@justej I know the feeling! Due to start a Master's next week so need to stock up on high capacity ones as I have a long commute, have been running low on the Rearz Barnyard and annoyingly they're out of stock. Ordered some samples of various different ones which will hopefully be a good alternative. I like the hook and loop tapes though.
@ThatFLGuy Interesting about the Crinklz vs BetterDry. I use them as my round the house ones. Technically Crinklz are supposed to be the same, just with added prints but I had to do a bulk order of them when BetterDry was out of stock and did find them to be a bit better.
Re the prints, when my issues got worse I just grew to accept that the best products tended to be the printed ones. I used the Tykables camouflage ones for a while as the print wasn't so embarrassing and it didn't look like a nappy/diaper. Had big issues with the tapes the last time I bought some and so switched to the Rearz Barnyard which is a better fit but I hate the print.
I guess ultimately as has been said nobody knows what you're wearing. My anxiety stems more from bag searches and medical appointments. That being said, I was wearing a printed one in hospital last year and nobody batted an eyelid. I like that Megamax ones have tasteful prints but they're beyond my price range.