Blood in bladder after intercourse


Staff member
My wife and I are 71 and 73. We still enjoy intimacy and penetive sexual intercourse. We do this on average, once a month. Recently, the wife started to bleed bright red blood from the urethra. And over one day normal color urine returned. A couple of day later we had sexual relations again. Later that day, bleeding from the urethra returned.

Went to a urologist and a camera was used to examine the urethra and bladder. No apparent scaring or brusing. This exaime occurred five days after our encounter. The urologist was aware this happened after intercourse. The doctor did not have an explanation that was satisfactory. Addition examines for kidney stones and possible cancer were negative.

No pain during our intimacy from the wife, and KY lubricant is always used. We are now afraid to have penatrative sex, Plus, we do not have a satisfactory explanation of why this has happened.

I have research this problem and found next to nothing on injury or brusing the bladder through intercourse. Looking for advice and a possible cause (and remedy) for this problem.
It's not just broken, it's F***** up! It is hard to believe a actual medical doctor said and did that. Hello???? Doc?????? Are you out there????? You have a patent that's bleeding. Hello, is anyone there???? You don't say, but were there any lab tests, and how extensive? I wouldn't bother to ask that Doc, have him/her send the file to a real Doctor. Get a referral from anyone except that one.
Go with Snow's idea, find a real doctor, not one who got his degree out of a Crackerjack box. Some one who gives a D***. At the least - at the VERY least - there should have been a referral. Consider the services of a big hospital with all the specialists.
Even if someone here has had a similar experience, you need to find a real doctor, we are all different.
Lab test were done when we made an ER visit. Xrays were also made. I also have been searching for a similar sysptom and have found next to nothing. It is frustrating. I agree, Another opinion is required
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