AUS opinions for stress incontinence


Staff member
I’m considering AUS surgery after a year and a half of stress in continence after a prostate surgery. Tried PT and I got a bit more control. Asking if anyone out there has had the AUS surgery under the same circumstances and if they are satisfied with the results. Is the switch difficult to use? Is it uncomfortable when doing physical work?
Please let me know your thoughts. Thanks in advance.
I was where you are, but I got the AUS surgery last year. I am totally pleased with it. After the waiting/recovery period, about 6 weeks, it was activated. I still do everything I did before my prostate surgery with no discomfort. I now pee like I’m 25 years old again. You will be well pleased and wonder why you waited so long. Good luck to you and keep us posted. Btw the pump is no big deal once you pump it a couple times you don’t even feel the balloon activate, but you pee right away. And when you’re done you still won’t feel anything, only relief.
I had it about 3 mos ago after 16 months of incontinence post RP. Should have done it sooner (I’m 77). For me it was life changing for the better.
If you've had radiation treatments there's a possibility that the urethra may have been weakened. That was the case with me. So, the AUS caused a leak in my urethra which was accompanied by painful urination and infection. While the AUS functioned as advertised it required an additional surgery to remove it. Am I disappointed? You bet!
Everyone goes for AUS or SLING and many guys on this blog have been happy. I’ve also seen many in my 6 years at 76 since RP, whose problems persisted or required further interventions, removals, etc.

One procedure, that a friend has successfully had, is the PROACT Procedure. It’s only been available for about 2-3 years. It’s Medicare covered, more easily completed and adjusted if necessary, less invasive, cheaper, etc. No idea why it’s not performed more frequently, except its shorter track record than AUS&Sling.
My doctor said I was not a candidate for sling as my incontinence was pretty bad. I didn’t have any radiation after my prostate removal so I am optimistic that there won’t be any complications with the AUS but always worried about infection.
I went through 7-8 pads a day before I started using a clamp. With the clamp I go through 2 pads and one diaper at night.
My doctor told me that his decision to do the AUS over the sling surgery was based on my dryness or lack of it overnight. I got up 2-3 times a night to pee and still the diaper was wet in the morning.
@stryder I recently heard about PROACT in this forum for the first time. I plan to discuss it with my urologist at our meeting in October.
I had the AUS surgery in Oct 2023. So far it is life changing. I had extreme incontinence for a year after prostate surgery. I tried kegels, pelvic floor exercises, meds and eliminated bladder irritants from my diet. Nothing helped.
The AUS surgery was done at Duke. Some discomfort for. Couple of weeks after. After the device was activated it took a week or so to get the hang of it. I also had intense urgency for a week or so. I am very happy I had the surgery even though I still have minor drips when I cough, sneeze or lift heavy things. I’m baa m at the gym regularly and doing all my normal activities. The one thing that is very beneficial is that I found some in intontinence underwear that are washable. Makes me feel normal Some days they are totally dry
Good luck with your decision
I have had excellent success with transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation - a once a week treatment for about 10 weeks. I was very surprised with the success because the weekly procedure (needle in the ankle with electrical impulses for about 20 min), was very mild and easy to tolerate. Brought urination back to normal for me.
I am 5 days post activation of my AUS and couldn't be happier. Can be a slippery sucker to manipulate at first but getting better. Most of all I'm dry, no leaks at all. That's coming from being soaked even with a clamp. Glad to see the back of that. Early days, but highly recommend procedure.
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