Hi @Missginger, I think, without knowing details of how you'll be caring for your family member, one thing you definitely have to know is how to lift a person from chair to bed and back to chair and in and out of vehicles, as suggested right upstairs here by ritanofsinger. Too many times somebody with wonderful intentions may not know the fine points of lifting and moving patients. As a result, there may be back injuries which can be mighty incapacitating and would render you completely unable to provide the care your family member needs. (I have lower back spasms sometimes which would make things very difficult if they happened while taking care of someone). So please find out how to lift and move someone because safety for your family member and yourself are vitally important. Barring that, please ensure that you have someone else around who will be able to help you. Along those lines, please ensure that bed and wheelchair (if one is being used) have their wheels locked before moving somebody.
And if medications are to be given and you have any questions whatsoever, please immediately contact the pharmacist or the doctor's office.
Since this is an incontinence forum, you may have questions about what type of garment to use and this is the right place to ask about that. And that includes skin care (highly important) as well as bathing techniques.
In other words, please make sure you know everything there is to know about how to take care of your family member and how to quickly reach someone if you need help doing that. The person's safety and comfort should be Priority One for you at all times.
I hope this is helpful and gives you some insight into this and please come back with any questions you may have.
Thank you for reaching out to us.