Box of product discovered


Staff member
SO, my friend was over the other day, and I had received a couple large boxes of diapers earlier that day and had left them out to move later as I wasn't expecting company. This friend was unaware of my incontinence as I've become very good at concealing this aspect of my life. He had seen a couple boxes before but never really brought it up, or I had a ready explanation like it was something my wife needed for a client at work etc. This time he plainly asked "what's in all these large boxes" and I simply told him "if you really want to know I'll tell you" and he replied "nah man, I'm good."
We left it at that as my heart slowly returned to normal rhythm...

You missed the opportunity too tell him its where you store the freeze dried body parts of old friends before reheating them for dinner!
@canadianbaby not wanting to have my boxes discovered has put me off getting some new windows fitted, well that and the cost! Phil
@canadianbaby I know just how you feel, I wish it would be easier just to say F-it and say "It's my diapers", but I know for myself that's not happening any time soon.
It shouldn’t be such a taboo subject but we all know it is!! I’m just lucky that my wife knows and accepts me for who I am!!
I had my shipment stolen off of my porch. Oh how I would have loved to seen the look on that person's face when they opened it up to see what was in it hahaha
Randall said:
I had my shipment stolen off of my porch. Oh how I would have loved to seen the look on that person's face when they opened it up to see what was in it hahaha
Wow! Maybe they'll put it back all red faced when they realize what they've done.
I went to get my car detailed, up popped the trunk and there sat a box of depends left over from my mother.the cleaner quickly claimed it to give to his elderly neighbor
I have to have my supplies sent to a pickup location now. Its more of a pain, but at least I'll get them!!
What amazes me is how invasive this condition actually is to your whole life. Continence is something the continent seriously take for granted. You don't realize it until you're living it day to day. I'm constantly thinking about it, worried I'm going to leak or someone will notice my pants are thicker than normal... or hear the crinkle, or I'll have some strange wet spot suddenly appear on my pants. or something will become untucked from my pants... the fact that its such a 'taboo' subject makes it that much more difficult to deal with. It can be so terribly isolating and depressing. There is a total sense of loss and I believe that there is a certain level of grieving type behavior that is associated with incontinence, and that never really goes away. I struggle on a regular basis, but I gotta say that the availability of this forum, and you fellow sufferers makes me feel like I'm really not alone in this. For that I thank you all.
@canadianbaby I agree totally. It's really devastating to have someone "find out" whether it because of a wet spot, discovery of diapers or a doctor's visit.

I think it's rooted in the childish teasing around "peeing your pants" and the like. It's not made any better by the treatment of incontinence in the media, where it seems to be just prime joke territory.
Canadian baby, this post is the most poignant and true i think ive seen on the topic. And you are right, this forum is literally a light and guide in the darkness.
@Squander you are correct its a real hit when someone finds out. Then there are those silly commercials for depend and always that make it look like everyone is wearing them now like it is the cool thing to do. People walking right out in the open in the city and nobody paying any attention to them walking around in pullups like its nothing. I bet if we walked out in ours, they'd call the cops on us lol. Incontinence is still a taboo subject for people and its nothing like what those commercials make it seem like.
@Randall At least the commercials are trying to make pull ups more acceptable (to their benefit), but they're kind of lame. I think they insult the average user's intelligence, but that's true of most commercials.
At least since the population is aging more they are trying to increase awareness and get the products out there in the mainstream more.

Oh man that was awkward for you. Not because of your need for diapers, but because society, as others have pointed out, has made it awkward. Reminds me when I was a teen and buying GoodNites for my bedwetting. I felt so awkward and just knew that everyone who saw me with the pack knew I was buying them for myself. When thinking back I know that there was probably no one in the store that even noticed me. And the checkout person problely didn't even care what. Was buying.

Once though the checkout person, an elderly lady, did make a comment saying something like, "Got a younger sibling at home still working on bedwetting?" I was so shocked I started to reply, " No they...Uhm yes my little brother is still working on getting it under control." I think she suspected something because she replied, "Well he will get it under control eventually, my brother wet his bed until he was 15." I was like, did she just tell me that?

So yeah so frustrating that it has to be such a secret. Wish it was different.
canadianbaby said:
What amazes me is how invasive this condition actually is to your whole life. Continence is something the continent seriously take for granted. You don't realize it until you're living it day to day. I'm constantly thinking about it, worried I'm going to leak or someone will notice my pants are thicker than normal... or hear the crinkle, or I'll have some strange wet spot suddenly appear on my pants. or something will become untucked from my pants... the fact that its such a 'taboo' subject makes it that much more difficult to deal with. It can be so terribly isolating and depressing. There is a total sense of loss and I believe that there is a certain level of grieving type behavior that is associated with incontinence, and that never really goes away. I struggle on a regular basis, but I gotta say that the availability of this forum, and you fellow sufferers makes me feel like I'm really not alone in this. For that I thank you all.
canadianbaby said:
What amazes me is how invasive this condition actually is to your whole life. Continence is something the continent seriously take for granted. You don't realize it until you're living it day to day. I'm constantly thinking about it, worried I'm going to leak or someone will notice my pants are thicker than normal... or hear the crinkle, or I'll have some strange wet spot suddenly appear on my pants. or something will become untucked from my pants... the fact that its such a 'taboo' subject makes it that much more difficult to deal with. It can be so terribly isolating and depressing. There is a total sense of loss and I believe that there is a certain level of grieving type behavior that is associated with incontinence, and that never really goes away. I struggle on a regular basis, but I gotta say that the availability of this forum, and you fellow sufferers makes me feel like I'm really not alone in this. For that I thank you all.
I agree that incontinence is a pain. Sometimes it can have advantages too. If we relax and accept diapers as normal and the inevitable happens. Someone discovers our secret you can say "your lucky you don't have this problem". Or this is just my underwear. We must be discrete and not show them anymore then you would regular undies in fact less so. But we belong to a special club and perhaps you may even meet other members if you are discovered. So relax and go with the flow. We are fortunate that we no longer have to search for all those bathrooms.
I like that way of phrasing it, "youre lucky you dont have this problem " that is a very gracious way of stating it and either opens the door for the other to admit they have trouble or to change the topic of conversation
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