Difficulty with relationships


Staff member
Good day everyone. I am having trouble establishing relationships because of my condition, I can't allow a relationship to get too serious because I am afraid to tell about my condition. I think I would prefer to be with someone who has the same condition because they can relate. What do you think?
I struggle with that as well. Hard to imagine dealing with that with a romantic partner. That said, my last relationship was with a nurse, earlier in my incontinence journey. It was a long distance relationship, but when things got to a point where I thought a night time accident was a real risk, I told him about it and told him that if it made him more comfortable, he could sleep in the upstairs bedroom. He decided to stay downstairs with me when he was in town. I still think of him with great affection!
@Timmyd my partner and my last partner was VERY supportive of my bed wetting. I stil haven’t found a cause so I’m still searching for that but I believe if they gonna love you then they will be supportive and know that it’s not your fault
Real genuine people will not care true love is warts and all. My incontinence and enuresis doesn't phase my wife at all.
I used to feel the same way, and Im still nervous about it early during the relationship. I have found that there are so many issues being in a serious relationship that my inc problem is probably the least issue, last on the list. The last woman I dated for almost 2 years, I cought her stealing cash from my walet while I slept. Before Christmas I had over $600 come up missing and I installed cameras and cought her in less than a week taking more. Now days I wish anyone the best with dating, I guess its not for me.
I’ve been perpetually single for a while now due to past relationships issues. In a fun twist, I was ready to get back out there when my issues started. Most people here are probably aware of the abdl community. I can’t see myself dating someone who is on the ab side. Every one has their thing. I don’t pass judgement but near as I can tell, there aren’t any dating sites for just people with incontinence. My friend suggested disability dating but I don’t think is in the same category as someone in a wheel or another significant issue. My friends thinking is that they are more likely to have incontinence or at least know someone who does and that it wouldn’t be a big deal to them. We’re in a strange quandary.
TimmyD you know the old advice about stage fright and imagining every one in the audience is in their underwear?
Every single person has a human body and uncertainty about their body parts. (Example, women worrying about chest size or hips or soft belly, men about losing their hair, their belly, their shoe size).
Except for narcissists which you REALLY dont want to get close to because they are too self absorbed to care about anyone but their "perfection" and power, even if it means belittling another. Time will catch up to them, no worries.
I suppose the gift of incontinence is knowing who is really able care about you when you have a bad cold, a bad hair day, lost your job, those who stay the course of time, but we have the shorthand version, incontinence to weed out the flash in the pan ones.
So, think about what you can do to be gracious about incontinence to less inconvience someone if you are going to be intimately involved. Think of it as if one if had a bad head cold, how would you keep clean and give the other privacy to clean themselves or bed space? Does one leave used tissues around or sneeze in someones face or honk into a tissue? Or does one cuddle then retire to a separate bed? Or shower and change after intimacy and in the morning with respect to greet ones partner in the most respectful way one can?
We respect those who respect themselves, and thats a two way street.
I might have said before my 2nd wife and I had just got married when my incontinence started 30yrs ago.We both discussed it and to control wetting needed to use diapers she is real good about things even with having a older man with incontinence so if it is true love they will except you.
Thanks for making me fell like I'm not alone in this. Its tough to be at that age where your parents want to see grandchildren or me getting married. I haven't told anyone it's still my secret and I'm 34
I do have some good news, maybe/almost, that I have shared before. I'm about to join the dating circuit again, but have no reservations whatsoever. After getting frustrated just enough, I found an engineer partner who could help me develop a silicone sleeve product/device that I wear. While I wear it all day long, I will sometimes wear it at night, if I've hydrated too much in the evening. With a backup liner, there just is not a leakage problem. While we are patent pending, we are seeking an industry partner for production. In the interim, we are still accepting volunteers who want to give it a try and provide us feedback for marketing purposes. Our product works; getting the proper fit is the only challenge initially. Info is available. If interested, I'm at amhelp@comcast.net Best wishes, Duane
TimmyD a few people on this forum got into satisfying relationships during their time on the forum and some have found a life partner that is years in the making prior to this helpful group!
I can say my asbergers brother with 2 challenged teens and my very self contained quirky son both met someone special when they said to themselves, "whatever! I am what I am" and relaxed into really down to earth happy relationships because they were themselves, not posturing now and open to women they had not been "attracted to" before by striving to meet the prettiest hottest girls they had been missing out on women who like and accept them for who they are.

Brother, I feel your struggle. Please forgive for copying a previous reply I made to another post, but I feel it is talking to your concerns.

Reading the posts on this topic and wondering, does the level of embarrassment change with age or time?

For me I started to bedwet as a teen. I was totally humiliated by it to the point that I kept it from my parents. It only happened once every few months so easier to hide, but sooooooo humiliating when I'd wake wet. Once I moved out on my own my embarrassment level lessened since I didn't have to 'hide' it. But when I realized that I was getting serious with my now wife and thinking marriage, and she would find out sooner or later the embarrassment level went up again. As Catholics premarital sleeping arraignments were not an issue, but knowing that she was 'THE ONE' if she'd say yes I knew I had to tell her.

Now my mind is wrestling with do I tell her before I ask for her hand in marriage or after. I really struggled with this. If I ask before, and she says yes, then it is a true yes in full knowledge of me and all my issues. If I wait, for fear that she might say no and no need to 'expose' the secret, and she says yes I need to still tell her before or after the wedding???

I chose to tell her after I asked for her beautify hand to join me for life. Why?? Embarrassment... I was set to tell her before asking, but then got too embarrassed to tell her.... what if she says no?? Then she knows... who will she tell??? False reasons but my reasons at the time.

To speed up the story, I asked she said yes and then a new dilemma, tell her before or after the wedding? While in retrospect I think I made the wrong decision in not telling her before I asked her, here I know I made the right decision, I told her before the wedding.

I was soooooooooo scared, rehearsed what I would say, planned when and where I would tell her and then they day and time came. .....

I won't go into the details on how, where and all that when I told, but I will say she was sooooooooo cooooool about it. Apparently I had build up the seriousness of what I was about to tell her that she laughed at first. I was crushed until she said, "No, it's fine I am laughing cause it is such a minor thing. I had in my mind that you were going to tell me that you had cancer and was going to die in a year."

So I share this to say that embarrassment is part of it. Though we should not be, it is part of it. It is how we deal with it that makes it embarrassing.

Be strong, be empowered, be yourself.


Hope thus helps in some way.

I understand the difficulty starting relationships bc of this. Its hard to break it to a woman that has no idea..I was in a relationship when i became this way and she was understanding until we had a bad breakup and she suddenly wasnt so understanding lol My next relationship after that one, the girl said she could deal, that she didnt think any diff of me but i believe she did. She wasnt a very good person anyway..Now, Ive met someone new and she thinks im crazy bc im so hesitant and distant at times. And, all it is, is im worried about my problem and how she will react, how im going to tell her..ive got to tell her SOON or im gonna loise her before i get her bc shes thinking im not interested or seeing other ppl..
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