Can A Botox Injection Make You Worse Short-Term


Staff member
In the days following my Botox injection, I've had more frequency and urgency than I've ever had before. Has anyone else experienced this and does it goes away after a few days?
Hi there, in short yes. It gets worse before it gets better in my experience, it’s like the bladder is angry after all of the injections, it normally calms down after 3 or 4 days with me. I’m due for a repeat procedure next Thursday. In my opinion Botox benefits out way the negatives.
That had never happened to me after injections. They do take at least two weeks work. Your bladder is probably irritated after being punctured a bunch of times.
From what I’ve read on this forum, women seem to benefit from Botox better than men. Also, very few men seem to be prescribed Botox following prostate procedures. But hey, I’m a chick, so I’m not sure. But yes, in retrospect, the bladder is mad for 2-3 days after Botox (in case you didn’t feel tgat
Agree with everyone and yes, mine was worse for 2 or 3 days and then began to feel the benefits immediately. Just wore off in 3 months. Was only 100ui. I'm still on the waiting list for the next 300ui and got so fed up with it all yesterday, I stuck a Foley in me until I can get my next lot of injections.
Thank you for all your comments. I failed to mention that I am an amputee with a prosthetic left leg. Walking with a prothesis also puts pressure on my core which is already strained from the injections.
I've had it done twice and both times it put me in full retention that led to cathing and many uti's and I'll never do it again! As you know Botox usually lasts 6-8 months (in my case) and it was rough.
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