Do Absorbent products help you?

Let me start by saying that, in reading all the comments, we are all saying the same thing: I am wearing Pull-Ups for daytime accidents, and yes, I still run to the bathroom. I can now hold for long enough to get to a restroom most times, and occasionally, I have even wet my Pull-Up because I could not get to the restroom in time. I go out in public almost every day, whether sitting in a restaurant or traffic when the urge hits you need to wear protection so as not to embarrass yourself in public. So yes, wear just-in-case protection.
Let me start by saying that, in reading all the comments, we are all saying the same thing: I am wearing Pull-Ups for daytime accidents, and yes, I still run to the bathroom. I can now hold for long enough to get to a restroom most times, and occasionally, I have even wet my Pull-Up because I could not get to the restroom in time. I go out in public almost every day, whether sitting in a restaurant or traffic when the urge hits you need to wear protection so as not to embarrass yourself in public. So yes, wear just-in-case protection.
Similar to others here, my activities would be much more limited without these products. I need protection from very absorbent diapers in order to leave the house for work and other activities. They are a life saver for me!
Yes, I can do all the fun, crazy stuff I enjoy because I wear Pads, Pullups, or Diapers, depending on what I am doing, the distance to the bathroom, the length of the car ride, etc. They are still embarrassing, even after years of using them, but it gets easier and feels more normal the more you talk about it or tell people.
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