Alternative to Needles for Trimix


Staff member
I recently found this link on the internet. I have been researching Trimix as the pills don’t work so well for me. I had RP in 2019 and was assured there would be a high probability of recovering my erection as I had a strong one prior to surgery. Unfortunately I ended up in that small percentage of guys that did not get it back. I am not a fan of needles though so have hesitated getting the Trimix. Has anyone heard of this alternative? It is a gel form that you plunge into your urethra rather than inject. The link does include a graphic video as a warning. It seems like the more perfect solution if it actually works.

Has any one tried or heard of it?

clickable text
I don't think I would want to stag my penis with a needle. I then would be referred as needle dick. Don't need the additional embarrassment.
The gel is not as effective as the injection, though it does work for many users. I am sorry you can't inject. I have been using Trimix injections for years with wonderful erections as a result. I have absolutely no problem sticking the needle into my penis but I acknowledge that many men just can't do that, so perhaps the gel is the route you should pursue.
This topic has absolutely nothing to do with incontinence. Why aren’t you talking about this in the men’s-only group? You don’t hear women talking about sexual satisfaction here because that’s for another website. THIS IS AN INCONTINENCE WEBSITE, NOT AN E.D. SITE.
Hey Snow, it’s all connected in some ways and stem from PR.

Just started using needles this week. Without getting into details, it works very well and it a piece of cake. Just man-up, you and you wife will be happy with the results.
@snow I apologize if I’ve offended your sensibility. It was in no way meant to offend anyone here.

This forum has provided me with great comfort during a very difficult time in my life. The ability to be open and honest with people suffering from many of the same issues I have been dealing with has helped me a lot. If the discussions were strictly limited to one narrow segment of a complex multi faceted health issue, I think it would fall short of its potential.

For men, the issue of incontinence is integrally tied to structural prostate and bladder problems. But just as importantly they are tied to the healthy emotional and sexual functions. I admittedly am not as informed about what are the many issues tied to incontinence for woman, but have taken the time to try better understand them through this forum. It is critical for relationships between men and woman, that both are informed about the issues that affect each other. This forum would seem a good opportunity for all of us to seek out support and information to help understand what their partners may be dealing with.

Men notoriously don’t open up about things that can also impact their partner. I was discouraged when there was a push to separate men and woman here. It would be a great loss to limit one or the other access to helpful information. It seems indicative of a lot of problems we face today in the US that we are so quick to divide ourselves into warring camps rather than focus on empathy and support for each other.

Peace, love and hope❤️
This isn’t a prostate-only website! I’m so sick of those who’ve had prostatectomies thinking women want or need to hear about your erection problems. We don’t. THIS IS AN INCONTINENCE WEBSITE; we want to discuss incontinence only. If you want to talk about your sexual problems, which have nothing to do with incontinence, do it in the private group. I don’t want to hear about your, nor anyone else’s, erection difficulties.
@Klew11 Unfortunately you left me no choice but to report this entire topic as inappropriate because it is about sex, not incontinence.
I think we should all show respect to the ladys' views, particularly Snow who has been and is a mjor contributer in my mind. I think it is clear what NAFC is an abbreviation for and it is not for sexual problems, except perhaps where they relate to incontinence. Sexual difficulties resulting from RP are nothing to do with incontinence.
Can I just say that anyone of us can see a form topic and choose to open that topic and choose to read it or not.
@Klew11 Thank You for pointing out that Snow speaks with a forked tongue and out of both sides of her mouth! Looks like it depends on the mood she is in...and when it suits her.

I had no choice to report @snow for her continued attacks on those that have a different opinion that she does. Although Snow "...has been and is a mjor contributer..." it doesn't give her the right to try to control free speech and dictate to others what is discussed.

Parone1977 said:
Can I just say that anyone of us can see a form topic and choose to open that topic and choose to read it or not.

How hard is it for you @snow, that you can't just keep scrolling - the subject clearly states what is being discussed here. Many here are tired of your strong-handedness and trying to control others. We will not be silenced!

Have a nice day @snow & as always, +God+bless+!!!
Praying for you!!!
I'm really curious why this cannot be shared in the men only?? Seriously, I thought the men only forum was a great place for males to stop in and get ideas.
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