Breathing exercise


Staff member
This is my first post!
I am 67 years old and in good health. My PSA score was 4.6, just out of the 0 – 4.0 normal range. I had an enlarged prostate and went in for a biopsy, and it came back that I had cancer. I was scheduled to have my prostate and lymph nodes removed by robotic-assisted prostatectomy on the 4th of January. This surgery took 8 hours due to the very large prostate and reconstruction. The catheter was removed two weeks later.

I was told that I would have leakage of some urine, which is normal. I would like to know whoever came up with that statement, because it was like a faucet that could not be turned off!

It is now three and a half months from the surgery. My last PSA score was undetectable and the biopsy done on the prostate said all cancer was inside the prostate gland. Now I do not leak when I am lying down or sitting up in a chair. I have been to a physical therapist for incontinence and have done exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles. Some of these are adduction, abduction, glutes, leg press machines, and kegels . I know my lower body muscles have gotten stronger because I can sit down and get up a number of times with just using my lower body muscles, with no help from the arms. Yet I can’t seem to control the flow of urine as I am walking around after getting up from a sitting position. It just seems to leak all the time. I have used a penal clamp, but the physical therapist doesn’t want me to rely on it.

Now for my observations from breathing exercise that I tried just a couple days ago. I restrict the flow of air as I breathe in and out very hard several times. After doing this, I am able to stand up from a sitting position and walk around the house without leaking for the first time since surgery. I don’t know if this is just coincidental or not. I thought that I should exercise my whole midsection since it is all connected and had read about breathing exercises years ago for those who have difficulty with physical exercise. Also now when I get up from sitting, I inhale and exhale very deeply a couple times and stand up as I am exhaling the second time. I have noticed that after this I can walk around the house and do several things without running to the bathroom! Now I am down to one pad a day.

I was wondering if anyone else has noticed if deep breathing has affected incontinence? If you do try it, let me know.

Hi,Teddy here,I had my operation on the 28th.October 2020 in Montreal,I'm 69 years old,2 months exactly from 6 heavy duty diapers a day I went down to 1 and sometimes 2 pads a day,but mostly it's 1 a day.What is important is to do your Kegel exercises but don't over do it,do about 60 a day.This is to streghten your pelvic floor muscles.Also if you are a coffee drinker don't take not more than 2 cups a day and take decaf,the same for tea,cut of pepsi,coke etc...,if you are drinking orange juice take it with half water.Anything too acid will effect your pelvic floor muscles,it takes time to heal inside of our body.If you drink hard liquor cut it of and also smoking.You have to discipline yourself,I saw my specialist a month ago and he told me that if I continue doing of what I'm supposed to do by July I should be completly dry.I hope this helps you,take care
I'm just over 5 months post surgery.i started out at 6 to 7 pull-ups and now down to 1 light pad. Yes, I didn't leak while laying down or sitting and dripped as soon as I got up. Now I can roam around without a pad but where one just for the cough or sneeze or bending. Hope to be dry next month. The breathing I have not heard of, but doing a strong keagle just before getting up works.
Dear Dave...Hang in there. My surgery was 9 months ago and all of my issues were the same as yours. 9 months post opp and I am dry with no leaking. One of the most important lessons I got from PT was the correct way to breathe and engage the lower pelvic floor muscles prior to standing or exerting myself. I eventually learned how to fart without peeing and life is once again worth living. It's the little things that make such a big difference. Keep on Keepin On! Rayl in Ariozona.
Well, I'm not a guy and do not have exactly the same problems but I think I'm going to try this and add kegels. I have 2 neph tubes but still leak urine. Not a lot, 1 pad a day, 1 pad at night. But if I might be able to get this to stop or slow down, that would be great.
Dear Dave,

I am 68 years old and only 7 weeks post surgery. Every word in your posting describes my situation. Recently my PT suggested that I combine breathing with a Kegel exercise prior to standing. It does help, now the trickle down effect happens a few steps after I get up.

Patience is not one of my finer virtues and I'm anxious to see the progress others on this forum have achieved. Until then I'll keep doing the breathing exercise with Kegels before standing.
Breathing exercises focusing on the midsection and Kegels are working for me Iam in my 12th week post RP surgery I have other things that I do in my routine. I drink all types of beverages-always in moderation and use common sense- good luck to you☮️
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