CPAP machine cause of constipation?


Staff member
Trying to see if there is a connection.

74 year old male scheduled for prostate biopsy next Wednesday.

My PSA high in August, tested again 6 week later higher tested again 6 weeks later higher still.

Upon reflection I think I have been constipated since August.

I have a history of chronic BPH with all the symptoms. Afib history also.

I know that a high psa can be from ejaculation --no worry there, but I wonder if severe constipation can cause a rise in PSA, you know from passing hard pecan to walnut sized stools?

any pressure in that area can cause a rise in psa. like mountain biking, sex, heavy exercise, and yes: constipation. it is cause for concern though, if the psa level is consistently rising. biopsy might indicate a problem. don't let anyone cut your body parts out without first finding out quality of life losses. surgeons like to do surgery. radiation oncologists like to radiate. medical oncologists like to kill testosterone. do your research before making any decisions! and don't let anyone on any of these forums tell you what is best for you. you decide, not them.
I agree with jim11776! Especially the part about doing the research and making a decision that you are comfortable with. Quality of life will be affected. Incontinence is just one of the issues you may be faced with based on your decision making. Best of luck and prayers for a good outcome.
@Ozarkmtn I am 77 and been on CPAP for 25 years. My constipation issues started when I had to take lots of Rx meds for other conditions. I have had to go to the ER 3 times because it. You don't want that to happen!

I now take generic Miralax (PEG 3350) every day and 2 generic Colace tablets along with lots of water. It works very well for me.

With constipation out of the way you could illiminate it as a cause for the PSA spiking.
jim11776 is so spot on with his comment about the doctors. In the process of researching my options, I went to all three types of doctors and guess what ! ! The radiation doctor said my prostate was so enlarged that a surgeon wouldn't touch it and about my only option was radiation. The medical oncologist said I had to do the shots that kill testosterone and the surgeon said he would slice and dice no problem. Hell, I got more good information from the many people and friends that I know that have had to deal with prostate cancer. In the end I chose surgery (by a really good and experienced surgeon) for a number of reasons. I'm well on the road to recovery with minimal leakage in my shorts and minimal side effects so far. Do your homework and make a decision that your are comfortable with, charge ahead and get 'er done and very hopefully get back to living the good life you had before this cancer diagnosis rocked your world.
Had the biopsy yesterday... it was a piece of cake.

I had one about 11 years ago that wasv brutal and I was dreading this one.

I watched a video of the procedure...not those talking heads and cartoons. Nope, I found a YouTube of an action-packed procedure... and was prepared for the worst.

It may be Monday before I know the results.

the doctor did tell me my prostate was large 80

came home and slept now the waiting.
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