Anyone else with Interstital Cystitis as well?


Staff member
Curious if anyone else here has Interstitial Cystitis as well as incontinence issues. Looking to connect with others who are going through similar things.
I do. I have a formal diagnosis of interstitial cystitis, but I met with my new urologist today (my old one retired) and he pointed out that there's a continuum between interstitial cystitis and overactive bladder so it's not always clear. He seemed willing to treat the symptoms I'm having, but it remains to be seen whether he is really willing to work with me on resolving the issues and managing the ongoing pain.

There are plenty of us who are going through the same thing you are. The conventional wisdom is that if it hurts, it's IC, and if you leak, it's OAB. That leaves it all of us who both hurt and leak!
Yes - I also have this problem. The IC problem has become much better in the meantime. It took a while until it was diagnosed and I had initially tried to get it under control with dietary changes. That also worked partially. In the meantime I had two Gepan (chondroitin sulfate) instillations which worked very well in relation to the pain. Unfortunately, I still have the incontinence. It is suspected that nerves in the bladder were damaged, which leads to the fact that I no longer notice properly when the bladder fills. When I notice it, it is usually too late. The chance that this will change again is probably rather small but at least I'm first rid of the pain.
I have IC and OAB. The pain is awful. Have tried too many things to mention. Wish there was a way to heal my bladder so the pain would just stop!
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