Dietary modification


Staff member
I understand that this is forum for incontinence in general, but seeing as many of the participant have spoken about the main issue in the context of prostate cancer, I wanted to ask a question relating to this subset of the membership.

Have you been given or found your way through the many recommendations of dietary modifications post treatment? I have been warned away from dairy products, alcohol, gluten, beef (if not all meat) and am having a really difficult time how to carve out a diet that I might live with. How radical does one have to go with any of these suggestions? Never?; once a week?, once a month?

I would be grateful for anything that has helped you make these kinds of decisions and life adjustments?

Health and peace, Naftali

After my RP surgery, which was about 2 months ago now, my surgeon said I had NO dietary restrictions, so I was eating and drinking everything and anything I wanted. It wasn't until after the catheter was out and I had uncontrollable leakage that I was running scared!

I researched on internet sites and also found good information on THIS forum about avoiding most of the things you mentioned above. Since I was running scared & desperate to gain control, I went to strictly ONLY drinking water to cut out all caffeine, soda, alcohol, etc... I avoided spicy foods, tomatoes, fruit, etc...(I didn't know meat was a problem, thank goodness!)

I began to see improvement pretty quickly - oh, I still had plenty of leakage, but night and day better. Time also helps, so probably wasn't diet alone. As my symptoms got better and SLOWLY, but only because I read it somewhere, I started to ease back into eating and drinking things I had forbidden. The theory was to do so slowly and one at a time so you could tell what irritated your bladder and what didn't!

I don't drink as much coffee as I used to...only 1 to 2 cups a day. I don't drink much, but I will occasionally have a drink or two. I do have a soft drink every once in a while, if I really want one. I still mostly drink water, though and always plenty of water AFTER any of the above.

I have gone back to a regular food diet, for the most part. I still try not to overdo it on foods that may be an issue, but have not seen significant issues.

I continue to see improvements in my condition, but I attribute most of my positive recovery to time and kegels! Mainly time!

While I think diet if something to consider strongly, I think it is most important in the early weeks while your body and bladder are healing and readjusting. Of course, I am not a Dr. and just sharing my experiences...

Good Luck & +God+bless+
Thanks for those answers. It seems i wasn't clear enough in my question. I was wondering about dietary changes from the perspective of prostate cancer rather than as an aide in overcoming incontinence.

Sorry - totally misunderstood.

I had prostate cancer, but mine is gone now, so I hope I don't have it anymore! Future PSA test will tell the tale!

Sorry, I can't be of much help there, but I am sure someone can!
Are you asking about dietary restrictions to decrease the chance of a reoccurrence? Wow, that’s a new one on me. I was only given advice about foods that can irritate the bladder (caffeine, alcohol, spicy and acidic foods etc). Are others in the dark about this as well?
I’m 2.5 years since my prostate removal and I love my beer and never really gave it up. I cut back and have about 4-5 cans between 6 and 8 pm. I’ve never had any issues.
Hi! I recommend using QueSoft continence products. They're much thinner, cheaper and discreet, they don't even feel like you've got them on. You can order through their website at
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