Any pastors or pastoral threads here?


Staff member
Hi all, brand-new newbie here.

I had robotic radical prostatectomy Aug. 10, nerves and all. Recovery has been really rough for me; one trip back to ER by ambulance. Mostly good days and nights now, thank God.

I'm trying to envision the path back to preaching, and the rest of my life. I haven't found anything specific to guide me yet. Is there a thread here I missed, or is anyone reading this a pastor who can share his experience?

Thanks in advance.
I am not a minister by vocation, but have had to draw on my Christian faith for Hope, Patience and Endurance in my radical prostatectomy journey. You are early in the journey if August 10 was your surgery.It WILL get better as you adjust and adapt to your circumstances. You didn’t say how old you are. I am 71, not what I wanted to deal with over a year ago. Have had ups and downs and am now monitoring a rising PSA. You are not alone and you WILL find your strength and endurance. As a man of faith, you know you have the Holy Spirit within you to hold you up and carry you when you are down and giving up. You also have this forum of wonderful people who are so generous to share their journey and provide you with the support and encouragement that you need.
You will find your way back into the pulpit and continue on your life’s journey, no matter what adaptations you have to make. You will find that over time, you will be able to accept the changes as part of a routine and bump in the road.
May our Lord and Savior richly bless and keep you in His loving care.
Thank you so much for your kind and encouraging words. I am 65. I was not a dynamo or an athlete before, but I did have a life and independence. And in this space of almost 3 weeks, there have been such struggles that right now it's hard to see my path back to the life and ministry that I love and am grateful for.
I urge you to give your body the time it needs to heal. This may be a 'season' intended by God for you to spend off your feet. Moving ahead too quickly may actually set you back (and for all I know, hinder full recovery.) I will be praying that God will give you peace about all of this; just know that there may be accommodations necessary, but these will bring you back to a more normal life. That is the lot of a great many people, and many of us here. However, life does go on, and as I had to find out, this whole new challenge is only as big a problem as I allow it to be.
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