Controlling my life


Staff member
Where do i begin. Back in October 2021 I suffered a late miscarriage at 16 weeks with our baby boy, from the beginning things felt different not like my pregnancy I had before where I successfully gave birth to a healthy baby girl. After our post-mortem results we later found out I had contracted an infection. Whilst I was pregnant with my son I experienced the constant need to urinate and even after going I still felt the need. Now over a year later it’s left me with the anxiety and crippling fear I’m going to get a uti, this is always worst after I’ve had sexual inter cause with my husband weather he wears a condom or not I’m still left with the feeling of constantly needing to wee. We have since had another miscarriage and a molar pregnancy so have delayed trying for another baby. But we have had the all clear from charrings cross and we are able to try again. So we have decided to at the end of the year, I’m petrified of falling pregnant and feeling like this because I can’t take losing another healthy baby to another infection. So sex with my partner is not enjoyable as I know at the end I’m going to feel just awful. I’m so so scared and I don’t want to feel this way. I used to enjoy it and now I just dread it. I feel like need a whole body scan to make sure all is working properly meaning my bladder before I fall pregnant again. If you’ve reached the bottom then thank you for taking the time to read my post it means an awful lot. I just want to feel I’m not alone and I’m not going mad.
So my husband and I are currently having counselling once a week and it’s been really helpful talking everything through. But this feels so much bigger it’s ruining my life I just don’t know how much more I can take. I’ve been to the doctor but they just give me antibiotics without testing my urine. Is it all in my head
Because you describe one healthy birth and then other miscarriages it is quite reasonable that you are frightened and have the sensation of urinary issues.
This is a situation that a sympathetic gynecologist should be helping you with .
It could be you need anti anxiety medication and a good check up as well as the talk therapy.
It's reasonable to say you need a urine test to understand if you have a UTI

Going through pregnancy hormones are out of kilter causing all kinds of mood imbalance.
Plus you are GRIEVING!!!
So please you deserve to be cuddled and listened to,be kind to yourself.
I know the medical system in the UK is different than the USA but I had some of the best kindness from Planned Parenthood doctors
Don’t give up. I lost two babies between my first and fourth. It is hard to get through, but you can. I was 8 months the first time and just six months the second time. Neither lived beyond 24 hours. I don’t understand the doctor not asking for a urine sample every time you go for an exam while pregnant. Hang in there, good things can still happen for you.
Thank you so much for your kind words it means so much. I will go back to my doctor and see where I get with that
Blessing of Parents after a Miscarriage or Stillbirth

In times of death and grief the Christian turns to the Lord for consolation and strength. This is especially true when a child dies before birth. This blessing is provided to assist the parents in their grief and console them with the blessing of God.

Introductory Rites
All make the Sign of the Cross. The leader begins:

Let us praise the Father of mercies,
the God of all consolation.
Blessed be God for ever.
R/. Blessed be God for ever.

In the following or similar words, the leader prepares those present for the blessing.

For those who trust in God,
in the pain of sorrow there is consolation,
in the face of despair there is hope,
in the midst of death there is life.

N. and N., as we mourn the death of your child,
we place ourselves in the hands of God
and ask for strength, for healing, and for love.

Reading of the Word of God
One of those present or the leader reads a text of Sacred Scripture (Lam 3:17-18, 21-24).

Listen to the words of the Book of Lamentations:

My soul is deprived of peace,
I have forgotten what happiness is;
I tell myself my future is lost,
all that I hope for from the LORD.

But I will call this to mind,
as my reason to have hope:
The favors of the LORD are not exhausted,
his mercies are not spent;
They are renewed each morning,
so great is his faithfulness.
My portion is the LORD, says my soul;
therefore I will hope in him.

The word of the Lord.
R/. Thanks be to God.

The intercessions are then said.

Let us pray to God, who throughout the ages
has heard the cries of parents.

R/. Lord, hear our prayer.

For N. and N., who know the pain of grief, that they may be comforted,
we pray to the Lord. R/.

For this family, that it may find new hope in the midst of suffering,
we pray to the Lord. R/.

For all who have suffered the loss of a child, that Christ may be their support,
we pray to the Lord. R/.

After the intercessions, the leader invites all present to say the Lord's Prayer.

Prayers of Blessing
The leader says the prayer of blessing with hands joined.

Compassionate God,
soothe the hearts of N. and N.,
and grant that through the prayers of Mary,
who grieved by the Cross of her Son,
you may enlighten their faith,
give hope to their hearts,
and peace to their lives.

Lord, grant mercy to all the members of this family
and comfort them with the hope
that one day we will all live with you,
with your Son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit,
forever and ever.
R/. Amen.

Lord, God of all creation,
we bless and thank you for your tender care.
Receive this life you created in love
and comfort your faithful people in their time of loss
with the assurance of your unfailing mercy.
Through Christ our Lord.
R/. Amen.

Concluding Rite
The leader concludes the rite by signing himself or herself with the Sign of the Cross and saying:

May God give us peace in our sorrow,
consolation in our grief,
and strength to accept his will in all things
R/. Amen.

Last thought

Let's suppose you do get tested for a urinary tract infection but there is no infection
It's not "all in your head" it's post traumatic stress, your body is traumatized,it is speaking out but there is no blame! You didn't get an infection deliberately and miscarry!
Do not take blame for any of the ways your mind and body are dealing with the miscarriage!!!

It's not all in your head. You had a tragedy happen through an act of nature and mind and body are speaking with sorrow.
@brinnybee Welcome to the forum. There aren’t very many women here but we will do our best to surround you with warmth and refuge. I haven’t had a miscarriage nor a child, but I’ve held the hand of many a friend and family member who have miscarried. The sorrow is one of the most overwhelming types of grieving I’ve witnessed. You are not alone in your sadness. I think you probably feel exactly how the rest of us would feel if we were in your shoes right now.

As for the frequent urge to pee, it’s not all in your head. Many women experience urinary stress for the rest of their lives following a pregnancy. But it sounds like you might have an infection. In the U.S., a urinary test is given every time a pregnant woman has an exam. Unfortunately England seems to be extremely cheap and underfunded in their medical care practices. My mum is English and I have many rellies there, including several who have died of problems that would’ve been easily corrected or prevented had they been in an America hospital instead of one in the UK. It’s baffling that you haven’t had tests. Other than just a simple pee test, there are several kinds of important urinary tests that one may undergo for diagnosis. There are medications that you can try, if your gynecologist says they’re permitted while you’re pregnant.

Have you seen a specialist, like a urologist? From your report, it sounds as if you have only seen a general practitioner, or perhaps a gynecologist. But you must see a urologist for a urinary problem. I know it’s very challenging in the UK system to get to the right kind of help that you need to be able to get into a specialist. Other people here have reported about what an uphill battle it is to get the appropriate care where you are. I’m not sure how to advise you because we don’t know all the ins and outs of the way your medical care system works. Perhaps for the sake of your next pregnancy and your current situation, you should purchase a private insurance plan so you can get the medical attention that you so need.

@Sci-Fi-Fan (hope I’m spelling that right!) is a member on the forum here who has some insight about how to get what you want out of the medical system in the UK. I have tagged him so that hopefully he may have some advice to share with you.

I can sympathize with being afraid of sex. I have nerve damage in my spine and I’ve had a partial hysterectomy, which means I now have horrible pain when I have sex, and for up to two days after. So I just avoid it. It’s unpleasant, unsettling, and devastating to miss out on what the rest of the world enjoys. It can feel isolating. I suggest reading any self-help books that you can about how to enjoy yourself and relax during sex, and any self-help books about how to manage anxiety. You may need a psychiatric medication to help you get through this spell, though so many medication can’t be taken during pregnancy. I’m sure there’s some kind of psychiatric medication you could take while pregnant, just to help you just get through this season in your life. You are in quite a bind. I do think that once you get past this tough point in your marriage and your creation of a family, your sexual desire will likely return to normal when you have less pressure on yourself, so if you’re worried that your fear is permanent, don’t be too worried about that.

Can you take a break for a couple of years before you try pregnancy again, to give yourself a chance to emotionally and physically recover and balance out?

Have you tried doing physical relaxation exercises before having sex, such as this?

Have you heard of a pessary? Google it and see if it’s something you think might help you. Several of my friends who have had multiple pregnancies must use them. If you try one, and it doesn’t help, there are literally hundreds of others to try, and you may have to try a few to find the one that works the best for you.

I agree with @Maymay941 that you should receive therapeutic counseling, a.k.a. “talk therapy.” if your sessions with your husband are not helping you as much as you would like, please try individual therapy instead, or in addition to, the couples’ therapy.

If you have an overactive bladder, and have any leaks, I will tell you the hard truth: diapers and incontinence pads are your best friends! Wearing a diaper is like wearing glasses: diapers are a tool that help you get through life. It’s emotionally overwhelming to get used to wearing them in the beginning, but they ultimately allow you to relax through life. If you try wearing incontinence pads, be sure that you’re not using menstrual pads instead because the distribution and placement of the padding material is different in an incontinence pad than in a menstrual pad. I have seen several members here on the forum say that in the UK, the brand named TENA offers the best diapers.

Did you know it’s Mothers Nature’s way of keeping a woman clean by making her have to pee immediately following sex? Even if she went pee right before sex, she will need to pee after sex. So if you feel that urge, then do go pee, because holding it in cause you a lot of problems such as infections.

Some women definitely get more infections than other women. Often, if they change partners, the infections may go away. Have you and your husband both been tested for sexually transmitted diseases? I’m not accusing you of anything, STDs are very common and have been since the dawn of humankind. They’re nothing to be ashamed of. Most can be cured by simply taking an antibiotic. But, for instance, if your husband is giving you an infection every time you have sex, then he probably also needs to take an antibiotic to clean out his system.

Do you have Planned Parenthood or something similar in the UK? I agree with Maymay that they would attend to your most tender needs as a woman, and possibly at a low cost. They charge on a sliding fee based on your income. They often have a female gynecologist and female nurses working there. Female practitioners can relate to you a lot more than any man, and consequently, they are more gentle and helpful.

Something you can do to prepare to see a urologist is to try to make a journal about how often you pee, and how much. If you can, measure the quantity, as well as the frequency, and write it down so they can better understand your complaint. Do this for at least one week and possibly two weeks. That will help them be able to diagnose your condition.

You must be forthright when you speak with your physician(s) so that they can understand how much help you need and how important it is to you. It does sound like it’s really ruining your life, leading to obsession, even. Be sure to tell your physicians everything about what you’re experiencing and ask directly for the help you seek so they can get you the right help. There’s no need to be shy around doctors. Tell them you want, and deserve, better treatment. They work for you and you are their boss. Be assertive.

Some other basic tools for incontinence include taking cranberry tablets (here in the U.S. the primary manufacturer is a brand called AZO) and/or drinking cranberry juice every day to maintain overall bladder health. This doesn’t help for everyone, but it seems to really help some people. Refrain from alcohol, caffeine, carbonation, sugary beverages, and spicy foods. If you have problems during bedtime, stop consuming all liquids, including soup, yogurt, ice cream, etc. after 18:00. Some of us have really good results by simply drinking much less fluid, while others of us have great results from drinking more fluid. That seems to depend on the diagnosis. Certainly, if you’re working with pregnancy, you must be sure to maintain proper hydration. The more water you drink, the better you can flush out any toxins in your system. Ideally, your urine should be a clear color. If not, then you aren’t consuming enough liquids.

I hope some of these suggestions may give you some ideas for your healing and your next steps. We are here for you; please stay in touch and keep us posted about your progress. We are here to help you. Please feel comfortable, asking any questions and bringing up any topic. We’re very open here.

@Kathylp Oh dear, I’m so sorry to hear of your late-term losses. Even having not had a child myself, I can imagine the immensity of your grief. I don’t know how you made it through. I’m glad that in the end, you were rewarded with your fourth child.
There’s a lot to unpack. Thank you so much for taking the time to write back I really do appreciate it. Before my husband I slept with another man unprotected but I was tested and because I had symptoms they gave me antibiotics to treat anything I may have caught. Since then I’ve had more tests to check I was completely clear of anything before going on to try again. We don’t have planned parenthood so any problems including sexual health we have to make an appointment with a doctor. I would like to see a urologist so they can do more tests and check everything is working correctly. I have stopped drinking drinks containing caffeine and alcohol. I will take your advice and put a time limit on my fluids in the evening so that will help with the night time trips to the bathroom. I will take all your advice on board and give it all a go. If no better I will go back to the doctors and see what they can suggest. I was hoping not to go down the medical route and look at the more natural methods. Thanks for all your kind words. Sometimes I feel like I’m going mad and it’s all I can think about, so it’s good to talk it through with someone so thank you. X
@brinnybee We have all been where you’re at, too, thinking it’s all in our heads and blaming ourselves. We’ll help you get through and manage. Hugs!
snow said:
@brinnybee Welcome to the forum. There aren’t very many women here but we will do our best to surround you with warmth and refuge. I haven’t had a miscarriage nor a child, but I’ve held the hand of many a friend and family member who have miscarried. The sorrow is one of the most overwhelming types of grieving I’ve witnessed. You are not alone in your sadness. I think you probably feel exactly how the rest of us would feel if we were in your shoes right now.

As for the frequent urge to pee, it’s not all in your head. Many women experience urinary stress for the rest of their lives following a pregnancy. But it sounds like you might have an infection. In the U.S., a urinary test is given every time a pregnant woman has an exam. Unfortunately England seems to be extremely cheap and underfunded in their medical care practices. My mum is English and I have many rellies there, including several who have died of problems that would’ve been easily corrected or prevented had they been in an America hospital instead of one in the UK. It’s baffling that you haven’t had tests. Other than just a simple pee test, there are several kinds of important urinary tests that one may undergo for diagnosis. There are medications that you can try, if your gynecologist says they’re permitted while you’re pregnant.

Have you seen a specialist, like a urologist? From your report, it sounds as if you have only seen a general practitioner, or perhaps a gynecologist. But you must see a urologist for a urinary problem. I know it’s very challenging in the UK system to get to the right kind of help that you need to be able to get into a specialist. Other people here have reported about what an uphill battle it is to get the appropriate care where you are. I’m not sure how to advise you because we don’t know all the ins and outs of the way your medical care system works. Perhaps for the sake of your next pregnancy and your current situation, you should purchase a private insurance plan so you can get the medical attention that you so need.

@Sci-Fi-Fan (hope I’m spelling that right!) is a member on the forum here who has some insight about how to get what you want out of the medical system in the UK. I have tagged him so that hopefully he may have some advice to share with you.

I can sympathize with being afraid of sex. I have nerve damage in my spine and I’ve had a partial hysterectomy, which means I now have horrible pain when I have sex, and for up to two days after. So I just avoid it. It’s unpleasant, unsettling, and devastating to miss out on what the rest of the world enjoys. It can feel isolating. I suggest reading any self-help books that you can about how to enjoy yourself and relax during sex, and any self-help books about how to manage anxiety. You may need a psychiatric medication to help you get through this spell, though so many medication can’t be taken during pregnancy. I’m sure there’s some kind of psychiatric medication you could take while pregnant, just to help you just get through this season in your life. You are in quite a bind. I do think that once you get past this tough point in your marriage and your creation of a family, your sexual desire will likely return to normal when you have less pressure on yourself, so if you’re worried that your fear is permanent, don’t be too worried about that.

Can you take a break for a couple of years before you try pregnancy again, to give yourself a chance to emotionally and physically recover and balance out?

Have you tried doing physical relaxation exercises before having sex, such as this?

Have you heard of a pessary? Google it and see if it’s something you think might help you. Several of my friends who have had multiple pregnancies must use them. If you try one, and it doesn’t help, there are literally hundreds of others to try, and you may have to try a few to find the one that works the best for you.

I agree with @Maymay941 that you should receive therapeutic counseling, a.k.a. “talk therapy.” if your sessions with your husband are not helping you as much as you would like, please try individual therapy instead, or in addition to, the couples’ therapy.

If you have an overactive bladder, and have any leaks, I will tell you the hard truth: diapers and incontinence pads are your best friends! Wearing a diaper is like wearing glasses: diapers are a tool that help you get through life. It’s emotionally overwhelming to get used to wearing them in the beginning, but they ultimately allow you to relax through life. If you try wearing incontinence pads, be sure that you’re not using menstrual pads instead because the distribution and placement of the padding material is different in an incontinence pad than in a menstrual pad. I have seen several members here on the forum say that in the UK, the brand named TENA offers the best diapers.

Did you know it’s Mothers Nature’s way of keeping a woman clean by making her have to pee immediately following sex? Even if she went pee right before sex, she will need to pee after sex. So if you feel that urge, then do go pee, because holding it in cause you a lot of problems such as infections.

Some women definitely get more infections than other women. Often, if they change partners, the infections may go away. Have you and your husband both been tested for sexually transmitted diseases? I’m not accusing you of anything, STDs are very common and have been since the dawn of humankind. They’re nothing to be ashamed of. Most can be cured by simply taking an antibiotic. But, for instance, if your husband is giving you an infection every time you have sex, then he probably also needs to take an antibiotic to clean out his system.

Do you have Planned Parenthood or something similar in the UK? I agree with Maymay that they would attend to your most tender needs as a woman, and possibly at a low cost. They charge on a sliding fee based on your income. They often have a female gynecologist and female nurses working there. Female practitioners can relate to you a lot more than any man, and consequently, they are more gentle and helpful.

Something you can do to prepare to see a urologist is to try to make a journal about how often you pee, and how much. If you can, measure the quantity, as well as the frequency, and write it down so they can better understand your complaint. Do this for at least one week and possibly two weeks. That will help them be able to diagnose your condition.

You must be forthright when you speak with your physician(s) so that they can understand how much help you need and how important it is to you. It does sound like it’s really ruining your life, leading to obsession, even. Be sure to tell your physicians everything about what you’re experiencing and ask directly for the help you seek so they can get you the right help. There’s no need to be shy around doctors. Tell them you want, and deserve, better treatment. They work for you and you are their boss. Be assertive.

Some other basic tools for incontinence include taking cranberry tablets (here in the U.S. the primary manufacturer is a brand called AZO) and/or drinking cranberry juice every day to maintain overall bladder health. This doesn’t help for everyone, but it seems to really help some people. Refrain from alcohol, caffeine, carbonation, sugary beverages, and spicy foods. If you have problems during bedtime, stop consuming all liquids, including soup, yogurt, ice cream, etc. after 18:00. Some of us have really good results by simply drinking much less fluid, while others of us have great results from drinking more fluid. That seems to depend on the diagnosis. Certainly, if you’re working with pregnancy, you must be sure to maintain proper hydration. The more water you drink, the better you can flush out any toxins in your system. Ideally, your urine should be a clear color. If not, then you aren’t consuming enough liquids.

I hope some of these suggestions may give you some ideas for your healing and your next steps. We are here for you; please stay in touch and keep us posted about your progress. We are here to help you. Please feel comfortable, asking any questions and bringing up any topic. We’re very open here.

@Kathylp Oh dear, I’m so sorry to hear of your late-term losses. Even having not had a child myself, I can imagine the immensity of your grief. I don’t know how you made it through. I’m glad that in the end, you were rewarded with your fourth child.
thanks so much for the your encouragement and experiences SNOW. Yes I too as you mentioned though have needed some protection for years, never needed to wear more than a liner. Now I am using a moderate to ultimate absorbent pad. I stay in my head most of the time feeling ashamed to be around others. Just saying I know you all get it and I thank others for talking about the unspoken thinks- expressing that the feelings are real it helps us look at ourselves and start to work at handling real life. I can't say what will exactly happen but right now,my mind is flooded with guilt and shame that maybe others notice I am wearing a pad, maybe it's silly for me to think like that but that's where my head is. I believe i also need to see a Urologist cause just getting older should't mean automatic incontinence of bowel and bladder. I started to have bowel leakage more so than not and while I know things could be worse. I;m just not there yet. Are there products on the market to use to reduce the smell? I know about having good hygiene especially after using the restroom but until you can get to the restroom if out in public is there anything that can be recommended that will mask fecal/urine odor. I just at a loss right now and trying to figure this out. But thanks for everyone being so encouraging I respect and pray for comfort for all. thanks so much for allowing me to be part of this forum.
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