Bulkamid Treatment


Staff member
Hello all, my urologist is recomending a treatment called "Bulkamid." I am a male who has had stress incontinence for the last 16 months due to a botched TURP surgery. It is primaily for females, but he claims they have had great success for males also. Basically they go in through your eurethra and put colagen on your sphincter to get it to close tight. He says it will last about seven years then probably will return to stress incontinence once again. I was just curious if anyone knew anything about this procedure. Since I had the botched surgery, my wife is very much against any semi experimental stuff. And thats kind of what this is since it is primarily for women and not men. Thanks all, and have a great day all.
I would get a second opinion from another urologist. My urologist felt like these types of procedures may or may not work. He recommended that I go with a proven procedure that had a good track record and a higher chance of success. I eventually had the Boston Scientific male sling and it was successful. This was after 3 years of treatment for prostate cancer which included prostate surgery/ removal, visits to a pelvic floor physical therapist, later hormone treatment and radiation and more physical therapy.
I wish you the best of luck and success whatever you decide to do.
I am coming up on 16 months have stress incontinence. But only going through 1/2 to maybe 2 pads a day. Where are you on pads per day. I was told it can take up to 2 years to get to the point of that's the best it will be. I do fell like it is getting better but very very slowly.
I have never heard of it. It hasn’t been presented to me as an option, but maybe that’s because Botox works for me and perhaps it’s also because it wouldn’t help my diagnosis of Neurogenic Bladder. I don’t see my urologist for another couple months but when I do, I’ll ask her. It doesn’t sound like it’s experimental to me. What’s the procedure like? Will you have to take time off work or be down? Will it hurt? Will it cost a fortune? If not, I say go for it. You have nothing to lose. I’m curious, have you tried Botox yet?
I had it done this morning. It is a procedure called Cystoscopy installation of Coaptite. It is done under General anesthesia at outpatient surgical clinic. It was painless.

The clinic fees are $15,501.00 not counting physicians , Anesthesiologist and pathologist fees. I am fortunate that my insurance covers 100%.

The procedure was first used for feminine issues but has proven to work with males .

It may take two to three weeks to work but might sooner. It’s not experimental
And Coaptite we were told is permanent.

I hope this helps I will let you all know results down the road. God is in control.

God Bless

Can you give us an update regarding the results of your Bulkamid procedure? My urologist recently offered it to me. Thanks, Dan
This makes twice that I’ve had the procedure. Neither worked.

It probably not going to matter. My PSA
went from .01 to 15 so my Urologist is referring me to an oncologist.
So I’m starting a new journey.
I’m person of deep faith. God doesn’t give us more than we can stand.

I hope this helps.

God Bless
Bustersday said:
This makes twice that I’ve had the procedure. Neither worked.

It probably not going to matter. My PSA
went from .01 to 15 so my Urologist is referring me to an oncologist.
So I’m starting a new journey.
I’m person of deep faith. God doesn’t give us more than we can stand.

I hope this helps.

God Bless

What was the time between your PSA tests? Was it tested as part of a yearly physical?
Just curious how quickly it spiked to those levels... Prayers for you.
Hello all, I had the Bulkamed procedure done on the 28th of June. I am happy to say, " so far so good". I went from changing my depends out three to four times a day. It was terrible. And now I'm happy to say that I am wearing regular underwear with just a pad that I change everyday after I have my evening shower. So it's about a 95% improvement for me. My urologist said that he had hoped to at least slow it down. And my friends....Im telling you he did. I feel as though I can go out for a day (all day)with no issues. He did warn me that it would last at most seven years. Maybe even less. Everyone is different. I have medicare with a supplemental insurance and have not seen any final bills as yet. I do know that it cost about $22,000.00. I cannot afford that, so I do hope my insurance helps. I will give updates on if things change going into the future. But for now, It's all good compared to what it was.
Bustersday, my prayers are with you. Stay strong and stay positive. You sound like someone who has gone through a lot. Hang in there best you can. Read as much as you can on your issues and remember there are some good out there that may help you. The internet has a lot if negativity on it. Go beyond that and remember to stay positive.
Good luck my friend, keep us posted
Hi, please keep us updated. I am seeing my urologist at the end of August and he recommended this for me. I had collagen injections 5 or 6 times in the past and they lasted only a couple of months. I am a 72 yo male who had a radical prostatectomy in 1997 and I have been incontinent since then.
My urologist has done this procedure for two men. It worked for one but not the other. My PT said I am not a good candidate if I can stop the flow of urine on my own, which I am able to do. I’ll bring it up again at my next visit with my urologist.
Well it's been 5 weeks and all is well. In fact I can go a couple days a week sometime with maybe a few drips and that is all. I hope I can make it a few years. My urologist says I may be able to go as long as seven years. I pray he's right, but we will see and I will let you know if things go bad.
I am going in beginning of April for the Bulkamid procedure any update from those that have had it done.
@Parone1977 Are you male or female? I recently asked my Urologist about it, and she told me that it’s only for stress urge and continents, like the kind that women get after having gone through several pregnancies - you know, like when you laugh you pee, or when you exercise you pee. So it doesn’t apply to me because I don’t have thodd problems, other that I tend to leak a bit when I go from sitting to standing.
I am a male had prostate removed Jan 28 2021, I have stress incontinence and done to about 1 ounce leakage aday.
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