Beyond confused


Staff member
I am so confused as to what I'm supposed to do now. I feel like I've hit a dead end.

Okay so, recently, I did a blood and urine test. This was supposed to be I guess a "first step" to finding a solution. They've just emailed me my results and I have no clue what I should do next. Clearly they should know this can't just go away and I came to them for a solution. As of now, I feel like I've just wasted my time. Theres no follow up to what I should do next or anything. What's the next step?

This is a screenshot of the email they sent me:

Well, if they don't offer any advice, ask to be referred to a continence nurse specialist for further assessment.
What makes it worse is that my GP requires us to do an online consultation, so you can't get in contact with anyone or even talk to anyone. To ask anything, I have to do that whole long form again 😭

On the plus side (sort of), Ive been dry for at least a week now 🎉 The downside to this is I haven't had many liquids during the day. I do have a glass of water every morning but I try not to drink so much - especially in the afternoon.
All of my tests came back normal yet I'm still having problems. My doctor thinks it's neurological but they ruled out the likelihood of MS or other major condition. My doctor at one time thought I had CIDP but that turned out incorrect. My doctors are at a loss right now.
Exhausted - This online thing seems to me to be right up the alley of a lot of doctors. Sometimes we patients just need to have our fears allayed. We just need the comfort of talking with someone who is listening, noticing our body language and trying to see things from our point of view. I had a doctor many years ago who always asked me up front, "What do you think is the matter?" That was so reassuring because he wasn't discounting my anxieties or fears. He acknowledged that it was my body and that maybe I had a clue to what was going on. Some doctors are not into validating their clients!
Maybe you've figured out what works for your body. Be cautious though, don't get dehydrated.
It could be you have weak pelvic muscles that a regime of exercise can help.
Many of us have leaking or night incontinence with no clear reason.
I'm glad the leak and urine came back alright thats some good.
Exhausted said:
...On the plus side (sort of), Ive been dry for at least a week now 🎉 The downside to this is I haven't had many liquids during the day. I do have a glass of water every morning but I try not to drink so much - especially in the afternoon.

I pray that you find the proper treatment for your condition, but I must caution you about not drinking fluids. Doing that can lead to lots of terrible health problems. Keep yourself well hydrated even if it is inconvenient.

God bless you!
@Exhausted They say, “Please let us know if you have further queries.” Do so. Tell them you want to talk about trying incontinence medications. Tell them you’re interested in pelvic floor muscle physical therapy. Tell them you want to get to the bottom of your nocturnal incontinence. Tell them you want to see a urologist.

Good job on going through the urine and blood labwork. See, it was no big deal, was it?
Exhausted said:
What makes it worse is that my GP requires us to do an online consultation, so you can't get in contact with anyone or even talk to anyone. To ask anything, I have to do that whole long form again 😭

On the plus side (sort of), Ive been dry for at least a week now 🎉 The downside to this is I haven't had many liquids during the day. I do have a glass of water every morning but I try not to drink so much - especially in the afternoon.

I have both incontinence's, but much more bladder. I'm coaxed to drink 100 ounces of filtered water per day. I have a 16oz bottle beside me at all times, no matter where. We have noticed after the body realized that it would get this water every day, it seem the bladder simmered down to where I was. Please drink fluids.
Hi @Exhausted, that's good that your bloodwork and urinalysis are normal. That is a big relief. That said, your next step would be to talk to a nurse or other professional who specializes in incontinence and try to get to the bottom of your issue. In her post above, @snow has some good possibilities for you to pursue. Call up the doctor's office where you had the test done and ask them to refer you to someone who specializes in incontinence.
It's good you've been dry for a week, but please, please, please drink more water! Although one would think that drinking less water would help an incontinence issue, it doesn't really help at all. Your body needs water to function and getting dehydrated can be dangerous and lead to more problems. So please get in touch with a urologist or a continence care nurse for your next step and tell them you want their help. And please let us know how you make out. Everyone here will help you through this!
This is a good time to stop and note ones own age and reason for incontinence as we respond to one another and say this as we respond. So many of us we can't remember who is who on the forum.
A person who is under 20 or over 50 or has an injury or illness related incontinence or an unknown sudden start of bedwetting or a life long history of bed wetting we all have a different take on life.
I do know if you voice your concerns to your PCP. I would be very surprised they wouldn't refer you quickly, I do know that new PA's (if I cannot see my PCP) will ask me about my urinary issues even if I'm seeing her for unrelated. And they will say are you seeing a urologist. And I will say yes. And they move on
Im going to fill out the form and hopefully ask for a call from them. I do have a question though. Would it be a good idea to go for medication straightaway? Or are there other effective ways to try to treat incontinence?

Also, are they called continence nurses in the uk? Or is it just a urologist?

@Boomersway, I never thought of it like that. I'll definitely be drinking more water. Thank you

@billliveshere, I can't call my doctor at all. It all has to be through the form ☹️ Im going to hopefully ask them to call me.

@Maymay941, a very good point. Im 18, and I have no idea why I have this problem. I mentioned this before that I've had this from childhood.
Hi @Exhausted, Is there a place on the form where you can ask a doctor to call you? Also please indicate on the form that you still need to talk to a doctor, preferably a urologist, or at least to a nurse who specializes in continence care. Tell them you are very interested in following this through and that you don't feel that just having bloodwork and a urinalysis gives you the answers you are looking for. This is being assertive and it is perfectly okay to be assertive. If you aren't assertive the people in charge won't be able to know that you want to follow up on that. They will just assume you are satisfied with what they told you. In other words, be firm but polite all the same!
Please let us know how you made out because we want the best for you and for the doctor, etc., to do well by you!
Yes, billlives here, it is vital to be assertive when it comes to your health care. Being aggressive is different, and will not help matters.
That's for sure, @boasammy, after all it is your body and you need to let your care providers know under no uncertain terms what you expect. After all you know your body better than any one else. And it's true being aggressive never won any friends!
Drinking less *definitely* makes me pee less, so I understand you @Exhausted . I absolutely prefer living somewhat dehydrated to avoid even more trips to the bathroom or even more diaper changes. Those of you who don’t wet the bed and/or don’t wake up every 5-60 minutes to pee, cannot possibly imagine how exhausting and disruptive it is to be awake that often. It’s way more often than feeding a newborn, and look at the zombie-state new parents are in. Because of how often I wake up to pee, I feel even worse than than the mother of a newborn - for the rest of my life. So no, I’m not going to pursue being fully hydrated because I need at least a few cumulative hours of sleep per night. The very most important thing @Exhausted is to do what works best for you.
Have you tried drinking more water earlier in the day? It is very unhealthy for your kidneys to be dehydrated. I tried drinking very little, and got sick. My mother got so dehydrated, she was hospitalized to get IV fluids.

I hate having to get up several times during the night, too, but my bouts with dehydration scared me, so I just drink enough water.
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