Another newbie to NAFC


Staff member
I am a 66 yo female, and for the last 4-5 years I have had stress incontince, especially when coughing. I have severe asthma, and when I am getting sicker, I have worsening problems with the incontinence. I have done pelvic strengthening exercises and Kegel exercises, which helped, but when the asthma get flaring, I pee a LOT, have to wear super absorbent pads and change often. I was curious about the Medtronic device and if it would work for this. I have had incontinence at time like if I was to fall or trip, but coughing is the worst! I take Ditropan, I did take AZO for incontinence, but nothing really helps.
Hello. I am sorry you have been going through this. As a 60 year old female with COPD I can really relate to what you are saying. For me, I find that if I am sitting when a coughing fit hits it helps. My BFF crosses her legs when she sneezes or coughs. I have both stress and urge urinary incontinence so this only helps me with the stress issue. Wishing you all the best. ***On a final note: for me, when I am on a course of steroids I find that both issues are made MUCH worse. Which, if you think about it, makes sense due to the properties of steroids being an anti inflammatory (?)
Welcome. I’m a 65 year old female with mixed stress/urge incontinence. The Medtronic device didn’t work for e with two trials. You might do better.
Welcome, Mary! I am a 68-year-old-woman with urge incontinence. I have not tried the Medtronic device. The meds didn't work for me. Working with the PT who specializes in incontinence was very helpful.
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