Augmentation cystoplasty and urinary diversion.


Staff member
First off sorry about any writing this on my phone...

Anyone been offered these options?

I refused interstim. Im probably going to try PTNS in the new year but know it wont get me out of diapers but figure its worth a shot.

After that, these radical surgeries are my only remaining otions and with mild kidney impairment some of the varieties in these surgeries are already a no go.

My urologist still urges me to consider removing my bladder and getting a stoma. Ive adamantly rejected this a few times. I dont want my body image changing and urine bags can leak and smell. Youre still 100% incontinent so i fail to see how thats better than diapers.

The side effects and complications of augmentation cystoplasty are extreme and were not fully communicated to me by my doctor...i am sure she would have educated me in more detail if i was seriously considering the surgery, but what ive found here on the Cleveland Clinic website is terrifying and a total no go for me.

2 links for diversion and one for cystoplasty. Read the "disadvantages" sections for each.

Whay would anyone choose this? Am i missing something?

Im seeing my uro later this week and i know shes going to bring it up again...i plan to print these out and show her why i dont want it. Hopefully she will stop and just accept that im ok in diapers. She is an amazing doctor and SO compassionate and not anti diaper, but she does seems to still think that literally anything wpuld be better than being in diapers. I know shes genuinely trying to help me, but these surgeries sound so much worse than wesring diapers for the rest of my life....

Given the low success rate and the unpleasant test proceedures i cant fathom why anyone would choose to specialize in urology.
I thought your comments about diapers as a reasonable treatment protocol gave dignity and confidence to those who have found them to ve the best method of moving on with other lufe interests
@MikeJames I have been offered these, but so far I have only tried Botox with mixed success. These operations do seem to have a lot of complications? Cheers Phil
@chaps54 thanks yeah theres no way i would prefer those options over diapers! I can live with diapers. I can't deal with constant cathing, irrigating mucous out of my bladder daily, or maintaining a stoma and urine bag.....i am bewildered as to how any doctor can try to sell these options as a positive alternative to diapers lol.
Yep, I was offered this, in fact my first Dr. wrote in his notes basically this patient needs augmentation cystoplasty. I would need to pull up the letter. It scared me to death. Today, I still have my bladder, a new Dr. and basically how I want to do things is all good, yes they had to run their tests, then sent me home with a script of monthly straight caths, and Foley catheters if I need or want to have it in me.
Right now my urology PA and I are concentrating on pain, I have awful bladder spasms and pelvic pain. We are now looking at the Attain product, we were told male patients can use this. Guess will see
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