Advice for diapers when in a wheelchair


Staff member
Good day all
I’m not sure if this has been covered but I thought that I would ask....

A bit of background: I’m a 50 year old male with a spinal tumour in the thoracic spine which is slowly stealing my leg strength and mobility as well as made me almost totally incontinent.

The Drs figure that I’ll be going into a wheelchair in the not so distant future so now to my question:

Are any of you wearing diapers while in a wheelchair? And if so how do you manage changes and such?

I was in a chair for a short time when I fell and fractured my hip but always had help in changing and cleaning so I’m not sure if one can look after diaper changes by oneself in a chair...

Any help would be appreciated.
@Visleguy I’m so sorry about your tumor and situation; sounds really tough. I’m not in a wheelchair, but what I’ve heard others here say who are in a wheelchair is that most have a catheter and bag. When my grandma was in a wheelchair, she had a catheter, from age 70-82. Doctors don’t like younger people (including your age) to use catheters because they scar your bladder. But obviously some people don’t have a choice. I think that will be up to your urologist. Mine told me he wouldn’t give me a catheter until I was 70.

My grandmother was quite obese, a “three person assist.” The nursing home didn’t always have the staff required to lift her to change her diapers. One wench pulled so hard on her, she broke her shoulder! That’s when they decided to keep her cathed. I’m not sure what they did when she needed to have a bowel movement. That probably happened infrequently enough that they could get her to the toilet for that.

I wish you the best and hope you’ll stay active here.
Not in a wheelchair or have any experience with that but I would imagine a lot of it would come down to whether you are able to transfer yourself. I would think it would be quite difficult to change while in the chair itself but if your able to transfer yourself to a bed to change it likely wouldn't be too difficult. I'm not sure about how would be best to manage out and about.
Hello sir, I was in a wheelchair for over a year. Most of that time, I had to be helped because of a body cast. But like above, it really depends on if you can transfer and how mobile you are. If you are not in one yet, I would practice transfers and changes. My issues was pressure sores and tailbone area pain, and moisture rashes. Baby powder was a good fix for rashes and very good diapers. A chair with removable sides while in it is very helpful if you have to change in the chair like out and about. And establishing a good schedule for your bowel movements so you know when you are safe to go out without having issues. Good luck to you!
Hi @Visleguy, You have come to the right place to ask for support and advice. I myself have had no experience with wheelchairs but you have my best wishes that things will go even better than expected and please, if you have any questions at all or just want to drop in and see what's going on here, you know you are always welcome and the door is always open!
@Visleguy There is a lovely helpful guy in here who has a wheelchair, I forget his username but his name is Dean something. Perhaps others might remember his username so we can pull in his thoughts on this.

I am an avid fan of the external catheter and know of some people who use them when using wheelchairs.
Hi @laalaauk and @visleguy, I think we're thinking of Dean wants to help but I haven't seen a post by him in some time. Hopefully he's okay!
I have been in a wheelchair since I was 65 (nearly 8 years ago). I had an accident causing spinal in jury at C4/5, paralysis below my chest, spasticity and double incontinence. I have a suprapubic catheter. My incontinence pad is changed each morning by carers while I am still in bed.
Hi. I’m a part time wheelchair user. I’m an amputee and have to use my wheelchair when I can’t use my prosthetic (and I was in a wheelchair for a good 9 months after amputation and also at times after I fractured my ankle in 4 places that led up to the amputation). Anyhoo it definitely depends on your mobility. I was able to get on my knees and put weight on my good leg and change up against a wall. This was NOT easy and took some practice. Like Barry I now have a suprapubic catheter. This makes things much easier.
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