Disney World trip...


Staff member
Hey y’all!
So my wife daughter and I are going to Disney World the first week in May and was wondering if any of you had been there and how to deal with bringing diapers in the parks and if there are any places to change that aren’t insanely crowded? Also what is the best way (or diaper) to prevent chafing with the heat and all the walking? This will be my first full summer since I started wearing protection. Thanks for any input!!
I was at Disney World a number of years ago. I carried a couple of spare diapers in a backpack. At the entrance to that park was a security check similar to airport security, the officer looked inside my backpack, and cleared me to inside. He made no comment about my diapers. As I recall, the men’s washrooms were not exceedingly crowded. I can’t remember what brand of disposable diaper I was wearing that day, but I had no problem with chafing. If I were doing it nowadays, I would wear a high-capacity diaper (such as BetterDry or Conficare 24/7) that I would not need to change for 8 hours or longer.
I was at Disney last year for a race. Security made no issues about my incontinence products, and their were private restrooms available to change in. Side note, after the race there were a ton of incontinence products in the post race porta-potty I used. You will not be alone
I’m going with my wife, two boys, my in laws, and wife’s brother and sister (both grown adults) were all going together. I’m nervous about the trip because there is a lot of logistics to consider. I wear diapers but I also am a Foley catheter user. Probably 90% of my time is spent with a foley in, though still have occasional leaks, plus like the support that a diaper provides so the foley doesn’t bounce around and make me uncomfortable. So I need to manage to bring enough diapers and catheter supplies for 8 days plus try to “fly under the radar” my in laws know, but brother and sister in law don’t know much about how bad this actually is. I’m really not looking to attract extra attention, don’t want sympathy, I just don’t want the world to know. I hate wearing shorts in public because of the legbag, even though it’s in a urocare holder, it still feels like I have a neon sign pointing at the bag.
Instead of being excited about the trip, I’ve dreaded it for the last year. Even to the point where I told the wife I wasn’t going, which pissed her off. But she doesn’t care because she doesn’t live with all this shit so she has no clue the stress it puts me under. It’s not a vacation to me, it’s an opportunity to put my freak show life on display for all to see. Wayyyyy outside my comfort zone. I’m looking at bringing a whole suitcase just for diapers and catheter supplies, a whole other suitcase for clothes for 8 days and my diaper bag for a carry on.
I’ve traveled a couple times since being incontinent, but either alone or with friends, never with the family since this began 4 years ago. Every time I go through TSA I get searched, patted down, the whole thing, the wife just doesn’t get any of that, it’s so embarrassing. Not to mention every family vacation we’ve been on for the last 4 years has been a shit show. I’m having a lot of anxiety about it.
Who are you flying through? I've gotten incontinence supplies on a bag with no charge because they are medical related.

I went to Disney with three people who were not aware of my continence issues. I was discreet and it was not observed or mentioned. I wouldn't stess too much about it.
Why not ship the supplies to your hotel (order through Amazon or similar) rather than carrying everything with you?
Because I have enough supplies to pack, I have several months worth of diapers in my stock. I don’t really need to buy them........
I spent a week and a half park-hopping in Orlando (Disney & Universal) last September. I was with my sister and a friend, both of whom were aware of my incontinence and diapers. I wore Confidry 24/7s and they worked great. Restrooms were no problem and were plentiful throughout the parks. When able I used the handicap stall. The capacity and comfort were great. I didn’t even need to wear diaper covers over them. If chaffing is a problem you can wear compression shorts to help and use lots of ointment and powder. Only issue I had was that it was hot and humid and I sweat extremely well. Kept getting sweat lines on back of my shirts along the legs of my diapers. Though I was 100% dry inside, it looked like classic leak lines. Wearing darker shorts and long baggy blouses hid the problem well. Same security experience as described above. Total non-issue bringing in spares and supplies.
I've flown domestically in the US with case(s) of my adult diapers at no-cost, by declaring them Medical Assistive Devices at the check-in counter. They may ask you to open the box and show it, but if you're over the anxiety part associated with the matter, it's a breeze.

At all of the Disneyland Parks, you'll find adequate and private changing facilities for your adult diaper needs at the First Aid Stations. I've used these extensively for all of my trips. Inside you'll find a toilet and changing table. Disposable changing mats are available upon request.

There is rarely a wait for these special service rooms, unless you're at the park during the busiest days of the year. I've only had to wait 10-minutes at most, in the past 10 years of changing myself at the California and Florida parks. It's very private and beats having to wait for a family restroom and being judged for going in solo.

Went to WDW last spring. I was a little nervous too, but it worked out great. I used a backpack for diapers/supplies (which was searched multiple times with no fanfare). Plenty of bathroom options for changing ranging from small family facilities, to standard restrooms in quiet corners of the parks. In terms of chaffing...I use plastic backed diapers because I find cloth like chafe me terribly even in cool weather. Powder and or a small amount of vaseline in those areas you feel start chafe helps immensely. Now I often pre-treat those areas and prevent chaffing altogether.
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