
I'm with @Danman and @DPCARE, bedwetting shouldn't be this big horrible secret we have to keep for fear of judgment from society. Its a medical condition much like so many others that people have and they are not looked down upon or feel fearful of someone finding out.

It is kind of like a catch 22. Many of us, me included in this group, keep it a big secret from others. Have a only those absolutely necessary to know are told. Everyone else, friends, family, etc, it is kept from out of shame, embarrassment, fear. Yet because we don't share our stories outside of groups like this others do not realize how prevalent bedwetting is. Using the stat of 1-2% of adults have some form of bedwetting means that a city with an adult population of 20,000 has potentially 200-400 adult bedwetters. Who knows some of my good friends might be struggling with bedwetting too and we just don't open up.

Ditto for incontinence issues.
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