Disabled people and incontinence diapers


Staff member
I have noticed that it is a lot harder but some name brand diapers, like on very common website. They are not in stock for some sizes most of time. As for disabled adults it seems that if we want a good incontinence diapers we have to pay through the noes. What I mean is that most insurance won't pay or we use Medicaid diapers. If you use a certain brand of diapers see if you can get some kind of discount. We should have a choice of diapers that we need an how to get them with out breaking the 🏦 bank.
@MRjw48 Right above your post are three yellowish colored boxes, the leftmost of which is titled "Get Your Continence Care Essentials". 'Sounds like where you might want to start looking?
For incontinence supplies daytime and nightime - I recommend the Tranquility ATN branded fitted brief. They are pretty reasonably priced for what you get.

They’ve worked well for me for urgency and leakage -

For a more premium product I’d recommend Northshore Products from Northshorecare.com

Hope this helps,
I recommend BetterDry diapers for night time use. The are thick and don’t leak. The large are out of stock everywhere now, but they should be back in stock mid March sometime. You get a lot more than other diapers for the same price as Abena brand.
Thank you all for replying. All of you make a good point. I have tried diapers like tranquility.better dry and treat diapers from different places and always found that my size was out of stock or be in end of month. The diapers size for me is XL. the only place that I can get my diapers is north shore diapers they are in stock. If you need to save money on adult diapers forget it. You might have to weight a while get them, pay little more than you like but why????
Chris318 said:
I recommend BetterDry diapers for night time use. The are thick and don’t leak. The large are out of stock everywhere now, but they should be back in stock mid March sometime. You get a lot more than other diapers for the same price as Abena brand.

I looked into the BetterDry diaper stock issue awhile back, since they are the diaper I wear most often. From the info I found, it looks like they moved their company to a different location. For a while, most places were out of stock on Medium and Large, now it looks like medium is back in stock, and large should be back soon. I'm guessing it takes some time to setup the machines in a new location.
I am disabled and incontinent I am currently using Abena Abri-form L4

Well here is the thing. Anyone who has read my post knows how much I have fought my state/country for Medicaid. Well, many other supplies are covered by Medicare but not incontinence products. Medicaid here in Pennslyvania covers incontinence products.

The kicker is that most incontinence products do not qualify and the reason has nothing to do with price but rather on coding. If the products are coded right, and your doctor prescribes them right then they are covered to a certain $$amount.

If we, the incontinent public want to change things then we need to get them covered by Medicare and not Medicaid.

A few members of the US. Congress put up a bill to try to get this done but I don't know what happened with it.

The crazy thing is this, Guess what is covered by most insurance if you know and fight for it at 100%... If you guess Cloth diapers you would be right. They are considered durable medical supplies. My sister's best friend gets over 3/4 of her baby diapers in cloth because her insurance considers them durable medical supplies.

If I did not have bowel Issues my mother and sister would be making my stuff. They both sew and my mom is a master seamstress so it would be easy.

Our system is so messed up. You can get catheters but not diapers. Heck, they make rectal catheters. I even saw a product on Instagram called the Covenient Excrement Medical Device that looks like something out of the Matrix movie. The powers that be at Medicare would rather spend $$$$$ on something long-term use that caused more issues than spend $$$ on diapers for people who need them.
ThatFLGuy said:
Well here is the thing. Anyone who has read my post knows how much I have fought my state/country for Medicaid. Well, many other supplies are covered by Medicare but not incontinence products. Medicaid here in Pennslyvania covers incontinence products.

The kicker is that most incontinence products do not qualify and the reason has nothing to do with price but rather on coding. If the products are coded right, and your doctor prescribes them right then they are covered to a certain $$amount.

If we, the incontinent public want to change things then we need to get them covered by Medicare and not Medicaid.

A few members of the US. Congress put up a bill to try to get this done but I don't know what happened with it.

The crazy thing is this, Guess what is covered by most insurance if you know and fight for it at 100%... If you guess Cloth diapers you would be right. They are considered durable medical supplies. My sister's best friend gets over 3/4 of her baby diapers in cloth because her insurance considers them durable medical supplies.

If I did not have bowel Issues my mother and sister would be making my stuff. They both sew and my mom is a master seamstress so it would be easy.

Our system is so messed up. You can get catheters but not diapers. Heck, they make rectal catheters. I even saw a product on Instagram called the Covenient Excrement Medical Device that looks like something out of the Matrix movie. The powers that be at Medicare would rather spend $$$$$ on something long-term use that caused more issues than spend $$$ on diapers for people who need them.

I am covered under Medicaid and I am unable to use cloth-like covered diapers my supplier sent me several different samples to try most of them were cloth-liked covered the only plastic-backed diapers they had were a choice of either Attends-Poly or Wings and either was sufficient for my needs the better of the two was the Attends which I was stuck with until I was able to get my provider to provide me with Abena Abri-form L4 and that took a letter of necessity from my Doctor and my provider had to go to the State for approval here is an excerpt of the letter from my Doctor

XXXXXXXXXXX is a patient of mine at XXXXXXXXXXXX Health Systems. He has incontinence of both stool as well
as urine. I am writing this letter on his behalf in support of the medical necessity of Abena Abri-form
incontinence supplies. The patient has historically tried alternatives including Attends and Tranquility Brand
products. These have not provided him adequate absorbent see or proper fit which has led to skin
breakdown. The requested brand has been effective for him (Abena). It provides a large protection area
with a plastic waterproof exterior preventing his clothing from getting wet or soiled. Please provide the requested
Abena Abri-form incontinence supplies.
I use tranquility ATN for daytime. They are the good absorbency for a reasonable price and I get them through LLMEDICO which gives 5 percent credit towards your next purchase. They have always been available. I am on Medicare and they will not pay for diapers due to nerve problems. Diapers are expensive and the cost add up. I use better dry at night for more absorbency but lately have gone back to ATN at night since I LLMedico has not had large for 2 months. The cost of diapers builds up and it would cost Medicare Billions of dollars

I have tried catheters which can handle the urinary issues and they are paid for by Medicare and you can spend as much on this as diapers. The only one I have had real success with the foley which is for long term but they tell me it has more chance of infection. I get better sleep with the foley but it does not take care of my bladder spasms and the fecal issues.

I was referring to good old-fashioned pin-on cloth diapers or all-in-one cloth diapers. They are coded as durable medical supplies. Like a walker or wheelchair so they are covered.

What is stupid about having to get a doctor's note for the product you want/need is that patients right here in the U.S. dictate that you have the choice of what product you use. I was dealing with crazy stuff when I had my ileostomy and the one nurse I finally saw showed me the part of the patient's bill of rights to tell my supplier that they either give me what I ask for/am prescribed or they will not be my supplier.

It is all about getting what we have to have.

Just in my case, I make to much on SSDI to get Medicaid so I am screwed with not having enough coverage to get things I need paid for by insurance.
I tried tranquility diapers atn and weren't absorbed enough for me. Just so everyone knows I wear XL size diapers. The only place I can get better dry diapers XL is at ll medico and there out of stock. Even with Amazon they're out of stock on certain diapers to. My only place to get diapers are through north shore diapers.there always in stock. The question is why do we have to suffer to have good diapers to wear.
@MRjw48 @Peter_A

A recent statistic said that the number of adults needing diapers will soon outnumber baby diapers due to the huge age shift in the U.S.

The sad thing is that companies are not taking these stats seriously. The amount of innovation in baby diapers is huge. Yet most of the stuff we use has been the same for years.

Also, there are very few companies that advocate like the baby companies do. Don't get me wrong, disposable baby diapers are not covered by insurance either but they have come so far from what they were just a few years ago.

We suffer because no one sees the need we have.

*Not a dig at anyone* but there are people who wear the lowest quality product because that is what they know. Then they have to sit around on disposable bed pads to catch what the product they wear will not.

If it is coming out of my pocket then I want the best that I can afford. Comfort, but also not having to change all the time is key for me.

During my longest hospital stay, they came in every four hours to check my vitals. The first two days they also wanted to make sure I did not need to change. It's hard to sleep when I have off time from my room-mate. So then every two hours someone was in the room checking one of us.

They finally fixed that after the second day.

If there was more development into adult diapers then we would not be seeing the issues we deal with.
ThatFLGuy said:
@MRjw48 @Peter_A

A recent statistic said that the number of adults needing diapers will soon outnumber baby diapers due to the huge age shift in the U.S.

The sad thing is that companies are not taking these stats seriously. The amount of innovation in baby diapers is huge. Yet most of the stuff we use has been the same for years.

Also, there are very few companies that advocate like the baby companies do. Don't get me wrong, disposable baby diapers are not covered by insurance either but they have come so far from what they were just a few years ago.

We suffer because no one sees the need we have.

*Not a dig at anyone* but there are people who wear the lowest quality product because that is what they know. Then they have to sit around on disposable bed pads to catch what the product they wear will not.

If it is coming out of my pocket then I want the best that I can afford. Comfort, but also not having to change all the time is key for me.

During my longest hospital stay, they came in every four hours to check my vitals. The first two days they also wanted to make sure I did not need to change. It's hard to sleep when I have off time from my room-mate. So then every two hours someone was in the room checking one of us.

They finally fixed that after the second day.

If there was more development into adult diapers then we would not be seeing the issues we deal with.

So many people wind up using the lower quality and lesser absorbent diapers is partly due to ignorance
with companies like Kimberly Clark with all the ads for Depends and all the store brand diapers and Prevail and some of the lower quality Tena products and all the other lower quality diapers you find on the shelves of most stores now of which have the absorbency of a premium diaper and not knowing that there are premium diapers available that's where part of the issue lies and then there are the insurance covered diapers they only offer the cheapest available regardless of the needs of the user and it becomes a battle to get a suitable diaper to meet the needs of someone like myself who requires a heavier diaper
I wear XL size and incontrol diapers work great for me. Sign up for their emails and get like 20% or more off sales a lot of time too.
Try the new BeDry or BeDry elites. They are about $2 or less each on sale and super absorbent.

Right on.

Also, the institutions of better health have a two-hour check rule for people with incontinence.

When I got to the hospital by ambulance after getting a stomach infection when getting my ileostomy I was checked every two hours for the whole first 24 hours there. They had to track both my ileostomy output and my bladder output. They weighed my dry vs wet diapers every day.

They said that in that setting when I was still on good meds it might be embarrassing but it was better than finding out hours later that there was an issue and not knowing.

I just wish that the brands we use would be more involved with product development and getting their brands known. Like where is the Northshore Care superbowl ad? JK but it would make a dent in the world knowing how normal this issue is. I want to live in a world where I can walk into Walmart, CVS, ECT. and pick up my diapers there. Yea, I know you can order a lot online but we should not have to.

I had a conversation ones with a guy who knew my father here in my small town about products. He is very lucky to be alive. He broke his hip getting kicked by a horse and during the ER check he found that he had a prostate issue. Well if He had not gotten kicked he would have died from it. Well, he was in our CVS buying his stuff and I decided to talk to him. He gets stuff online now. Funny because he knows my whole story as he is like family to my family here in Pa. and only lives down the block some days we get our stuff the same day. LOL.
ThatFLGuy said:

Right on.

Also, the institutions of better health have a two-hour check rule for people with incontinence.

When I got to the hospital by ambulance after getting a stomach infection when getting my ileostomy I was checked every two hours for the whole first 24 hours there. They had to track both my ileostomy output and my bladder output. They weighed my dry vs wet diapers every day.

They said that in that setting when I was still on good meds it might be embarrassing but it was better than finding out hours later that there was an issue and not knowing.

I just wish that the brands we use would be more involved with product development and getting their brands known. Like where is the Northshore Care superbowl ad? JK but it would make a dent in the world knowing how normal this issue is. I want to live in a world where I can walk into Walmart, CVS, ECT. and pick up my diapers there. Yea, I know you can order a lot online but we should not have to.

I had a conversation ones with a guy who knew my father here in my small town about products. He is very lucky to be alive. He broke his hip getting kicked by a horse and during the ER check he found that he had a prostate issue. Well if He had not gotten kicked he would have died from it. Well, he was in our CVS buying his stuff and I decided to talk to him. He gets stuff online now. Funny because he knows my whole story as he is like family to my family here in Pa. and only lives down the block some days we get our stuff the same day. LOL.

Hospital diapers are pure crap
Hey Everyone - I do appreciate all of your input. But, in the end - like it or not - if you are on a fixed income - like Medicare - it ALWAYS comes down to $$$ - no matter how good a product may be. If you can't afford it - you can't afford it - period. Am I being unreasonable/unrealistic? - Pam

You are not being unreasonable/unrealistic.

Many people here are like "Try MEGA MAX, Mega max are the best, Mega max, mega max" At $3 a diaper, no.

I look at everything like this.


I do that with everything.

I just know how much I have given up to get better quality products. I have little if any money to add to my savings except for car stuff that will come up. Other than that every dollar I get has a bill or need attached to it.

For a while, I was using the Betterdry day diapers but made a huge mistake once and had them in my overnight bag for the hospital. Luckily I had the night ones in my carry bag and that got me by. I am always over prepared.
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