catheter after knee surgery


Staff member
Has anyone experienced inability to urinate and necessity for a catheter after knee surgery or any other type of surgery? Will the bladder start to work again?
I had to have a catheter after appendix operation and yes bladder went back to normal straight after if you had general anisthtic this temp condition could just be your body's reaction to that no need to woorymate
It has something to do with the anesthetic. You should be back to normal and not need the catheter after 24 hours or so.
Had four Total Knee Replacements, so far, and two cancer ops, and one Septic Shock/ICU-11-day-coma. They put catheters in for all. Most came out quickly. All contributed to incontinence except the first cancer surgery. Thus, had no difficulty peeing. Going into the last cancer surgery (May, last year), had extreme incontinence after fall/concussion - one of the symptoms that sent me to the ER where they discovered the brain tumors.
Not sure how much incontinence was truly incontinence in hospital that time. 3-5 days became over 3 weeks - and as far as I'm concerned, they never gave me a reason for the time-extension (Except they made more money). The nurses didn't want me using the bathroom, most of the time, maybe because they insisted on accompaning me. They said it was "Liability", but they didn't allow me to exercise - because of "Liability". The diapers were junk.
That may be the only time I've ever been truly unhappy with nurses, ever. That may have been their "orders", but....
As soon as i got home, the incontinence reduced because i didn't have hospital nurse telling me i couldn't use the bathroom. And i get exercise, which i think helps me learn to control. I needed diapers only at night, and it wasn't more than about two weeks and i was down to pads, again, albeit heavier pads, now lighter ones. I've learned a fair amount about what not to drink & eat, and when to and when not - and thank God for this forum, as I've learned a lot here. It's more than it was before the last operation, but not terribly bad.
I have heard of others who have difficulty after the drugs, including the pain drugs.
I agree with MayMay941. If that doctor just gives you platitudes ("It's better than the alternative", "at least you're alive"), then insist on a referral. It doesn't cost your Doctor a penny to refer you, and not a bit of sweat.
Hang in there!
After my last surgery I was unable to urinate. They scanned my bladder to see if it was full, it was, they ran water to try to get me to go, it didn't. They finally had to put in a catheter. After a day things were better and the catheter came out.
I think Catheter is what caused incontinence forme. Two C-sections. the catheters were in 3 days with each surgery then years later I had hysterectromy , catheter in at least 2-3 days . My bladder got weaker after each, I also had catheters for a day ot two with other minor surgeries. I hate those things or I am just bias.
@colin13 they are not great, but being in agony not being able to go isn't fun. I think I may need to use one more regularly as my waterworks seem to get worse and worse.
My dad just had a heart procedure last week and is in a rehab. He couldn’t pee after his surgery either so they had to pop a catheter in for a while till the anesthesia wore off.
Seems to be common for older folks according to the nurse that was helping him.
@colin13 catheters are certainly not comfortable, but sometimes necessary. My grandfather had an incident with a catheter (of which I do not know the whole story), but he somehow pulled it out while the balloon was still inflated. He had issues urinating the rest of his life, no incontinence that I know of, but it would spray everywhere unless he peed in a cup that contained the spray.
I don’t mind them personally. They make a very comfortable one with two balloons inside to prevent the lining of your bladder from being damaged. I’m happy with that and a belly bag. Sure makes management at work allot easier. Let’s me get on with my day with no hassles or leaks. (Unless you forgot to close the valve on the belly bag) yeah that
@jrpoorman hi Jim, I will have to ask about a double balloon version. I have never tried a belly bag, is it easy to cover up? Cheers Phil
If you get bladder spasms just take detrol generic is oxybutinin. Compared to the old style catheter the entire industry should be made to switch to the new safer design.
Yes, checkout the Rusch website. Just looks like normal under your clothes. That combo is such a blessing. Makes life more tolerable for sure. Have a great afternoon/evening.
I e had a catheter twice before and did NOT like the aftermath of pain and overall discomfort!! My Dr has suggested a catheter or surgery with a permanent tube/bag but I am fine with diapers at this point. I do however see the benefits of a catheter at times and see how useful it is for some!!
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