Bulkamid for stress incontinence

Just got home, Bulkamid procedure went well. Slight discomfort, I was put asleep, arrived at hospital at 830 went back at 945 back in room at 1045 slight discomfort. Have urinated 2 times,they will not let you leave until you do. First and second time definitely some blood but told that is normal. Home by 1230 just relaxing, was told to drink a lot of water on 4th bottle. Will let you guys know how it works out in the days to come.
This is very interesting for many of us. Thanks for posting updates and hope it is a successful procedure!
Info on me my prostate was removed January 28 2022 by robotic surgeon, over the course of 2 years 2 months I've had a very slow and I mean slow change in my incontinence. Like many of you some good days and some 6 pad days. Mostly with higher activate movements ( heavy lifting, sport activity, yard work ect...) but I did not want surgery. Trust me when I say this some very emotional days. I was down to no leaks for the most part at night, 1 pad a day on light activites, and 2 to 3 on active days. I will post with the up dates as they occur. Hoping for the best,I've been told if this works I will know more tomorrow.
End of day 1, not so good. Last night had to get up 3 times to pee. Through out the day could feel some leaking on simple task. Went out for dinner had a small coughing spell, standing still leaked. So far feels like went backwards a bit. Well post again tomorrow. Follow up appt 25 possibly then schedule 2nd attempt. Was told by Doc most need a 2nd dose.
Day 2 last night back to normal no leaks did not have to get up to pee. Throughout the day minimal leaks but still some small leaks, with a bit of activity. Had again a small coughing spell with leaks later in the day. Just 1 pad today. Will see what happens this weak will let you know if any changes. Right now not to happy with results.
Monday Tuesday Wednesday worked 8 hours each day part time, parts delivery some parts light some abit heavier minimal leakage about 1/2 an once a day not to bad :). Today played 18 holes of golf, and I am a Walker with a push cart leaked about a full ounce still ok. Follow up appt 28 to discuss next step, at this rate I will go with 2nd round of bulkamid and see what happens.
Follow up with doctor did not go well. This past week I am leaking more and more. Light days about the same 1/2 ounce, but hard or heavier load (weight) days I leak more any were from 1 ounce to 2. Played golf twice and differently leak a whole bunch more up to 3 to 4 ounces. Doctor does not want to do 2nd treatment and I agree. She wants to see were I am at in about a month. Right now not a big fan of Bulkamid treatment.
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