Blood in urine


Staff member
Have found this site to be helpful uplifting at times. I had a prostectomy on 12/2/20. In the last few weeks I have had blood in my urine in the AM. Darker color urine and then when finishing noticeable blood. Have a checkup with the surgeon in a couple of weeks. Was planning on talking to him about it then. This evening I had two glasses of wine and am peeing darkened almost wine colored urine. Advice?
Thanks so much for the advice. I will call tomorrow. This site has been extremely helpful with the new lifestyle I’ve had to adapt to. Like most of you I’m sure this condition came out of left field. Still learning to adapt and have as much of a normal life as possible.
Exactly Randy and honestly keep that attitude moving forward as it will help you. You just need to make the most of everything and every moment. And you can still keep doing the same things as you used too with just some minor additions to ones routines. Glad 😃 that you still seem optimistic and not letting it get you down. Keep those thoughts always.

Just my humble opinion but it’s great too see and forsure use this site to bounce ideas off of or learn new ways to manage your issues.
Thanks Jw. It’s been a struggle and some pretty low moments but have tried to come to terms with what is.
Oh I can only imagine Randy. But like you said we just need to accept it is what it is.

And make the most of it. Otherwise we are just selling ourselves short.

Again just my humble opinion but I have gone for so much counseling etc to deal with everything going on in my life and at my young age but I still have many things to be grateful for. Just needed to slow down and actually learn to live in the moment and stop to enjoy life now today. Rather than always preparing for the future.
Randy, Sorry to hear. You've got a great attitude. Keep it up. I decided to cut out alcohol all together. I miss my margs, but not worth the stress of wondering "if it might be doing something" to my body. Keep us posted, please!
Get a UA...
After my RP, I started chemo and things don't heal when on chemo.
I have one more infusion and have a pink hue to my urine occasionally. Urologist did a scope for bladder tumor and said after chemo sutures sd heal. Took cipro for UTI and seemed to clear it up.
Fight on.
Since you just recently had your surgery I wouldn't worry too much about the bleeding, as some bleeding is usually normal. However, as several others have said, it's never a bad thing to ask your doctor about it, if it overly concerns you.
Hi Randy, I agree with everybody here!! Please see your doctor ASAP and when you call tell them why you need to come it!
Blood 8 weeks after Prostatectomy surgery is cause for concern. Call your urologist's office. It may be a simple issue but just as easily something major especially over two months after surgery.
Thanks to all for the encouragement and advice. I spoke to my Dr’s nurse today. After going thru my activities for the last few weeks she felt like I have just been overdoing it. They plan on a UA along with bloodwork on my next visit in two weeks. Really appreciate all the support!!
Just from a medical layperson's view, it sounds almost like the nurse was blowing you off. Keep Track! Pay attention. At any increase, or any other symptom, just go into Urgent care, if that's the only choice. Urgent Care can at least guess if you need to go to the ER. The ER can decide if they need to call your doctor in, or another specialty. Don't hesitate to take an active role in your care. Don't hesitate to ease off on the activity.
Call back and say that you want the UA now. You don't want to wait two weeks. Blood in the urine can be a sign of serious disease. The nurse can make a diagnosis only with a urinalysis. Good luck!
@Randy Would you share what activities and to what extent you were doing? I know I was told not to left more than 10 pounds for 6 weeks. Also when I started walking, I had to do short distance (half a mile) at a slow pace because I could feel discomfort in the pelvic region. By 8 weeks I was back to walking 2 miles in 35 minutes.

I am asking for people in the future who may search for "blood" and find your posts.

Thank you,
Terry My Dr told me 6 weeks as well. I was over that by a few weeks so I wasn’t giving it much thought. In the last few weeks I have been up and down a ladder quite a bit doing some painting and have shoveled snow a couple of times in the last several days.
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