bad start to the morning


Staff member
well, it is defenetely a bad start to the morning

awake at stupid o clock going badly in my nappy, went for ages, and then grabbed a shower

all this before 7 A.M in the morning

actually it's not even half 6 yet, and I am defenetly wide awake
@emily91 Sorry to read that you had a very bad morning. I know you probably just want someone to listen. The group is here for you and we care about you. May your day improve.
That is for sure, Emily! Not the best way to start the day. I know that having to get a shower to clean up before you're really awake is not anybody's idea of fun.
I think your day will get better as it goes along and that the worst part is already behind you!
I know what it's like to have an unpleasant start to my day. Yesterday morning when I went to take a shower, which I needed, the hot water knob was loose, and I didn't know how to tighten it. One u tube video and a trip to the hardware store later, and with my housemate's help, it's all fixed. The day got better. I think we are an awesome listening group!
emily91 ---I'm sorry too that your day started off so wonky. It takes a while to get over the "incident" like when you experience a non-life threatening car accident and spend the next several days sharing your consternation with anyone who will listen. My grandson who is "developmentally delayed" freaks out when he comes close to a car accident and has a hard time putting aside his fear of "what might have happened." But talking about it to someone who cares helps you get over it.

When I think of it, it makes me so grateful that most days are not like that. But taking those bad days in stride is a mark of our overcoming ability as earthly beings. I am always so struck by the little dogs with three legs pulling a two wheeled contraption strapped onto them while they run along as if it wasn't there. Something in our organisms makes us rise above our limitations and also our fears and keep going. It's amazing to me. So the wonderful people on this chat site understand even though we usually will never see one another. It's a lot better than talking to yourself in a mirror!LOL
I agree with that, @ritanofsinger, It is amazing how we can rise above our limitations and our fears to just keep on going. And when things don't go just as we had hoped, it is good to have this forum with people who understand what you are going through and knowing we don't have to defend ourselves for our actions.
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