapers again, I also started shaving "there". For me, it's a sanitary thing, Before I started shaving, I sometimes thought I could smell a whiff of pee during the day even though I shower EVERY morning, and always have. Being clean shaven, it easier to wash up in the morning, and now that my daytime urge incontinence is increasing, it's easier to use a cleansing wipe during a mid-day diaper change too.

Also, some people above mentioned applying cream... Yes, trying to apply diaper-rash cream over a jungle is messy and not effective!
Yes, @MikeD9876, I catch your drift! It makes perfect sense. And applying any kind of cream over a "jungle" just does not make it! :D
i have been shaving down there for years. i also went to an aesthetician once, and had a "Full Brazilian", which involves removal of all hair below the waist. It was very uncomfortable, and would probably be intolerable for a lot of people. The scrotum and pubis were particularly painful. However, it seems i have a freakishly high pain tolerance, so i didn't scream and run out of the room. But given the level of discomfort i felt, i would say that for most people, waxing is not a good option. The biggest upside was that it took weeks for it to even begin growing back (in the interest of full disclosure, i'm not especially hairy anywhere on my body in my normal state), and when it did it didn't itch. Apparently, this is because when we shave, which i do now, the razor creates a sharp edge to the end of the remaining hair, which is what irritates and itches. When you just yank them out, the new hairs coming back in have soft, natural ends to them, which don't irritate.

Bottom line - there is an advantage to waxing, but if you have a normal-to-low pain tolerance, don't want to spend 90 minutes in a salon, or don't have $250 extra to spend, you might want to just stick with shaving. :)
Are we talking about hot wax, @jrpoorman? That would hurt like all get-out!
And @btmsupnmd, my pain tolerance may be okay but I really don't want to spend 90 minutes in a salon nor do I have $250 kicking around that I don't know what to do with! (that especially!) If I were to change things "down there," I guess shaving would do it. It's way cheaper and if I didn't like it, I could just stop. But I don't have any plans at this time to worry about it one way or the other!
@mhart82 Women wax there all the time - not me, but most women. Also, I argue that hurts us worse than when a man gets waxed, because our vulva are sensitive like the head of the penis, and you really wouldn’t want that waxed.
No judgment. To each their own. I have thought about it and my pain tolerance is high, but the awkwardness stops me.
If it promotes health, hygiene or even matters sensual, I'm all for it and have been for the many years I've managed bladder incontinence.
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