Catheter after da Vinci prostate surgery


Staff member
Will I have to flush my catheter during the time period it will be in? If so do they teach you how before they send you home. Surgery is next week.
Yes, I agree with Gkimp, as they normally have it down pat what is needed. If any trouble you must call in. I have a Foley in now they put in last week. And I do know once when I brought up I was having some trouble with plugging in a chronic catheter she instantly sent in the nurse that changed Foley's and she quickly set up and irrigated me, and had the Dr. ordered saline and syringes and everything needed. They are now ordered with my normal bladder supplies. But my condition is probably different from yours. So please ask questions too.
@Lmm1979 Good to know you are proceeding. I did not need to flush my catheter at home. The doctor flushed it once at the hospital. They give you instructions.

Please ask about Kegels and start doing them. Typically they have you do 3 to 5 sets of 10 per day.

The forum is here for you. Use the search magnifying glass to search topics and look at people's profile to see how long the person has been on the forum. There are many in the new group - I am 6 weeks out. There are others months to years.
The last three times they placed the foley catheter, I had to remove it due to the severe pain and burning in my penis. I do not know the motive. For years I hadn't had that problem. Now I'm not using it and of course I had to fix that problem using pull up all the time. Has anyone ever had something similar?
Maybe you were sensitive to the coating or material on the catheter. If you are they can try a different material such as silicone. The Duette double balloon catheter is super comfortable and made of silicon.
May consider that one. It also doesn’t damage the bladder lining like a conventional foley. There is a balloon above and below the drainage eyes. Great product.
I also had the davinci procedure in April. Still cannot take a leak voluntarily. I can do the kegels while sitting but as soon as i stand i lose controland by the time i get to the bathroom im finished. I cant seem to do the kegels while standing. Will i need a therapist? Sorry for the subject change. New here.
I had my surgery back in January. The catheter is inserted during the operation and is attached to a tube that runs to the bag. (The catheter is held in place by some sort of "balloon" inside the bladder.) I was instructed to clean the tube that goes to the bag from the catheter and the bag every time I had a shower. I was told to use vinegar to sterilize it and then it gets re-attached to the catheter. (The catheter was removed 12 days after my surgery.) My wife was a great help during the times I had to remove the urine bag for the showers and she cleaned and rinsed it all with the vinegar and re-attached everything, including the velcro strap that held the bag to my leg. Sounds more complicated than it really is. Good luck with your surgery!
I am 3 weeks post surgery. My instructions were the same as ericy except I was instructed to keep the area where the catheter comes out of the penis clean as it can be in infection target. I had no problem doing that, or with changing connections and tubes from a "day" collection bag to the bigger volume "night" bag. I had a small maybe one or two gallon plastic container that I mixed sterile soap in and soaked the bags and tubes in when they were not connected to me. The removal process was not explained to me very well. On the day of,It was very simple and pain free. After they check the repair success of your own urethra, they deflate the the balloon holding the catheter in somehow, and it comes right out, at least mine did. No one has been able to explain to me why my genitals were all bruised so badly (still are) I know that excess blood can travel from one spot to another after an injury, but this one mystified me, (and the guy who took out the catheter) Everything down there was supersensitive, and I had been doing kegels before hand but It hurt too bad to do them for a couple of weeks, I am back to doing them now, but man!
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