Bad memories returning


Staff member
I’m 64 years old now and have lived a great life. I was told recently by my Urologist that the nerves to my bladder are dead and I can’t tell when I have to pee so I wet all the time. Recently my Bedwetting has caused me a great deal of painful memories.

Whe I was a child and adolescent, I wet the bed a lot. I wet the bed till I was about 17. Things were different back the. We didn’t have pampers or any kind of disposable diapers. It was cloth, diaper pins, and rubber pants. The way parents dealt with Bedwetting was different too. My mom was bipolar but that wasn’t heard of yet so we dealt with her mood swings.

When I would wet the bed back then, I was spanked badly and put in diapers and mom would make it as embarrassing as she could to shame me into stopping. When I got a little older, the punishments got worse. I was put in a diaper for a week at a time. I remember the spankings because the were in front of whoever was there and I got spanked till I was crying my eyes out, then I had to lay down and had a diaper put on and was only allowed to wear my diaper and T-shirt and was treated like a baby and either my mom or my older sister would continue to change me throughout the day. I didn’t have to wear a diaper when I went to school, but a lot of kids knew I bed wet and had wear diapers. When I was in sixth grade me and my friends decided not to take the bus home and walked. On the way home I had to pee really bad and wet myself. I tried to hid it when I got home but my mom caught me and she went off. I was immediately stripped and spanked (my mom had friends over) on my bear butt. She then made me go get all my diaper stuff naked and come back to be put into a diaper and T-shirt in front of everyone. I thought that would be the end to it but no, she made me go outside to play in my diaper and T-shirt. I just sat on the front porch but the other kids in the neighborhood saw me and I was seriously teased and was from then on known as Diaper Boy. I was forced to endure my diaper treatment for a long time. I was only allowed out of my diaper when I stopped wetting bed for 3 or 4 nights in a row. That was really hard but I did it. But as usual it happened again and my punishment started again.

As I got into my teens, most guys start thinking a little sexually and want to be thought of as a man. My mom stripped me of that because of my bed wetting and diapering. I was often stripped, spanked, diapered and baby talked too. My best friend and his sister were bed wetter too and had to wear diapers to bed all the time. Their mom was much nicer but they still wore diapers. I spent the night at his house sometimes but I had to bring my diaper stuff over with me and she would diaper us all before bed. It was nice because it seemed normal and it made me feel better about me. In the morning she would check us to make sure we weren’t wet, if not, we were allowed to play board games - still in diapers, but the 3 of us had fun. We stayed diapered until she made us get dressed and I went home. Life was hard for me during those years.

I rennet my aunt, uncle, and there kids who were much younger than me came to visit us for a few days. During their stay, I wet the bed and was punished in front of everyone including their kids.

Times were different back then and Bedwetting was thought of differently. Shame and punishment were thought of as a good way to get us to stop. I get that and I loved my mother very much dispute whatever happened. Eventually I depressed those memories and forgot about them and my life turned out good. I married, had kids, a great career, became an adjunct college professor, was a VP for a company, etc. life was good and I never thought about the past Bedwetting and punishment again. Now in my mid 60’s and my Bedwetting is starting to awaken all those old memories and experiences. It is really making me feel awful, embarrassed, and the shame is flooding back. I have finally opened up to my wife about my past. She says she understands but I’m not sure she really does. If someone did that stuff today, it would be considered child/sexual abuse. But back then it was fairly normal. I am now trying to come to grips with it. My wife tells me I should go to a Phycologist but I’m not sure - maybe for pride reasons I haven’t. If someone would ask me about something like this, I’d tell them to go see a shrink too. I think I will. I just need to get the courage to make the appointment.

Sorry for the length, I just needed to get this off my chest. Thank you all for being here and I respect you all for what you all go through too. Thank you all and good luck on your journeys in this life.
It cannot be easy facing this history that you have repressed. However, I think you are both right and you do need to discuss it. Incontinence will take a toll on your soul without that kind of baggage. It is important that you have a solid base to lean on and can try to either deal with the past, or find a way to minimize it before it redoubles the new feelings you will experience.

This is a support group. No judgments, no criticism. Sometime the best medicine is to put your feelings down on paper and hit send.

Hang in there, you are amongst friends.

The cruelty makes me sick
I cannot tolerate cruelty and accept no excuses of bi polar or anything other excuses.

I recently read a Quora on line story.
A child dropped his big slurpy drink in Target. It is a huge mass of sticky blue syrup and ice.

The child said I'm sorry Dad! And the father said.
Accidents happen.
Let's get some napkins and clean it up.
The End.

As Greensleeves says, you are among friends here. I think that your idea of seeking professional help is the right thing to do. You might also want to consult another urologist. The idea that the nerves to your bladder are dead sounds farfetched to me. If that were literally true, I think that you would have difficulty urinating at all.
Yes Chris you are right. Things were handled much differently back in the old days. Shame cured all things, hardly ever, but it was accepted behavior. If you were one of the lucky ones that had compassionate parent(s),it may have not been so bad. Most of the bed wetters I grew up with, swam in their sheets every morning. It was frowned upon to put your child back in diapers, or to have continued diapering them until the wetting stopped.
Doctor Spock was big against diapers for bed wetters. And most raised their children with his help. There were exceptions on occasion. Seems like different parts of the Country handled bed wetting differently. In my case, where most were swimmers(no protection), my Mom was an exception. She handled my bed wetting with diapers. It was our little secret and I was treated with respect. I was 5 when my parents divorced and my bed wetting started. One evening my mom convinced me to try diapers for one night, and if I didn't like it that would be it. Well you all know the rest of the story! I am not sure why my mom was an exception but I believe it was out of desperation. She was working 2 jobs, to keep the household together, she had no time for extra laundry. Which was a chore with no dryer and an old wringer washer. Surely a few diapers and pants were easier then daily sheets and blankets. I commend my Mom for thinking out of the box. It surely added to my comfort and after the initial embarrassment was really no big deal. Remembering at that time it was a neighborhood race to get your kid potty trained first. Admitting you had a bed wetter was a failure.
My how things have changed,no longer an issue if you have a bed wetter now just BUY Goodnights.

I didn't take the time to read your story. Anything that has to do with punishment, embarrassment and bladder issues is extremely triggering.

But the good news is, is that I am strong enough to handle it regardless of my mental setbacks in due time. I'm also man enough, to say - I don't want to be triggered which is why I cannot bear to read the wall of text.

Why? Because there are many people in this world that have suffered real memories of humiliation, physical and emotional pain of punishment. You are not alone -

Remember we said we were friends? That is still the case.

The place where I am living has staff - I take care of my own continence needs and choose to use the bathroom regardless of the pain and pressure my bladder endures during the day; at night - I do wear a diaper.

It took me a long time to accept the need for protection because of my past - but I worked through it.

You can too.


Just because we are young adults, adults, or elders - doesn't mean our childhood was any less than real.

Blessings In Christ,
@Inconinmiss I have Neurogenic Bladder - which means I damaged and severed most nerves between my bladder and my spine after falling down a cliff, yet I still retain most daytime control. Please don’t speak of things you know nothing about. It is completely possible to have dead nerves to your bladder and I suffer the incessant hell from having done so. Your kind of incontinence is not my kind of incontinence, but that doesn’t mean my kind of incontinence doesn’t exist. Nobody goes around here on the forum telling *you* that your kind of incontinence doesn’t exist, so don’t go around saying that to other people, either.
You had a protracted cruel and shocking experience as a child. I was - am - a bed wetter and my parents and family were all really kind and helpful, my schoolmates (I was at boarding school) never teased or even seemed to notice that I was different. (Quaker school). Do see a psychologist about all your past and memories, it could really help; they are very matter-of-fact. If you felt it didn't help, you could stop. I have no difficulty with my husband knowing I wear protection (my problem became worse in my 60s, and much worse again after my Covid vaccination) and I am prepared to tell friends if necessary. While I wouldn't broadcast my problem I am not too ashamed to talk about it. Other people are genuinely very understanding. Hoping this helps a bit.
I'm about a decade off from you but your story definitely brings back some horrible memories I had from my bedwetting years. Unfortunately I never stopped until I was 50 and the wetting was largely due to my treatment as a child with most of that due to my night problem and how it was handled. I had visited counselors and psychiatrists over the years but finally found one that helped. With her assistance and me being determined to stop, I've been dry for almost a year.
I understand you are facing a different issue now but my point was to you and others who might share some similar trauma that there may be help out there if you really want to heal or have some sort of closure. We can't change the past but there are ways we can learn to overcome many of our childhood traumas.
Please don't get so angry with someone who doesn't know everything - nobody does. He/she was only trying to help. If you disagree with someone, do it perhaps more patiently?
@inconimiss @snow @abigailbear

I am doing a lot of laundry this morning thanks to a restless night because I can't refrain from wanting to address this conversation!

I have to say it takes time to send a message here and shows caring to do so Inconimiss but I have to agree with Snow that one of the wonder of incontinence I've observed here is no one not even our specialist doctors can seem to agree what is causing each individuals Incontinence so he best we can do is listen to one another and learn if someone, like Snow. Or even myself have reasons to be incontinent due to an injury although there's a million reasons from genetics and child abuse to illnesses and beyond the make us wee the way we do.

I appreciate Snows angry voice I hear a lot of us women speaking in polite suppressed depressed tones and there must be a place we can be loud and speak our outrage that a formerly active strong woman is now "dependent" (on depends).
Abigailbear you sound like a sweet person and brave enough to speak up and call for civility but it i alright to be real here and say if someone is stepping on ones sore toe (ie don't diagnosis me! Just listen and respect as peeing in my bed every night is NOT the lifestyle I ever intended!)

I hope I have addressed all of you respectfully. Regardless of age or condition I am glad I am part of this forum navigating the slings and arrows of this outrageous fortune to learn from you all.

Apologies if I missed any typos the print is light grey on the tablet.
Maymay941, I thank you for your candor. This site is for people to express themselves and mane learn something from others. Yet, time and again, individuals speak up about things the know nothing about. They offer advice like they are a doctor or tell you that’s not possible. We have gone through many tests and doctor appointments to figure all this out. I finally got my diagnosis and reported it here only to be told some id*t that is smarter that everyone on earth it not possible. So I feel for you and all those who have to read their stupidity. Thank you again!
Chris I sometimes picture is as little aquariums with different fish in various glass bowls. The Siamese fighting fish looks into the goldfish tank and thinks I'd kill if I was in that environment all the food pellets no hiding places! He gets bigger by the day and no one knows why!
The gold fish says how warm the water looks in his tank but he's so small! Not enough food! A school of neons swim in theirs and run in circles . None knows truly what goes on in each others glass bowl some old some young sone adapting to swimming upside down...
Hey guys,

I couldn't find my original post content - but I got thinking this morning about my bladder problems and memories -

I couldn't find the post but things resonated with me because I still feel different for my bladder condition compared to other people.

I'm very fortunate I suppose that I don't have it as worse than some - and maybe some people would rather take the pain than the constant incontinence.

I don't know.

But being humiliated and shamed with diapers as a child for toileting issues is something that doesn't go away - but I realized even how alone I feel; It's just a feeling.

I wish there was a way people could speak up for those who feel that same humiliation and trauma. I think back to the post a year or two ago when we would occasionally get parents who would look for recommendations - and I hope that I made at least a positive impact on another's life so they don't have to go through what I went through.

Some thoughts,
Try not to dwell on the past. Times were different back then. What was acceptable in the 50’s, 60’s, and 70’s is now considered unacceptable or even criminal. I grew up with a lot of humiliation and shame due to bed wetting. That’s not to say my parents didn’t love me - they did! My mom just didn’t know any better and she was encouraged and instructed to use the techniques she did. The trauma I experienced back then, still resides with me but I try to keep it repressed. I live my life to the fullest despite my past. I don’t harbor bad feelings toward my parents - I love them and I still have good memories of my past. My bad memories do rear their ugly head at times, but I try hard to repress them. It does no one any good to dwell on them. I do use them to treat others better and not to repeat those actions throughout my life. Enjoy life and try to live life to its fullest despite past traumatic memories. Try not to use past events to influence today; use them to help others today.
Chris318 said:
Try not to dwell on the past. Times were different back then. What was acceptable in the 50’s, 60’s, and 70’s is now considered unacceptable or even criminal. I grew up with a lot of humiliation and shame due to bed wetting. That’s not to say my parents didn’t love me - they did! My mom just didn’t know any better and she was encouraged and instructed to use the techniques she did. The trauma I experienced back then, still resides with me but I try to keep it repressed. I live my life to the fullest despite my past. I don’t harbor bad feelings toward my parents - I love them and I still have good memories of my past. My bad memories do rear their ugly head at times, but I try hard to repress them. It does no one any good to dwell on them. I do use them to treat others better and not to repeat those actions throughout my life. Enjoy life and try to live life to its fullest despite past traumatic memories. Try not to use past events to influence today; use them to help others today.

Amen Chris,

I like what you said about the 50,60, and 70a - even in the 90s and 2000s (I'm still in my 20s) - what was my memories and abuse would be considered illegal today.

Times sure have changed. But I'm trying not to dwell in the past; even thought living with a medical condition is a constant reminder.

Blessings In Christ,
Thank you Honeecombs. Live for today - use the past as a guide for living your life today. Learn from the past (good and bad). May the Lord be with you always.
Chris318 said:
Thank you Honeecombs. Live for today - use the past as a guide for living your life today. Learn from the past (good and bad). May the Lord be with you always.

That's something my mom tells me sometimes to help calm my mental health issues. "God is on your side" she tells me. I try really hard to process that when my paranoia gets the best of me. I know I have a crappy past - and putting myself first may have hurt me on the inside; but I try to look past things hoping each day things will get better.

Thank you again,
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