Back at the Er


Staff member
Round five at the Er. Called my doctor again today as I have been in so much pain and they sent me here. They are busy so I got blood work and then sent back to the waiting room.
@ThatFLGuy Sorry, but I hate your ignorant, useless doctor. You should have a diagnosis(es) by now and well into the treatment(s) phase.
I’m so sorry, I HATE sitting there just waiting... I’ve spent so much time in ER’s & waiting offices I’ve burned through 5 Nook e-readers in the last three years alone. We’re at a point I just have my wife drop me off, it’s just too hard on her to helplessly sit by and watch me suffer.
I would write a certified letter to the President / CEO and explain the HELL this jerk has put you through. If I hadn’t I’d be paralyzed from the neck down right now or dead, I am deadly serious. You MUST be your own advocate, nobody else seems to care anymore unless it’s billable.
On the lighter side, I guess it’s a little better than sitting on the dock like that now toe-less other Florida Man!
I’ll be thinking about you, hang in there...
Hi FlGuy, I hope you have been able to speak up today as you were waiting in the ER. As Sprung 87 says, you must be your own advocate and it's sucky that nobody in the medical establishment over where you are really seems to care, except us here on the forum. I'm really sorry to hear about your setback and the same old rigmarole that they are putting you through. Admittedly I'm kind of late responding as your post was sent 10 hours ago. By this time I hope you have been able to learn something more concrete about what's going on and why you needed to go to the ER today. And I really hope the pain is better by now. I remember I told Snow in a post that it would be nice if someone would invent a device that allows doctors to walk in your shoes for a day to see just what you're going through. And if any doctor needs such a device, it's the ones you saw today! At this late hour, I hope you are more comfortable and that you will be finding out about the tests you took last week without much further delay. Just know we are thinking about you and are pulling for you!
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