Day day trying to feel better


Staff member
Today has been very depressing. I haven’t had a wet day in a while, so I decided to not wear my diaper. Bad move. I got home from my eye exam and when I got out of my truck-whoosh. I wet myself. No warning or feeling, it just happened and I had not control to stop it. Went in the house changed my clothes with a diaper. Today I have wet myself 3 times without feeling anything. I put on my nighttime diaper because I know I’ll wet the bed. Normally I do. I am a very active person and I hate not having control. Lately my incontinence seems to be getting worse. My urologist says my nerves are dying because I have diabetes. I am 64 years old and I’ve had diabetes for nearly 30 years. Neuropathy sucks but it’s my curse. Most days I’m ok with incontinence but today it’s really gotten to me.
Oh man, that is a miserable way to end the day. On the bright side it was outside the truck and at your home and not while doing errands. 90% of the time I think I will be fine while running errands, but terrified to have that day where I am not so I keep something on all the time. For that just in case time.
Thank all of you for your understanding. Most times I am ok with my incontinence but I have my dark days. I almost always were a diaper but I guess I got overconfident and didn’t wear protection. I absolutely hate I have no control over my body. I am feeling like when I was a kid. Mom put me in diapers and made sure everyone knew it. It’s hard dealing with incontinence. I’ll be ok, I know these dark days will get better.
It baffles me how incontinence issues can go from zero one day to substantial the next. My analytical side leads me to look at diet, activity level, sleep patterns and anything under the Sun to explain the variability. I really can’t make sense of it. Like others have said, I always wear a pad and have others available just in case. I try to appreciate the good days and roll with the not so good days.
Chuck11 said:
It baffles me how incontinence issues can go from zero one day to substantial the next. My analytical side leads me to look at diet, activity level, sleep patterns and anything under the Sun to explain the variability. I really can’t make sense of it. Like others have said, I always wear a pad and have others available just in case. I try to appreciate the good days and roll with the not so good days.
I can understand the inconsistancy IF there is a neurological component involved, but that isn't always the case (I don't think.) In my case, the problems were, in fact caused by a brain injury, so many of the symptoms I experience (vertigo, memory, vision problems etc) are here today, gone tomorrow. With the incontinence, it isn't a matter of having control today but not tomorrow, but rather in its severity from one day to the next. As there was damage done to my urethra in the accident, that would explain the consistency of my issues- to a degree; I can have dry periods during the day of anywhere from 3-7 hours without voiding, or I can have accidents every 20-30 minutes for several hours before things settle down, but there haven't been any altogether dry days in about 8 years. Not one. Thankfully, there is no pain involved, as there is for several other people on this forum. Just urgency for a second or two, and out it comes...
After my male ureteral sling surgery, I had 5 months with no nighttime leakage more than an ounce. I switched to just a pad in my boxer briefs and removed the above fitted sheet pad. At 7 months (April 2022), I had a nagging headache all day and later in the evening took a migraine pill. I wet the bed about 8 to 12 ounces. The pad in my underwear caught about 7 ounces, but up in the middle of the night to change sheets down to waterproof mattress cover really sucks.

I now wear a pullup and pad every night with my underwear along with a light water proof above the sheet pad because I do not know when I might have leakage and what may be the cause.

Waterproof Sleep Anywhere Pad - Pillowfort from target for $20 - I run it long ways left to right.
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