As we approach another holiday together


Staff member
I just want to extend my warmest regards to each of us here. Each of you has been such a huge comfort to know. Because of the intimate experience we share it breaks down barriers of self acceptance and creates a friendship like no other.
Feeling the gratitude for sharing another year with you brave strong people one and all.
Thank you8 Maymay,

I too am thankful for this board and all who participate here. It is always great to be able to share with those who can relate. I know I don't offer much in the way of participation but please know we share our spirits with one another.

Maymay, thanks for your eternal positivity and your unique presence. YOu mean alot to all of us.

Thank you Chaps. I have not been active in speaking here as time goes by but largely due to the self acceptance and adjustment that came over time from the good folk here so unless I have an urgent idea I too am quiet but complicit in support of the individual journeys.
I feel like I have been pretty participatory, but I am NEW here, since Sep '22, so it's all new to me!

Thanks, @Maymay941 for this post, because it gives us all a chance to 'share the LOVE for all here - those that speak up, those that don't but send positive vibes, hearts and prayers to everyone and especially to the ones that share their own personal experience with all of us newbies who are just 'finding our way'!!!

Some of what I share may be old news to a lot of you, but I try to put it out there for the ones that follow me in the journey, as I am so appreciative of all those that went before me and the knowledge they shared. I know without this forum, I wouldn't know half the info I do - the urologist mentioned a lot of things, but NOT the EXTENT of them - so this forum has helped immensely!!!

So, to all who celebrate, Happy Thanksgiving & Merry Christmas!!! To those who don't, find something to celebrate and Happy Holiday season!!!

+God+bless+ to all!!!
Its hard to keep giving advice on how to cope over and over but indeed the general support is a really big part of learning to live with some variety of the ultimate condition we share.

I think each one is almost unique in the way our bodies came to become incontinent and in how each individual body adjusts to treatment or use of incontinent supplies.

Carry on!!
The way I look at it @Maymay941 - for a support community - there has always got go be regulars that come in and share advice whether it's over and over again - because we don't know what's going on, on another side of a computer screen.

For all we know, our kind words could mean the world to someone who is struggling with bladder or bowel symptoms - and what's the use of a support forum if all there is - is new people.

I'll admit, I'm saddened to see some staples of people that used to frequent this board I no longer have the pleasure of talking to (like Bill and Barbara) - but such is life.

You, as well as others who are no longer with us; give me the spirit to continue giving as it was receiving from them; helped me the most in dealing with mental and health problems that bladder control problems affected me.

It's a process Honeycombs.
Some of us were here alot for years but at some point need to seperate and acknowledge the other parts of our lives with out the emphasis on incontinence or being overly involved in the bubble squeak of others every day growth.
Some may have moved to reorient as they make peace with the lot they are given others might have more overwhelming health and life issues.

If you feel empowered to give your kind words and energy here it is a wonderful two way street, we all benefit giver and recipient
@Maymay941, @Honeeecombs, well said.

I too am quiet much of the time, but am on several times a day to see what's being discussed. Sometimes I'll have something to post, like the other day. Just lots of thoughts regarding the evolution of my acceptance of my issues.

I do think it's necessary to bring certain subjects to the forefront now and then, even if they've been discussed years back. New members show up and if they see a vibrant community, they'll want to be part of it. Without activity, we become an archive, a library. Boring and you won't meet people who can support you and help you to grow.

When a topic is brought back up, I'm sure there will be new content that hasn't been discussed before. Maybe new products, meds, procedures, ideas, etc. And the more people see this being discussed openly, the more it's accepted as normal for a lot of people and not something to be ashamed of, thus helping to finally reduce the stigma attached to it.

Maybe it can help get some more accurate data in the future too, regarding how common this is.
Thank you, MayMay, for starting this conversation.
Experiencing a November thaw. We did discovered we have windows. I wasn't sure, but used some vinegar on what turned out to be glass, and there they were. Who knew? Who would have guessed?
You have to turn out every light so the windows (at least, I think they are windows) don't just reflect the inside.
Into every dust, some frozen ice accumulates on the roads.

Anyway, I'm out of the ICU. They gave me water pills - the opposite of anything a Incontinence person wants. They are beginning to wear off. That means i don't spend every hour in the bathroom - a blessing, right? They had some suggestions about diet and they seem to help, some. Like no carbonation.
Life goes on, and I sinceeriy hope all is well and you have a chance at a good set of holidays.
Do take care. Stay safe.
Just a thanks to everyone here that helps with advice and dealing with our problems. Tomorrow is my first day back to work with incontinence so a little nervous today. Going to try the external catheter.
Give your catheter or disposable underwear a trial run at home first!

If you pack a spare pair of trousers and disposables underwear in a bag so you can change if you need to. Put in a plastic bag for a soiled garment for clothes.
Carry a pack of wet wipes too.
No matter how we plan accidents can happen.dont blame your self its just sods law stuff happens.
Be prepared. The girl/boy scout motto.
Thank you BPatrick I am well just rolling along. Bed wetting is sobering. Going to bed each night knowing what will happen. Waking and prioritizing making the bed fresh as though pretending if I do it fast it didn't happen just trying to start the day with personal care slightly depressed from the whole experience.
It’s a vicious cycle May. I somewhat understand as it’s been 2.5 years since my surgery. I’m good now but had a rough time in the beginning. I’m sorry you’re feeling depressed and I surely know that feeling and it sucks. ♥️
Yes we do unfortunately. If there’s anything I can do to help you not feel depressed please don’t hesitate to let me know. I think it’s important to have someone to talk woth and that really helped me when I was down ♥️
MayMay, would my system help you? I can’t change my bed myself, so I need to try and keep it clean in between aides to change the bed. It does add laundry… but I have two dog food containers that are air tight. I put laundry in one and disposables in the other to hopefully keep the smell down. My reusable pads are quite big, so I don’t move off them. The towels on the pads and my pull-ups adsorb the urine mostly. Good luck with it!
Made an interesting discovery Saturday about dusk. A snowshoe hare (dressed in winder coat, naturally) and a squirrel (we have one of the smallest kinds) were outside the window, playing around a bush, sort of taking turns chasing each other. It was so much fun, I forgot to have an accident.
Give it a try! (I suspect you need a snowshoe hare, not a bunny, and not one of those big-city huge squirrels. Take one of each to work and distract your co-workers and they won't notice the other problem.
Hey, people. Humor is where you find it. Besides, it's fun!

Happy holoday!
@Jimfrompa, Good luck on your first day back to work! Hopefully that first day back will give you confidence. It's inevitable that there could be setbacks, but KEEP moving forward. One way or another, it'll get better.

I'm assuming your work knows what's happening, otherwise why would you be off. I'm sure there should be many supportive people there that will be happy to see you back and be supportive however they can.
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