Cloth Diapers


Staff member
I am thinking of trying out the "Happy Endings" cloth diapers but before I spend the money on a reusable cloth diaper, I thought I would ask to see if anyone has or does use cloth diapers. If so are they worth the initial expense? how well do they fit and how absorbent are they? Any help/thoughts on these would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
I say the abdl diapers work the best for results of absorption you can call Rearz the diaper authority at 888 745 1008 and Abuniverse at 425 245 5200 I personally wouldn't use cloth diapers cause they will leak
I actually bought a few pairs the other day, over all they are great. I have a 34-36in waist and weigh around 220, their absorbancy is good depending on hiw much inserts you put in which can also cause for more bulk then youd get from a desposable.
If you are a heavy wetter overnight or aren’t able to change regularly during the day, cloth diapers aren’t going to work. They just dont hold up and you’ll be disappointed and more than likely they will leak. I’ve tried a few brands and having to add 3-4 inserts just isn’t an option for me, they are far too bulky and in my opinion very uncomfortable. When I sleep or go out for a longer period of time I use the confidry 24/7’s, these work best for me and are half as bulky as cloth. Just my 2 cents.
XP is my supplier and they have the confidry on their site. They have good prices, free shipping and they ship in plain boxes with a discreet label.
Iv worn cloth diapers plastic pants back in the mid 60s till the late 80s. When disposable adult diapers came out I began using them for daytime while at work (8hrs). My Problem with diaper rash cleared up quickly dispite the fact that my disposable diapers were just as wet. The cloth diapers give me a rash that’s difficult to clear up. So in the modern world stick to disposable diapers unless it’s a emergency and it’s all you have in stock.
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