Diapers, a collectable.


Staff member
I thought it might amuse uou all to share my strange hobby which is collecting and redressing large baby dolls from the 1960s. (Dont shriek, you dont have to visit my room if you dont like dolls).
Anyhow, on ebay i searched up and found to my horror vintage cloth baby diapers are VERY expensive! I bought 4 for 10.00 and felt I got a deal compared to 20 for 50.00 OR MORE!.
I almost paid 10.00 for 4 1960s diaper pins, 5.00 shipping before i caved and bought 20 for 1.20 from China free shipping. (Sorry, not sorry. Linits to my budget).
Its winter almost every where and we all have to find ways to amuse ourselves. What do YOU do to distract yourself from the topic of this Forum?
Mine is scrubbing years of mouse dirt and mold off childhood toys and spending too much time on things like vintage diaper search
Funny you should mention that, I was reading an article last week about people who collect things and what they do with them. I like to work in small engines, and rebuild things. My newest addiction is older lawn tractors!! In this article they were talking about some strange addictions and one of them was baby diapers. The old Luvs and Pampers diapers and all the different styles of them, definitely not a hobby or collectible I would have ever thought of but to each there own. So I think your dolls are a pretty safe hobby!! It’s good to stay busy and keep your mind and body active!!
I hate that almost all baby and adult diapers are cloth backed now. You can still find plastic diapers online and special ordered from a pharmacy or manufacturer but you almost never see them on store shelves anymore. Why is that? Is that because adults don't want the look, feel and noise of plastic in trying to be more discreet. I love the plastic backed diapers and I really wish they would make pull up diapers that are plastic backed too.
The catalogs like Harriet Carter or Dr Leonard's sell plastic pull up over briefs have you looked at that option
I collect guitars. Lol. I do have a “collection” of diapers. If I get a shipment of diapers that seem like they are better than others, I will store a bag from the case in my closet. I have a few bags stored. That way if there is ever some emergency that I’m unable to get some, I have a supply built from the best of the best.
Nice!! Serenade those Sentinels of the Stream
(Ok, it's better than me googling the lyrics to Bobby McGee which are playing in the back of my head right now)
Thimbles I always wondered when I saw them in souvenir shops. I have 2 that were gold handed down from great grandmothers they were expert seamtresses.
Well Libbymac, its certain you have room for more!
When you have 34 life size children dolls staring out the door of your bedroom it's better than a guard dog, no one wants to come in but its becoming a problem to find a place for just one more.(I dont have 34. Yet.)
Plus if I did buy a doll while traveling I run the risk of pretty awful stares as I toddle around clutching a plastic toddler or a bisque baby!
Although come to think of it, that might excuse a suitcase full of diapers to the transportation police.
Had a nice feeling from reading all your hobbies. Just got back from working out in the warm water pool in Naples. Living in SW FL, we don't have the traditional winter. Between all my exercises and playing some bridge, cleaning house, taking care of the car, the lawn. I have no time to get bored, tired yes. I am working on my taxes now and hate it. it is a lot of work. I am not sure what to do yet since the tax code changed so much this year. Blessings all and thanks for the read. Barb
I am a life-long knitter. My current obsession is socks, and I am knitting them for me. Takes me about a week to make a pair. I also foster/bottle feed kittens and foster special needs/hospice dogs. I do it on a very small basis. I have a standard poodle and two cats of my own. I’ve been disabled for 30 years and these things are what keep me sane.
I have many hobbies, I like to bake (bread especially). One of my odder hobbies is collecting beer cans. Like old diapers some old beer cans get very expensive, I mostly just find beautiful new ones filled with yummy craft beer. I also enjoy photography, amateur radio, and building electronics.
12 years ago we downsized to house 1/2 size of old one, 1/4 the storage space. Care to guess how many pickup-truck and flat-bed truck loads went to the dump? Even we don't know how many pick-up loads went to charity shops like Salvation Army, Easter Seals, etc. And new house still has too much "stuff". Only "collectibles" left are photos, a few "family momentoes") and tons of books. Except donated at least 30 banker-boxes of books to used bookstore (Turn in 4, get one back free. Is that called "self-defeating"? and to "Operation Paperbacks" (Supplies the troops reading material - and sometimes their families. Look it up!) Oh. I have collection of mugs gradually diminishing from huge to just the "important" ones. My bead-work & leatherwork takes little space, and only finished project is kept - for use. Now the Marlinespike work (Fancy knot work) is a little more bulky, but much of it becomes gifts (as in doormats made of manila line ("rope" to non-sailors).
During period when my incontinence pads were out-of-stock, got a couple of boxes from Amazon at high price, then when became available from CVS on line, got several boxes (As in case-lots, really) for the next out-of-stock event. Alaskans tend to do that as we are at the very end of the supply chain. I have used some of that stock, too.
My tool collection got robbed, some of it was actually collectibles. Well, that's one way to downsize. *&%*$#@#.
I think we have two boxes of Beanie Babies (for Grand-daughter). She thought they were an investment. Not that they were expensive when she got them. Not that they have value now, last we checked. Haven't been added to in 15 years or more. She hasn't asked for those boxes. Too small to be "toys" for our large dog.
At least doll-diapers must take little space!
The wife's "collectables" are 400+ former students & families on Facebook from 30+ years of teaching. I am supposed to recognize all the names and faces. That wasn't in the marriage contract, unless in the fine print. Now there's a nice collectable.
Oh yes. At age where are considering "Retirement Housing", even Long-Term-Care. More truck loads to give away, not much for dump. Phew.
To BarbaraDrabek. Ever notice you are more busy in retirement than when working? A Fort Meyers girl is up here. We may get "blizzards" but we don't name them! She does snow dances, and I'm tired of snow-blowing her snow. That's her collectable. (Alaska has no snakes, no alligators, and no hurricanes. The Red Cross asked her if she'd ever experienced a hurricane when she volunteered to help in N. Carolina, last year. You should have seen the face of the volunteer coordinator as she rattled off the names of 35 years of hurricanes. They sent her to N. Carolina.) She left all her hurricanes behind when she retired to Alaska. Good girl, good girl!
They are! Nice to know there is something besides incontinence to think about!
Does TSA have a problem with those dolls? Like, what's inside them? Bombs?
I haven't tried buying dolls on a trip for many years now. I used to get people stare when I man handled a toddler size doll on an airplane or city bus though and just try propping it up in a restaurant!
I collect many things 😜 including a single diaper from every type I try (and there are a great many). It isn’t so much a hobby as it is a reference source since there have been so many I cannot remember them all. Some I liked, some I didn’t. Included in the box is a list of what is in it so I can avoid duplication of efforts as time goes on.

I also admit that I have a bit of a Vera Bradley problem. By that I mean that I’m a Vera-Holic. Seriously more than I (or anyone) can ever use in one lifetime, but I enjoy the wide variety colors and patterns and styles.
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