
@justej I have heard some guys like them, especially for short term use, but put a clamp on my John Thomas, no thanks!:eek:
I had thought about trying one to get through airport security, but my little chap tends to shrink when I'm nervous. I can just imagine it coming off just before getting to the scanner and having a flood on my hands. Like the others, I think I will give it a miss, Phil
After my prostatectomy in 2005 resulted in open-pipe incontinence, I used pads for a few years.

Then tried Cunningham Clamps during the day with a moderate absorbency pad over that. Over night I went with a pad alone and got up typically about twice a night. I took an oxybutynin tablet each day.

With the clamp, I'd have to drain about every 2 hours. Just sitting in a movie theater and not getting up/down till the end, I could make it through the film.

Tried to reposition clamp after each drainage proximal or distal to even out the pressure on the skin. Clamp has several tightness settings. I used the loosest, reserving the tighter ones for "reach-in" times I was concerned I wouldn't make it to the lav. Within the arms of the clamp are malleable metal strips that can be bent to attain a proper tightness.

Over the years there were problems with dilation of my urethra proximal to the clamp and my bladder never seemed to get a capacity of more than about 100 CC's. Off & on there were some skin issues. Clamps were about $35 and I'd go through about 3 a year, plus the pads.

For the past 2+ years, I've figured out a system to use condom catheters and collection bags. I empty about every 4-6 hours. Still use clamps during times I have the condom off.
I have used several clamps. Some are better than others. Took a bit to get used to them. The ones that was most comfortable i would still wear some protection because the clamping force wasnt as strong causing a problem leaking sometimes. I used them constantly for 2 years straight and it was a savings on buying diapers. I got away from them after being in a motorcycle accident and I would have pain as my bladder would fill so I got away from using them, but I am considering giving them a try again.
I used several that I purchased online. Cunningham brand was well built and lasted. I used a smaller one that was more comfortable and for me the pressure was more adjustable but you cant do a “reach in” like mel was describing if you feel you need to tighten it real quick to keep from leaking like you can with other clamping devices, That was a c3 clamp I believe. I did try the Articuf which is a non adjustable clamp that has a small absorbant pouch, didnt work that well for me but i think it would for some. The Articuf company did send me free samples to try.
Wade, Here's a heads-up for you and others who have not seen my earlier posting. My prostatectomy was in 2010, with 3 pad leakage ever since. After getting frustrated just enough, I found an engineer partner who could help me develop a silicone sleeve product/device that I wear. It's a sleeve with a protrusion that puts upward pressure on the urethra; it is not a clamp. While I wear it comfortably all day long, I will sometimes wear it at night, if I've hydrated too much in the evening. With a backup liner, there just is not a leakage problem for me. While we are patent pending, after 3 years of development, we are seeking an industry partner for production. The device is not for sale, but we will give you or anyone else a unit to try, only asking for feedback regarding your experience. Our product works; getting the proper fit is the only challenge. Info is available, if interested. I'm at Best wishes, Duane,
I'll add some info that I learned. After bladder dialation due to scaring now experiencing incontinence...I should add that I had prostate removal surgery about 5 years ago.
I checked out some posts here mentioning clamps. Cunningham clamp was mentioned and also Dribblestop.
I've been using Dribblestop for about 4 months and happy with the product..
BTW I'm 77 years old..
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