
Staff member
Had #3 this week and due to RA 4 years ago they gave me a full 3rd dose instead of half booster. Kicked my butt, bladder and everything else that ever suffered an insult over my 74 years. 2 days later back at gym, etc, but continence reversed. Working diligently again at Kegels, starting/stopping flow of ruination for 10”. Anyone else have similar problems?
Hi Stryder,
I’m actually in my early 40’s and caught Covid about a year ago. Ran a high fever and had the worst headache and neurological pain in my spinal column I can remember. Prior to Covid, I was dealing with OAB and bed wetting. After Covid I’ve been dealing with spastic neurogenic bladder and little to no feeling in the nether regions. Still have limited taste and smell as well. Otherwise I’ve made a full recovery. Hoping the bladder function and feeling returns at some point. Have to say, it was not a fun experience.

Wish you the best in recovering.
I got sick from both doses. When I had covid back in January it was weird and I ended up in the ER. I almost could not walk for a few day due to how bad my legs and stuff hurt.

I also had the same thing with my bladder. I was going crazy after the hospital gave me Iv.

Now the doctor wants me to get my flu shot and I am waiting tell I have free time to get sick from it.
FLGuy - I hope you're surprised this time and don't get sick. I had my booster this week and other than a quick slight headache and a sore arm for 36 hours. I'm okay. Am putting off my regular flu shot for a couple weeks as I have some stomach upset yesterday and today and my daughter from Arizona (by way of Anchorage - no more) is coming Monday for just the one day.
I got my flu shot two weeks ago and my booster/third dose of Pfizer last week. Zero problems, unlike COVID itself, which ruined my life for six months and still affects me in certain ways.
Had mine last Thursday and like Snow, had the flu jab 4 days prior. Left me with a killing arm, headache and general unwell feeling. Hoping it will go soon.
I had the booster a month ago, both vaccines in March/early April and am probably due to the flu shot. I remember getting it before Christmas. I think. I had mild Covid in January. My doctor in the hospital said I’m as good as it gets as far as being protected

So, one thing that may be different is that I had the Moderna shot. Both me and my brother got sick from both jabs. Now my only apprehension is not to end up back in the ER/ED from getting any shot. One of the side effects that I had with the Moderna as well as when I go my Flu shot last year was my heart rate went way up, I was very dizzy and dehydrated. That Is why I am waiting to see my PCP for the Flu shot this year.

He will have access to everything going on with me and then I can ask for an Iv when I get it. My Physical therapist said a few people she knows got an Iv with their shots and never got any sickness from them then.
We both got boosters, and flu vaccine, and no issues. Same with friends and family. Full boosters, as far as I know. Phyzer. The hospital & pharmacies report nothing except a couple of "dizzyness" incident, even for Moderna. Sore arms? Yes. Some had bad headaches - annecdotal. No J&J, here. In spite of the people who are convinced the only people dying are the ones who got the shots. Our hospital is currently at 116% capacity, most Covid patients, most unvaccinated. It's not a big, famous hospital, but they know Covid from Smallpox. We know some nurses, PAs, and a couple of doctors. There are only about 30,000 of us, spread out. That's not many, statistically. There is sure to be things we didn't hear about. What can I say? Covid has killed, here.
I've yet to hear about incontinence caused. Maybe underlying conditions? Maybe it's just that every one is different? Maybe it's Patient Confidentiality? You go into a coma or on a ventilator, they put in a catheter. Don't know what happens when they promote them to the regular ward. I think the NAFC said estimates are less than half of people don't admit to incontinence, either.
Damn! Hope you all get better.
My granddaughter and I got our Pfizer boosters last week and only had sore arms for about 30 hours. The other intelligent members of my family have gotten their shots and boosters. Some others refuse to be "controlled by the government."
@ritanofsinger Those family members who refuse to be vaccinated should be put in jail. They have a total lack of respect for their family members, friends, and humankind in general and should they get COVID and spread it around, they could be murderers. I only have one of those people in my life fortunately, and he lives 900 miles away so he’s not endangering me. He’s a longtime best friend. But he really frustrates me. Basically, he’s afraid of needles so he comes up with all these global conspiracy theories to justify not getting the jabs. If you don’t like needles, tell the person giving you the shots. If you have to faint, do it. It’s so much better than getting, then spreading, COVID.
Snow there is no talking to them. Their health decisions are based on their politics and "non-mainline media." I believe in natural consequences, so time will tell. I have no control over others. Que Sira Sira (sp). Whatever will be, will be. But it's very frustrating.
I guess what I wonder when i consider when someone has chosen not to be vaccinated is do I believe the vaccine works? Does it do the job that's expected? Keeping the vaccinated person from contracting the virus. If the answer to that question is yes I believe the vaccine works, then I wonder what does it matter to me what others around me have chosen to do I cant get the virus. Now on the other hand if I believe the vaccine doesn't work. I can still get the virus. Then I guess I could maybe see that all should be vaccinated. Except then if it doesn't work why would someone want to get it? It doesn't work.
In addition what does one do with the most recent studies that show someone who has had the virus and recovered has natural antibodies that can be up to 27 times more robust then the vaccine? What about folks who genuinely cannot vaccinate due to adverse reactions to other vaccines? What about pregnant women who have been told by their doctors the evidence is not in as to whether or not the vaccine effects the unborn child? Sometimes the blanket answer isn't always the right answer.
@ritanofsinger Yep, it’s a good reckoning of Survival of the Fittest. I just wish they’d quit letting them take up our hospital rooms and doctor appointments.

Wouldn't it be nice if it were just a black and white issue of either the vaccine works, or it doesn't? Of course, it's more complicated than that, because while it does significantly reduce the risk of a vaccinated person catching covid, and especially reduces the risk of covid being extremely serious if it is contracted, it does not do that at 100% effectiveness. I have been vaccinated, but one of my unvaccinated coworkers can still pass it to me. My risk of getting it is much less, but not zero - and that's why I'm unhappy with my coworkers who are making excuses not to get vaccinated.

Think of it like seat belts and airbags. Wearing a seat belt and driving a car with airbags significantly reduces your risk of death in a car accident, but this still doesn't make it OK for other people to ignore traffic laws, because there is still a considerable risk of injury or death in a crash.

As far as natural antibodies being more effective, recent studies say no. Likewise, a pregnant woman who's told that she shouldn't get vaccinated should find a more informed doctor - this exact question has been studied and answered definitively, and the answers are out there for people who are willing to trust them.
These are good thoughts expressed here. We need to rationally look at the whole situation and share our doubts and fears and encourage one another. I think this is good.
@ltapilot Precisely. It’s too bad not everybody is capable of understanding science. Most anrivaxxers are more capable than they let on.

@Tim Do your research. Less than .01% of people have bad reactions to vaccines. If you think vaccines are such poison, then maybe you’d like to get polio or measles? Why are you on a medical forum if you don’t believe in medicine?

@ritanofsinger Thank you for saying that. A year ago NAFC almost booted me for expressing statistics about COVID. I still have the email and I’ll never forgive a scientific, medical organization for backing up a jerk who said COVID is nothing but a cold, versus me quoting scientific, medical FACTS. NADC did that to me even though 350,000 Americans at the time had already died from it in less than 10 months.
@Snow I don't remember saying the vaccine's are poison perhaps we should project our thoughts on to others a little less? I remember asking whether or not the vaccine's are trusted to be protecting those that have chosen to take the vaccines? you have no idea what I have chosen. But I am capable of having a conversation that is guided by information not driven strictly out of fear. I don't care what one has chosen to do, take it don't take it. What concerns me is when we reach a point where everyone must take it because I say so period no discussion no room for unique personal situations that may prevent taking a vaccine. You should be jailed? That is a dangerous place to be in as a society. What is around the corner next that "we" are going to demand everyone take, purchase, join in on? And what happens if that next thing doesn't work for you or friends or family? "don't care shut up and do as your told?" Is that what you want to be up against? are you 100% sure?
@Tim, people who can't get the vaccine for medical reasons are part of the argument for vaccine mandates - they are unable to protect themselves by getting vaccinated, so it's up to others to help protect them by receiving the vaccine to reduce the chance that they're exposed in the first place.

Nonetheless, I agree with you that punishing those who are hesitant to get vaccinated is dangerous territory. While one of the primary rules of society is to ensure the common good, sometimes at the expenses of individual liberties, that principle just always be applied with care.

For instance, it is absolutely the responsibility of society to make and enforce certain traffic rules, such as which side of the road one can drive on. While that restricts people's freedom to drive wherever they please, it ensure that others' rights to reasonably safe travel is protected.

On the other hand, I've heard people argue that motorcyclists should not be covered by insurance in the event of an accident because they are willingly taking on a higher risk than car drivers, and the cost to society is to great. As a motorcyclist, I disagree with that; at some point, it's up to the individual to decide how much personal risk they're willing to take.

As a balloon pilot, though, the situation gets murkier. I am not currently required to hold a medical certificate to fly passengers; however, there have been multiple accidents in the past several years in which pilots who medically should not have been flying crashed and passengers died, though the extent to which their medical conditions contributed to this is debatable. The FAA is working on a new rule to address this situation, and it's widely expected in the ballooning community that commercial ride pilots week be required to maintain a medical certificate. The rights of the many (paying passengers) outweigh the rights of the few (pilots).

At what point does the right of society as a whole to be free of covid outweigh the right of individuals to decide what they'll put in their bodies? That's an open debate, and much of the divide in our politics is based on this exact question. I will say that, as a scientist and engineer, it's very frustrating to see people cite incorrect, outdated, and disproven information on making their decision.
A lot that has been posted in this thread has me going What The Heck.

As this is a discussion board, let us discuss the issue of vaccines from a rational standpoint.

To date, there have been 46,358,362 Total cases of covid-19 per CDC.

There have been 751,535 deaths from covid.

The 7-day case rate per 100,000 sits at 150.8

The 7-day percent positivity rate is 5.23% (People tested that show positivity)

There are three vaccines available that have a 98% success rate of keeping you or a loved one from getting critically ill.

Even if you don't trust the government, Don't trust big pharma, Don't trust doctors or science. There is still a compelling case to get the vaccine.

Now, some people will say "well it's only a 0.016 infected to death rate.

Tell that to someone like me that has lost four loved ones to this crap.

Now, let us talk mandates.

First, as an American, our government does not allow for a mandate. The 5th circuit court just halted it for now.

Growing up, anyone that went to public school knows all about getting shots to go to school. It was required unless there was a religious exemption. Growing up where I did in Florida meant that almost 1/3 of the kids in my school were unvaccinated (A high number of Jehovah's witness and Mormans attended my high school)

Now, these were not part of a Law. There were mandates/rules. Kids whose parents objected to the rules still sent their kids to school.

Going down the road of saying we should jail people for not getting the vaccine is a very dangerous step to take.

Okay, so let us talk reality for a second.

The number one killer in America is still heart disease. It also costs the U.S. $1 Billion a day.

The CDC states that 80% of cardiovascular diseases are preventable.

So, let jail all the fat people and make them get in shape. Let us ban people from hospitals that are really overweight. It would save us $365 Billion a year as a nation. People can lose weight if they try. They just don't believe the science. They don't want to get healthy for the greater good.

Now, you could say that obesity is an individual illness so not the same as Covid. Okay, totally get that. So let us talk about the normal Flu. Every year there is a new flu shot, CDC says only 46.8% of people over 18 got the shot in the past 12 months. Again, a lot of people die each year from the flu. True, not as many as from covid. Still, a lot though.

So, what do we do then? Change the law? Eliminate HIPPA so that doctors can report your vaccine stats to cops. Add another law allowing cops to arrest unvaccinated people?

I truly don't think that would be a wise choice from freedom.

Let go a step more.

Okay, let's shut down all traffic into the U.S. No one comes in. No goods from overseas, nothing.

Keep anyone that could be bringing in covid out. Again, it would be for the better of our nation, right?

Where does it end?

I am not saying any of this to start trouble. Just asking you'll to really think, do you really want to go down that road?
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