Staff member
I thought I’d start this topic to help those who suffer from this problem. I spent some time in a nursing home due to a medical problem. I wear diapers 24/7 and the nurses and CNA’s were very good about keeping me changed. When they got busy I had to sit in a wet diaper for a long time resulting in diaper rash. It’s very uncomfortable, itchy, and hurts. They were good about treating it but it usually tacks a couple days to clear up. Now, I get diaper rash easily now that I’m home. I never got it before I went to the nursing home. My question to you all, do any of you have this problem? How do you take care of it? Craig88 offered me some great advice, but I’d like to hear from the masses on this topic. I’d like to now and I’m sure there are others out there needing help too. Thank all of you for the help and understanding you provide. Again, much appreciated!