We also keep telling you that unfortunately, the goal of disability companies AND federal SSDI is to deny, deny, deny, and deny some more, every claim they receive. They don’t want to spend any of their gargantuan wealth. It’s sinisterly criminal, but you just have to accept that’s how it’s going to be - a long, laborious, uphill battle - FOR YEARS. You would do well to move in with a family member because you’re not going to get any actual disability pay for a longgggggg time, at least months, and more likely, years. You’re likely going to need SSDI for the rest of your life and that takes 3-5 years to receive, and you MUST have an attorney to apply for SSDI - another thing we keep telling you over and over again, and you keep ignoring our advice: GET A DISABILITY ATTORNEY. You don’t have to pay them up front; they just take a percentage of what they win for you. Insurance companies criminally aren’t going to give you any payout until you’ve got an attorney who does the communicating with them. It’s shitty, but it’s the way of the world. Accept it, or you’ll keep losing this battle.
Almost everyone here who gives you advice is at least 20 years older than you, and often more like 40 years older than you. We’ve already been through stuff like what you’re going through. You should really start listening to us and taking our advice. We know what we’re talking about. We keep trying to help you but it’s hard to have continuing empathy for you when you insist on ignoring our advice. Why do you keep making so many posts when you don’t care what we say? We invest a lot of time and energy communicating with you but you barely notice or care. You never say thank you. You selfishly almost never give hearts to anyone, even though the rest of us give them to you.