All good things must come to an end


Staff member
Had a bowel accident today. Decided I was doing well enough with coffee I could have a cup of brewed coffee. Nope. Was diapered up and kept it contained to the bathroom but that always brings the mood down. At least I wasn’t out. Always remember folks: just when you are confident in your coffee consumption a wrench will get thrown in. Always be prepared!

- elijah
Hi @justej, Coffee can be tricky at times. It's kind of hard to decide what triggers things and if there are any impending signs that you've had too much before----well, before it's too late!
But thankful that things behaved all through your trip to West Virginia where it really counted!
Coffee always makes my bowels very loose and right after I drink it I almost immediately have to go to the bathroom.
I had to reduce my coffee, maybe 15 years back, but I'd been a pretty high consumer. Everything was more or less copacetic until about 1.5 years ago, and I got a bit overconfident. Now, have to plan on espresso only as I leave town for home (35 minutes). Coffee at home is okay - but not after about 1400-1500, and I almost never do more than 2 cups, any more. Too much hassle going back & forth to bathroom. Of course, we live rural, so I can get away with ... (Ahem).
Why the change when my diet didn't change?
Now, if you want to get urgent with bowel issues, gorge on fresh fruit when it's in season & worth buying & affordable. Sigh. But those 3 factors don't come together very often, here.

Elijah is a cool name - a classic. Some great great gospel, if you like gospel, and I do.
Mine? I didn't like it due to the bullys in grade school and H.S. Then there are the bureaucrats who insist it is supposed to be i before e.
Now I like it. And even better, now I'm old enough to give a bureaucrat a hard time. Now, that's fun. Sometimes, I can get them to squirm.
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