Coercive Control


Staff member
Hey Guys,

Ive had quite the morning. Last night i recieved an eviction notice from my Landlord for my significant other and myself and it was dated a month prior with only twelve days left until the court date. Most of the points inside the summons were not true as well. I feel like we are getting run out of town. This morning after my significant other left; i started to get concerned because thats when my feelings of abuse and neglect kick in and all i wanted was to be safe from my mother and step dad who i know have been pulling strings from backstage. I feel trapped inside my apartment but yet its the only place i call home. Ive been in a situation for sbout a month now where i feel retaliated against by my family but my step dad reassured me that there not family if they treat me this way.

Im trying so hard not to die over this as my step family has connections and will do anything to sweep abuse and neglect under the rug and resign myself to living alone and underneath there thumb. Part of myself wonders if that after all of this time of living underneath there control after college is to be partially responsible for my bladder conditions returning.

After talking with my mother and step dad they calmed myself down and i guess we are going to have to see where this eviction summons goes. I wish they didnt do it last minute and all i want is to be able for people to see that i dont want to be controlled by my step mother and father anymore.

Blessings in Christ,
Every state has housing advocates that can assist you in a landlord/tenant dispute. You may need to search a bit to find contact information for the one in your area.

Additionally, every state has legal standards for eviction notices. At a minimum these include the notification requirements. Based on what you stated, the notice you received may be invalid. If it was legally delivered there will be a record of the delivery date. If the delivery date is not on or prior to the required notification date then the landlord has not met the statutory requirements. You should also read your rental or lease agreement to see what it says about eviction notices. Regardless of what the rental agreement states an actual eviction is governed by applicable states and/or local requirements.
Damn I wish I could help you, but I just don't know enough about you to give advice. I think Happily Retired 2 has some great advice on your housing issues. But I would start looking for a forum that better understands family problems like you are mentioning. I know when I was younger and had issues with my family, so I moved away and buried my life into working as much as possible to make something of myself so that family or not I would be able to take care of myself and my new wife many years ago. And it worked out for me. But you're not me. Thats why you should seek help from family therapist or a forum that provides help in that arena. Sorry, but good luck. Things will work out for you I'm sure. But it will require time and hard work from you to get it all going.
Hey @HappilyRetired2 and @1Reginald57. Thank you guys for reaching out; I really appreciate it.

I think you were right in regards to my housing situation; I'm going to look into the date discrepancy. That should help us at least in that regard.

In other regards; I have a tough time with family on my dad's side. I just enrolled in medicaid on the marketplace so hoping prior to getting back on private insurance I will be able to start therapy and chug away on that.

This forum has been a saving grace for myself in the sense that it has been the people here for the most part that has helped keep my spirits up in regards to my bladder and mental health issues. Not many people realize that the two work in-sync to one another.

Thank you guys for reaching out - it's turned out to be a beautiful day.

Blessings In Christ,
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