Bedwetting consistently my whole life.... I'm now 48 (female)


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I remember my parents trying a number of things when I was little. They'd take me to a hypnotist - but I would never go under. I'd peep through my eyelashes at the hypnotist taking notes at his desk while speaking in his hypnotic voice. If he felt that I'd been a good patient, he'd let me hold his dog (I had him fooled for a long time, not knowing just how much it was costing my parents!!). My parents tried the alarm pad but some nights I'd sleep right through the alarm. My parents would wake me up to take me to the toilet and one of them would stand there until I would do a wee. Sometimes I'd fall asleep on the toilet and fall on the floor, knocking my head...!!!

As there weren't any products back then for older kids, my mum adapted nappies by safety pinning them into my underwear - two safety pins at the front corners and two at the back. Sometimes this would suffice but a lot of the time, I'd still flood the bed.

To protect the mattress, my parents adopted the practice of putting a sheet of plastic (sometimes big rubbish bags) between my sheet and mattress so at least it was "only" the sheet and my pjs that were wet. Mum used to complain that the washing machine was going to breakdown because she had to wash sheets and pjs every day. This, of course, only made it worse. She wasn't to know that. She was just as stressed as I was.

So, to "help" my mum, I would put towels down on the bed after I had wet it - night after night. Sometimes I'd end up with 4 to 5 towels, one on top of the other, by the end of the week. I thought I was helping Mum by not giving her washing every day. Of course, this didn't help and the damn washing machine DID break down.

Sometimes my Dad would get very frustrated and would ask me in the morning, "did you piss the bed last night?". I felt such shame and embarrassment. I'd lie to him and just put a towel over the wet patch.

The plastic between the sheet and the mattress was horrible. I also have a condition called hyperhidrosis which is "excessive sweating". Yep, I have fluid coming out of me from all over my body!! I joke and say to my family and friends that know of both conditions... "there will never be a drought around me!!" I live in Australia.

Back to the plastic.... it would make me sweat so much. If it weren't for the smell of the urine, I wouldn't know which was which - sweat or urine! The plastic also made a noise when I moved about or corners of it would stick into me (it was thick plastic).

Then there were the sleep over parties during my school years. My Mum would sometimes call the parent of the child that had invited me to stay over. Mum would tell the other mum about my condition and make sure I'd pack some plastic when I stayed over at my friend's house. Seriously, I found it so stressful. I would do my very best not to sleep, or at least not to go into a deep sleep. Sometimes, I would chat away to my friend until about 2am. I found that once I got to that time, then went to sleep, I'd wake up dry.

I would stop drinking any fluids very early in the evening. If I'd been sweating all day, I had a real thirst so it would be difficult not to want fluids before going to bed. Most of the time, it made no difference at all.

One of my worst experiences was a four week school camp to central Australia when I was about 15 years old. We were camping the whole way from Melbourne in four-man tents. I was in a tent with only one other girl. I was so nervous at night time. I remember wetting my sleeping bag and not knowing what the hell I was going to do! I couldn't hang it out to dry because of the smell; I couldn't tell anyone - that would be motifying and I didn't want everyone else finding out. I remember using my towel to wrap around me the rest of the camp and fortunately, I had some baby powder with me so I used that to (hopefully) disguise the smell. The towel was sometimes still damp from after showering. I seriously don't know how I got through it.

My parents continued to have me medically investigated but there wasn't any conclusive reason as to why the bedwetting kept occuring and I never grew out of it. One test did find that I held about 30ml of fluid in my bladder most of the day - my bladder never fully empties when I go to the toilet. But nothing else was looked into after that.

When I moved out of home, it was a relief. I lived on my own and if I wet the bed, it was completely my own problem - no one else needed to know. I actually found that I didn't wet the bed as often during those years. Of course if anyone stayed over, again, I wouldn't go to sleep until the wee hours of the night (excuse the pun).

I've had various partners over the years but no-one as more understanding as my partner now of nearly six years. He is wonderful. I see he gets nervous mentioning it to me or asking me in the morning "did you have an accident?" when he sees me change the sheets. He is completely supportive. He doesn't complain about the cost of the incontenence pads or undies. I'm the one who complains about the cost of those!!!! AUS$13.00 for a pack of 8!!!

My previous partner (husband) actually wouldn't sleep in the same bed as me because of my incontenence. What a pig. Enough said about him. There's (several) reasons why he's my ex!

I don't know what medical science will find out about noctunal enuresis in the future. I just wish there was some sort of medical rebate (in Australia) for having to buy such expensive pads!!!

I wonder how I will be as I get older. I suppose it won't change. It may also start occuring during the daytime but I'll cross that bridge if and when I arrive at it.

My sense of humour certainly masks my real uncomfortable, frustrating feelings about my bedwetting. Actually, I'd rather call it an "accident". I hate the term "bedwetting". It remind me of my childhood and the fact that that word is associated to children - not adults.

I used to joke around, saying "I get to sleep with another woman each night. Her name is Tena (as in Tina)"!!! Now that I wear Depends pants ("more than 60% absorbent at night"), Tena is now defunct! She tends to leak!

See - I'm still joking about it.

So, that's my story. If there's any clever doctors who think they've found a drug that actually works (I was taking 10mg of Tofranil (imipramine) for most of my childhood years - yeah, didn't work), I'll be your guinea pig - as long as it doesn't make me leak from somewhere else!

Don't get me wrong - there were, and still are, the occasional dry night. Ah, how awesome is it to wake up dry! When that happens, it's going to be a good day.

Thanks for taking the time to read my story. I'd certainly like to hear from anyone who has a similar story/experiences. Oh, and if you've found the answer to eternal dryness!
you are not alone. Find what helps you sleep well and dry and forget the little things. Underwear is different for everyone.
Eh, I am 49 and still dealing with night time wetting. I did the whole plastic sheet thing, hiding my wet clothes so i didnt have to "report" it to my parents..eventually as a teen i got to where i would set my alarm at night and would get up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom. That worked well but I didn't sleep much those years.
The thought of diapers had horrified me and when I was going in first grade I remember being forced to wear one. Not a good experience. In hindsight diapers might have been better than the horrible plastic sheet on the bed but back then I didn't look at it that way. There was plastic on my bed until the day I moved out at age 19. Eventually I realized my wetting didn't stop when I left home. Not as frequent, but still an issue. Eventually I accepted the fact that diapers would be the better option. After almost 30 years of diapers at night, I would say the last 10 or so years I gave up on any hope of stopping. It is what it is I guess. I joined this forum bc it is good to see I'm not alone even though it feels that way a lot of times.
I’m female 24, about to be 25 and I understand. I’ve been bed wetting my whole life and it really messes with my confidence. I just graduated from college and I still live with my mom. I sleep with depends from time to time but they’re just so uncomfortable and makes my back sweaty because they rise up. Every doctor I go to tells me it’s probably a bladder infection. Really? I’ve had a bladder infection for 24 years? Weird. So of course they prescribe me AZO which is to help UTIs which I don’t have! My boyfriend has been really understanding. I wet his bed once and one time we were sleeping on his mom’s bed and I wet it too. My first thought was to blame it on the dog. But his dog is smart and knows how to hold in his urine. Plus I love that dog like it’s my own I didn’t want him to get in trouble. I woke my boyfriend up crying saying I wet his bed. He wasn’t disgusted or mad he just held me saying it was okay because he believed I did it because I had a mental breakdown that night. Luckily I was laying on my side when it happened so a lot didn’t get on the bed and I was the only one soaked. Now anytime I sleep over there I set alarms throughout the night to wake me up to pee. I feel bad though because it wakes him up and it wakes the dog up and when the dog wakes up he wants to play.

But I agree with you on trying to find a medication for this. It would change science and help so many. There’s medication for children but not adults which sucks because after talking to multiple people it’s common in adults.
Thanks for sharing your stories - it's good to hear how other people cope and their experiences and what they have tried to make it easier. :) :)
Thank you for sharing your stories. The medication you desire is Botox injections. I’ve never experienced any side effects at 100 units, nor at 200 units. I suddenly get to sleep, to really rest, all through the night. I can forget diapers/pull-ups when I have fresh Botox, which lasts a minimum of four months for me. I cannot recommend Botox enough!!!!!! I am a female with neurogenic bladder that particularly manifests via nocturnal enuresis. Please, please try Botox! HUGS!!!!
i am so sorry that about your bed wetting issues. as for me I've been in diapers most of my life,50yrs. when i was about 5yrs. old i started to wet the bed and had some day time accidents too. i was put in diapers at night unit i turn six, my bed wetting stop for a few years. when i was about 10 i was diagnosis with epilepsy my wetting stared all over again.that's when i was put back in diapers full time 24/7. when i first went to a urologists,he told me that it was part of growing up and he gave me pills to take they didn't work. i tired many urologists over the years and told me that it was overactive bladder. i was given pills going to bathroom every 2 hours and drink just water. i was still having accident so i kept on wearing diapers 24/7. until i found a specialist who dealt with incontinence. she test my bladder and found that i have a very small bladder in witch cause urge was an option or a bladder pacemaker. for me my doctor told me diapers are my best option for now. i do understand what most people deal with wearing diapers. one other thing i found out that i'm dealing anxiety issues too from wearing diapers.
I took meds but they had side effects and tried different things and finally just went back to diapers.

Thanks for sharing your story. I think it helps a lot to share your experiences both individually writhing ourselves and for the group at large. Hearing of others and their situation lets us know that ours is not so unusual, unique or different.

For me my bedwetting, or accidents and you like to say, started when I was a teen. It was very infrequent then wit only a few wet nights in a year. As time went on the wet nights stayed about the same, little more when times of stress though. It kinda came and went for me for a good long time. Long dry times for months then a wet night and dry again or dry a long time then a few months with 1-2 wet nights each month. Right now and for a good while (years) my pattern seems to be 1-2 wet nights a month or less. I just went about a month and a week dry until Monday morning. Dang Mondays. So now I am on two nights dry.

Great group here to share and talk with for support and to give support. Glad you found us.
Hi all,
Thank you for all the posts. Guess when I read these sincere posts it reminds me when I was growing up and just how hard bed wetting tormented me as a kid and all the anxiety it caused. I forgot how much it can mess up your head and self worth, made me feel like a failure and never being able to sleep at a friends house. The one time I did I ended up soaking my sleeping bag. Thank goodness my folks made sure I had a shower curtain under the sleeping bag. I was so humiliated. Leaks have been such a part of life night and day I guess I stopped thinking about how it affected me as a kid. I appreciate each of your posts. It is so nice to know we aren’t alone in all of this.
Have a nice evening everyone,
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