@Doug Yeah, that’s weird about the lack of public support for prostate cancer. I think it’s because most men are too macho to talk about it publicly because in our culture, it’s frowned upon (but not by me!) when men show emotion to anyone but their significant other. I wish this were not the case. I prefer emotional expression, honesty, and support.
I do increasingly see prostate cancer and old-age incontinence in men discussed in movies. Recently it’s been the primary topic in “The Kominsky Method” series on Netflix, which I can’t recommend enough. It stars Michael Douglas and Alan Arkin.
I’ll tell you what: if you start a prostate cancer awareness campaign, I’ll wear the ribbon and put up posters and pamphlets, and attend demonstrations!
I think breast cancer gets a lot of awareness because let’s face it, everyone loves boobs, men and women! And they’re very publicly visible, unlike the prostate. If you’ve never seen breast cancer scars, I encourage you to do an image search on google. They’re absolutely horrible, way worse than prostate removal scars. And similar to a man whose prostate is gone, no woman is going to feel sexy after breast removal.
So maybe that’s some explanation why there’s more breast cancer awareness than prostate cancer awareness.