Coworker found my stash. 😔


Staff member
I keep a few diapers in a cabinet in my cubicle. She came in to find a file and I didn’t even think about it until it was too late. I asked her not to say anything to anyone and she said she wouldn’t, but still I cannot help but worry a bit. My hands are still shaking.
I absolutely understand your feelings! I worry about my stash being found or someone being relentless about why I always have a back pack and them asking what is in the bag etc. Last year someone complained about adult diapers being found in the garbage cans that didn’t have lids on the can and people were complying about having to see the used diapers. Staff wanted new garbage cans with lids put in all areas as well as all bathroom stalls. These were good for myself but then people still wanted used diapers to be bagged separately as well. I don’t think people knew the person who needed the diapers were myself, but still worried about someone finding out. I am at the point in my life of people finding out, I am almost at a point who cares.. I hope your co-worker keeps it under wraps for your peace of mind.
In a way I almost wish this forum was public so people could hear and understand what we go through. Yes I know we wouldn’t be as open as we are now but they need to know.
I have learned so much since joining and view my problems in a different light. Could we be adding to our problems by hiding our stashes? Some people needs glasses or hearing aides to help their bodies work. We just need diapers. Is that really so bad?
NorthShoreAdam said:
We've had a lot of customers writing reviews of new NorthShore MegaMax saying theyuse it to avoid this situation. They are able to get a full 12 hours out of each wearing and therefore avoiding the challenges with changing while at work. We're happy to send out free samples to anyone who wants to test them out. Just complete form at

I have a few left over from my last order, but I’m not a big fan of the landing zones (but they are amazing diapers!). I do keep a few diapers on hand because I never know how my bladder will be that day. I drink a lot of fluids to keep odor down, so I do go a lot.
You know, one should be able to take care of one's needs without feeling ashamed or embarrassed (he says as he dashes to the wastebasket in the bathroom while no one else is in there to dispose of the evidence).
I work in HR and have had people come with special needs to our team albeit very reluctantly, far more common than you think. It is a bigger deal to you than anyone else, I get and understand why, I am intensely private about my issues. Take a deep breath. I once took some folks from my team to lunch and forgot about a "stash" in my backseat on the floor of my truck. My colleague discretely moved and covered it up and mentioned it later, she then showed me the poise pad she keeps in her purse and we laughed. Hang in there.
What people ultimately need to realize is that NOBODY really cares! People are too caught up in their own perceived problems to care about your choice of underwear. If they are concerned about discovering you use a medical device to manage a medical issue or disability and they are uncomfortable with it or cause you to be uncomfortable, hand them a diaper and ask them if they want to walk a mile in your shoes. Everyone deals with something. We deal with incontinence but we should NOT let that define who we are. We are not our incontinence. We are not incontinent... We have incontinence. Like I have diiabetes but I avoid saying that I'm diabetic as I feel thiz begins to define me and that can be negative.

Hang in there!! This too shall pass.

Here's what happened yesterday, it might cheer you all up to learn how mainstream our supplies are.
I was in a Verizon store, the only customer, so while my business was being professionally handled by a quiet middle aged man a young 20 something sales associate was LOUDLY regaling a young Asian woman and another young man with his disregard for toilet paper which is a filthy idea to him and how he uses baby wipes and is the cleanest person, the girl tittered and agreed in HER culture they never use toilet paper and this went on for the entire time I was being helped about 40 minutes.
I am not incontinent during the day so it was not related to me until I think the 2nd man said something quietly and the braggert started hollering about old people and their inability to comprehend modern technology.( I'm just over 60.)
So I told my salesman his supervisor would be hearing from me about this wildly inappropriate monologue and a word of good will for his propriety.
My daughter who knows I am not shy to speak my mind asked why I didn't ream that little group out then and there.
I now suspect it's because I am desensitized to frank talk of bodily functions and two, because I wrote a much more effective letter to his supervisor as I will not tolerate this generations arrogance.
Point being, baby wipes and their effacy are now mainstream.
I carry plastic bags. I don't throw away anything that could be odorous or clearly a used incontinence product at my place of employment. Further, I saw an article teaching how to dispose of used diapers etc (at home) and explained how to wrap and bag and seemed to be suggesting allowing the used things to collect in a container to all be thrown away at once. I would never do that. I live in an apartment building. I will dispose each once used. Either thrown down the chute one only, bagged or I take it with me when I go out and drop off in an out door trash container.
While I would like to think no one cares, at my place of employment diaper wearing would be a hot topic for at least a little while and would be revisited occasionally just for kicks.
Squander said:
While I would like to think no one cares, at my place of employment diaper wearing would be a hot topic for at least a little while and would be revisited occasionally just for kicks.

That is the thing. Where I work people are very “catty” and like to spread damaging rumors. That is why I’m a bit afraid. However, it ends up that the person who found my stash has a bit of a bladder problem of her own. Nothing as sever as mine but still, I feel (in a away) like a brother/sisterhood has been forged.
It is always a source of amusement or wonder Squander but we know it will happen to many of them in time.
It they are smart enough, they will keep their mouth shut. Stuff like this is confidential, and could be their demise if they decide to go blabbing off info of this kind of matter. Great way to get fired if word gets out, then you know who the source was, not that you want that to happen, but it should NOT be spoken of by them, period.
People are always gonna talk. Whether it be about your diapers or that tacky sweater you wore last week. I live in a building with a bunch of gossipy old women and once one found out that I was incontinent it spread like wildfire. I just pretended it didnt bother me (honestly it did) and they eventually quickly moved on to gossip about someone else. Like you, one even confided in me that she too had some bladder problems. So keep your head up and just keep moving on. If it does get out just be like hey it's a medical problem. Would you make fun of me for having a prosthetic? No so move along and grow up.
I personally would not say anything to anyone if I discovered at work someone who wore diapers. Number one, it is no one's business. Number 2, who am I to say something about anyone else.
Spaz said:
I keep a few diapers in a cabinet in my cubicle. She came in to find a file and I didn’t even think about it until it was too late. I asked her not to say anything to anyone and she said she wouldn’t, but still I cannot help but worry a bit. My hands are still shaking.

Spaz, Sorry for your situation. It can be so frustrating and causing you undue stress. Just letting you know we are here to support you.
If your colleague does gossip about your incontinence wear, it will reflect badly on her, not on you. Any sensible person would think she is just a gossip, not woth listening to.
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